Sorry to hear that. It is a great model so I guess I am not suprised. Still I know you put in a lot of hard work.
I am always a little bit on the fence about this type of thing. Not in any way related to "is it, or is it not a bad" thing. I think it is stealing (in a way) so it is bad.
What bothers me is more of the license standpoint. When I was working for Top Cow Productions people would sculpt statues of our characters (Witchblade was the most common) then cast it and sell copies. Really they were stealing from us. It was our character and the people that invented it were having their profits (at the very least the royalty on anything produced from their creation) denied them. That experiance made me see that any non-licensed creations were, is in some ways stealing as well, and I have trouble saying this theft is OK, but this one is not. Is one alright because it is the stealing a creation, a design, a popularity, a built in market, and the other wrong because it is stealing all that plus the phsyical work someone did?
I don't know. I have always (and this was for the most part Top Cow's policy as well) drawn that line at direct copies (like this case of the Enterprise) We as a company have seen people recast statues we did make, and we go after those folks. But if someone makes there own product from stratch and copies and sells it then we always wrote that off a more of a tribute and adding to our popularity. But that is more of a moral line. The fact that a person scratch building something (that is not an original property) is still copying the design, and work from the original company that made it, The moment it is sold then they have taken something from someone (money) and I have trouble saying that is alright, but then stealing that design is all wrong.
It all makes my head hurt. I do aviod recasters as much as possible, if for no other reason then the product at that point is about profit so the quality tends to suffer. That, in the long run is what keeps them down, and usually less popular then the original. Just about everything, ever made (I see sabers "cast off the original" in the JK - how is that not a recast of the work? - because it is not fan made recasting it is OK?) has been recast at this point, I am suprise it still shocks folks.
I think the best we can do is to keep pointing out when things are recast like this. The fact is that these resin casts will not be as high quality as REL's product, so these people will get what they pay for - a cheaper made, not as nice product.
Keep up the great work REL - someday I will be able to afford something from you (heck even the crappy recast is out of my range.)