1:1 Millennium Falcon Cockpit Replica - Group Build

Hi Gang,

Updates... Spent some time at the lab with Daniel after we unloaded everything from last night's hijinks and tomfoolery...

Work continues on the nav chair... LOTS of sanding, filling, priming, repeat

Fill in those cracks




More filler added

Mike CNCd the back padding

Another tour casualty...

Light layer of black

Still lots of work to do


With seat pad



While I worked on the nav chairs Daniel and Mike worked on these panel greeblies - they look like lids or escape hatches - template in place


6 are required for the cockpit

We then created this to be vacuformed - we're doing that this evening! :)

Hi There!



More to Follow!
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Hi Gang,

Just got back from the Makers Local where Daniel and I spent a few hours taking the VERY FIRST ABS plastic forms/pulls and created 4 cockpit "access panels" that are mounted to the 15" extension panels. Enjoy!

This is the vacuum forming machine that was built by Daniel and Wayne


Original MDF buck where the ABS plastic will fit around by vacuum

ABS Plastic is put in place and the heating element is turned on where the ABS is lifted into place


Heating element

When the ABS reaches a certain temp the lever is pulled down where the plastic is laying around the original form. A vacuum is then turned on and the ABS is quickly sucked around the original form.


Daniel explaining the vacuum forming process - the VERY first pull (we had a first vid but it didn't turn out - I'm fixing it)

Another attempt...

4 ABS panels - I LOVE IT!!! Thanks Daniel! You're my hero!



This was out first pull... whoops... left it near the heating element a little too long


Hope you enjoyed the vids! More to Come!
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From now on, I think you need a Slave Leia at every one of the shows you do! :D

Hey T,

That's Brittany. She was a lot of fun. She's agreed to come back and take a few more photos to help promote the build. We'll be seeing more of her in the next few months. :)

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One is grinning from ear to ....'ere, great photos.

Hey W,

It was a FUN evening. Things went very smooth. I wish all shows could be that easy!

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This is now officially out of this world (pun intended). Love those pics as always!

LOL Indeed! And what better place to display the project than at the Space and Rocket Center. We've got more professional images coming. Philip is really interested in capturing the quad. We're planning for a Thursday shoot. :)

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Great pics. You guys have done something really awesome here.

Thank so much! Philip is the genius behind the pics. He's done a tremendous job. The best part... he's free!

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Great job guys! A space center is where this cockpit deserves to be shown!!!:thumbsup I want Daniel's t-shirt definitely, I love it!!!:D

Hi A,

Thanks so much! A huge round of applause goes out to the entire team for pulling together at the last minute. I don't think Daniel will give up his shirt too easily... I'll get him to post his Ackbar project as soon as I can :)

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Best pics yet, Guy man, slave Leia, apollo 13 spaceman, defender, FSF, drinks and a disco.
wish i was there.

Hey S,

It was a lot of fun! Easiest show yet. I needed that after Steamfest. I think Philip has a few more pics. I'll see if he's holding out on me!

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Nothing replaces real metal for sure, specially with the traffic in that cockpit;)

AMEN! It makes ALL the difference in the world
I kinda like the first pull... it looks like it got the corners pretty well, and that texture is pretty neat!

Hey Y,

The first pull is interesting... the vacuum was perfect only because the ABS was so hot to the point boiling! It literally just melted into placed. We might try to salvage the pull...

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Loving the progress on this! and the Giant GOOGLY EYES!!!

Thanks! The team is really pulling together. The Googly Eyes are Daniels. Every now and then he likes to place them in odd places. They've been sitting on the cockpit for the past month or so. The cockpit likes to greet everybody who comes to the lab. :)
Remember the time Chewie was caught smoking in the cockpit and almost set it on fire?? Good times! It adds character...

LOL... There are 2 of these panels just behind the nav chairs near the floor... I can always put one there as if there was a small fire? :)
Hi Gang,

Not much of an update but progress was made on the nav chairs...

Mike and I got started on the back support of the chair

We then used PVC for the lower part. The upper uncovered portion of the support is covered with a vinyl padding

Most of the chair is painted black with tan vinyl

Most of the brackets and greeblies will be CNC from aluminum


Nice tight fit - note the rounded edges. still lots of work to do

More to Follow!
Love the vacu-form escape hatches...just wow and that nav chair is taking shape alright:cool

Hey J,

Thanks! The panels were a lot of fun! We have several more parts to vacuform so I'm really looking forward to more time on the machine. The nav chair is somewhat of a mystery to me. I can't tell if I'm happy, upset or indifferent with how it's turning out. I thought I would be much farther along but I've been spending more time sanding and filling that anything else... I'm hoping that the addition of paint and the vinyl padding will help me realize all the effort.
Sanding sucks even though it's very necessary.. Well, at least you are getting there with the chairs now, yes. Great looking panels, if you hadn't said that the machine is homemade I would easily take it for being store-bought, lol! :D
Yep, sanding can be a bitch...but very needed in any case. Prep work is 70% of your final result. Looking forward to see what they'll look when finished!
Hi Gang,

I've been keeping a low profile and taking it easy these past few days - I had to catch up on some much needed sleep. But I plan to jump back into the thick of it all this weekend. I'm hoping to be farther along with the nav chairs but at the snails pace I'm keeping the key word is "hope"... :)

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