1:1 Superman lifesize Reeve display - update page 5- added some boots


Sr Member
Got the costume from Lorbonray on ebay. Got the Reeve head from my good friend Simmon M. (It's a howard studios sculpt)

This isnt the final arrangement of my prop room - but you get the idea.
I actually plan on having two shorter pillars on either side of the main bust - that will allow me to display replica crystals from Hydin here on the rpf.





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Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

What happened to the rest of his body?

jk... heheh... Like the Reeve Sculpt! I think the costume top needs to be tighter, but like how you displayed it overall!
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

It's a very good looking sculpt. As a constructive piece of criticism, I'd have to say bulk and soften that mannequin up a bit. Right now, it looks like you plopped the head/shoulders onto a Macy's Abercrombie mannequin. Other than that, the prop room is ridiculously cool.
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

looks great.

my only change would be to try to bulk out the torso a bit more, the body looks too skinny compared to the neck.

good sheet of foam and some gaffa tape will sort it out
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Robocop looks like he just walked into the room!

Gotta build the entire Supes statue now?
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Thanks for your comments guys - Yes, the costume is hanging a bit loose - so I will bulk him up with some foam over the summer. I actually did "plop" it onto a basic mannequin torso - so I will definitely "soften" and bulk up the chest a bit to make it look more like Reeve.

Obi Sean - I don't know if I can just let the cape hang - the problem is the red shorts are attached to the rest of the costume - so I wrapped the cape around the front to hide his nonexistant groin (and hanging red underwear). Until I can find a substitute - or somehow fill in a groin section I need the cape in the front.
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Looks cool, but can I ask why you're not just finishing him off and making him full size?

Looks like you just need some tights and boots.

I wish I had that in MY livingroom! :cry

Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Wow, it's nice to finally see your collection! That Tie Interceptor looks very familiar,hehe.. :) The supes looks great so far!

Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Hey ... that one looks familar! :lol

I think Supes looks great. The only thing I would consider doing is if this is going to stay a bust/torso display (like your Blade) I'd think about adding more shoulder and perhaps some of the upper arm area. That might flare out the cape some up top. But I like where this is at as is.

And, my friend, I bow down to your Godzilla collection ... you should show off pics of that!
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

it's all been said..but the idea is excellent and i really like the costume..once the tweaks are done im sure this will be a killer display...=)
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso)

Hey All,

Decided to change it up a bit - and I got a new mannequin torso. I'll probably get some legs for this guy soon - but only after I finish up padding Reeves up.

The mannequin came really scrawny at first so I spend most of the last few days padding him out. It looks much better.. but I still have some details to hammer out.

comments are welcome -

funny comments are even more welcome such as "Lt. Dan! is Superman!" :lol


Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso) more pics pg 2

Now that looks great, really great display much better than the first bust, so you have two robocop 1/1 displays then?? awesome
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso) more pics pg 2

Look very nice Thomas. Please keep us updated on your progress ... I'm dying to see this one with legs. You need bullets bouncing off of his chest! ;)
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso) more pics pg 2

Looks pretty cool!!!

I always wanted to do one where he has one arm up like he is taking off, but without a bust that is tilted to have him looking up, it looks too much like supes giving the ol nazi salute :lol

Can't wait to see the version where he has legs!

Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso) more pics pg 2

Hey! How did you get in my basement and snap pictures of all my stuff with Reeves?:love:lol Great display and that Reeves face is uncanny!:thumbsup
Re: 1:1 Superman display (torso) more pics pg 2

Thanks guy - the compliments really mean a lot :)

I posted some more pics of another 1:1 display I've been working on (rocketeer).

there are some more pics of blade 1:1's in the background. More pics to follow after I get my life in order :wacko

Re: 1:1 Superman lifesize Reeve display - massive update page 2 with pics

I've added legs! I wasn't sure if I could do it.. and it took me a while to find some accurate enough legs. All in all I think superman is done! WOO HOO

I just need some boots. I need to adjust some "padding" underneath the suit to give the body to be more accurate with Chris Reeve. I don't think that'll take too long, and I feel as if I should leave well enough alone.

Comments welcome.

Thanks guys for your support and help.







