1/12th ANH X-Wing Fighter, update page-4


Master Member
Well all this talk lately about the large x-wing miniature got me fired up again to plod on with some work i had already done on this baby!. I feel bad cause i should have finished the tie-bomber like months ago but i got distracted once again by this sucker lol!. Anyway bomber first to finish then back to this. This x-wing will not feature the same detail as the ILM version, i plan to copy the 1/24th version details scaled up by 2x. I prefer the 1/24th details rather than the bashed 1/12th version.
Parts in photos are still rough especially the large copied saturn cover and need to be trimmed and detailed.
Armature will be machined aluminium with styrene fuselage built over a wooden former then removed and detailed.
Good to hear opinions from you guys on this baby.
Cheers, Stu
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Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

WOW!! This is one thread i will be keeping up with , can't wait to see your progress on this project.
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

I have plans to make a 1/6 scale eventually. I would very much like to see a 1/4 scale here!
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

1/6th or 1/4th scale!!!, dude you may as well go all the way and build a 1 to 1 scale full size bird, can't be much more work involved lol. That is something I would love to see in those scales the possibilities and features would be mind boggling!.
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

I will be watching this thread and wait for a kit?:cool
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

Wow, this will be the best ever model of this bird to date.........holy cow!!! I can't wait to see more progress. You really should offer kits of these. while the parts are still separate. :) Hint Hint!!!

Dave :)
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

2 words:

So they've never made a Saturn at the appropriate scale?
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

I think a 1/96 scale Saturn Rocket was available as a kit by Revell,but I think it was a pig to put together?I've never owned one,but have seen them on E-Bay.I don't know if 1/96 was the right scale used for the 1/12 scale X-Wing?
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

I think a 1/96 scale Saturn Rocket was available as a kit by Revell,but I think it was a pig to put together?I've never owned one,but have seen them on E-Bay.I don't know if 1/96 was the right scale used for the 1/12 scale X-Wing?

I had this kit as a kid and actually the ribbed part were large styrene rings and the smooth body of each stage was a rolled preprinted sheet of ABS or something like that. It was a ***** to get perfect tubes.

Anyway that's a great start, cant wait to see more !
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

Thanks for the good words guys. Revell's saturnV being 1/96th is a no go for a 1/12th x-wing as the airfix parts being 1/144th require doubling making it 1/72nd!. Funny enough you guys talking about this reminded me that i did see a 1/72nd saturn for sale once in a modeling mag as a limited edition kit but is probably long out of production now and anyway the parts breakdown may have not been useable?.
I will concentrate on the engine/intake covers first. I found the correct size tube but had to thicken the walls to correct thickness.
Seeing a guy this week about installing halogen lighting for the engines to be placed in aluminium housings and air cooled, this baby just has to have engine glow!!.
BTW, someone mentioned Bob Smith industries superglues here, well the model shop here got some in and boy i must say this stuff is incredible!!. Grabs in 1 second (no second chances) dries instantly so you can carry on working in less than a minute. The corrugated sheet that is wrapped over the saturn covers used this glue without clamps, just a masking tape guide line and voila!. Mind you had a nasty surprise with some fingers there for a minute lol!.Will use the thicker type rather than the super thin me thinks!.
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Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

Good for you Eagle. This has been another 'must do before I die' project. I have digital file somewhere around here that I was going to take to the printer and have them print it out 1/12. looks good so far!
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

Wow ! :eek
This is really Nice, great work there Eagle 1 !
I've been wanting to try my hand at a 1/12 X-wing myself ...but not sure where I'd keep it.
I'll be watching this thread intensely.

keep up the good work!
Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

Eagle1 this looks like a great project I can't wait to see your progress. This is a monster :)

Good luck :thumbsup

Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

A few of you have chimed in and wondered will this be offered as a kit?. Well the intention was to finish it as a one off but thinking long and hard about it i don't think it would take too much more work to consider each part for casting. Worst case scenerio is that i offer certain key parts such as the artoo strip, butt plate, wing tip cannon pods, engine covers and engines as parts available only to help out anyone who wishes to build their own 4 footer.
Of course this is a major undertaking especially if it is offered as a complete kit so i guess i will need some indication from you guys as to who would be interested in seeing this done and who would want one?
I would estimate that the time frame being 1 year to 18 months to realise a complete kit, sooner for individual parts.
Let me know your thoughts dudes!
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Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

A kit would be great, but the parts you mentioned would be of interest as well if available. To save on cost I think this would be a fast track approach towards building one's own 4 footer. I could get the basic shape done, well a semblance of one anyway....but the R2 strip, back plate and some of greeblies would be beyond me...that's why I'd be hopeless at a Falcon...

But then again if you did a kit I'd contradict all of the above and buy one...

Great start Stu by the way...loved that Tie bomber of yours..

Re: 4 Footer X-Wing 1/12th scale

If a kit of this size stayed in the $400-450 range, I'd definitely get one