1/72 Bandai Red 5


Sr Member
Still a long work in progress. Few decals mostly airbrushed. Only two years into model building since my youth.
Fire away any thoughts good or bad.

Great job so far. After rebuilding one myself, i recommend this


Thats set has almost the same diameter of the laser cannons

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Little more work and I did the base paint on the 1/48 moving edition as well. Torn if I want to weather them as I like the high contrast look right now.
Looks like you go tall the key markings.

One thing I might suggest now is blending it all with weathering. To me that is what really sells it. The high contrast clean look tends to make it toy like in my opinion. You don;t have to go nuts, build up in layers. Don't add to much at a time
Looks like you go tall the key markings.

One thing I might suggest now is blending it all with weathering. To me that is what really sells it. The high contrast clean look tends to make it toy like in my opinion. You don;t have to go nuts, build up in layers. Don't add to much at a time
I agree. No such thing as a clean X-Wing. The weathering really adds to the presentation.

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As much as I love rebel weathering, I went a bit far on this.

So the me, this was found at in the Yavin 4 Buy'nSell


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Can you guys suggest what steps to take next. I have weathered stuff before but I would like to take a more systematic approach to these then. Layers etc.

I just dont want to start dumping washes over it etc I guess is what I mean. I want to take a more professional approach if that makes sense. Here is my Ywing

Can you guys suggest what steps to take next. I have weathered stuff before but I would like to take a more systematic approach to these then. Layers etc.

I just dont want to start dumping washes over it etc I guess is what I mean. I want to take a more professional approach if that makes sense. Here is my Ywing

View attachment 700973
Washes are still a good idea to get shadow in areas and suggest more depth. I don't even consider it weathering, just part of the standard paint and finish.

Next step for me is usually some dry-brushing over edges and raised surfaces. This is usually done with a lighter color and a medium-wide brush. I like art craft acrylics for this as they dry fast.

I'll do some stippling with an older brush for major paint chip effects, scratches, and blaster marks. Stippling is lie dry brushing but with a stronger color and limited to high wear or damaged areas.

For heavier weathering, smoke stains or exhausts, I use pastels both wet and dry. I prefer oderless linseed oil for my pastels, it's a lot like applying makup. I recommend wearing a latex glove on your hand holding the model to keep fingerprints off.

Seal it all with a good matt coat.

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So after I let 2 coats of gloss cure for a week I put a black gunk wash on the model. Man it looks like **** I got it as clean as I could but stained the paint job and now I have like brush strokes on the finish and it general it looks like ass. Not a fan of this at all. It discolored the plastic and now its this grayish ich.

Steps I took

2 coats of clear gloss

Coverd model in Starship filth.

Took old t-shirt and began to wipe away.

Noticed paint seemed to be almost sticky

left streaks and stains all over.
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I did just the sfoils on the top. I think this looks terrible maybe it is par for the course but to me it looks like ass. Maybe I am better off airbrushing this stuff on as it gives it more of a natural look than all this smeared crap. For some reason I am terrible at washes and such on flat surfaces it always leaves a nasty filter over everything that I do not like the look of at all. I can do washes in areas like the droid strip or on miniature figures etc. The droid strip is the only aspect of this process I am happy with. I am have not touched the 1/48 since finishing all the base colors and having cleared it. I am scared to run that as this as it stands is trash bait to me. It looks worse in person.
Akumazeto your being too hard on yourself. Looks great in the pics to me.

So what if it's not perfect? Paint over or dry brush some lighter color back over it if too dark for your tadte.
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