1:1 Landspeeder Project - Completed!


Is MacDonalds a sponsor?

What was used for the rack/bank of cylinders and sockets sticking through the hood here?


It's old seventies era vac tube holders and just hardware from Mcmaster carr. The tubes are an exact match from the real ones.

Funny but the whole assembly is the same as a mouse droid. There's a group on yahoo dedicated to mouse droid building. They have all the parts for it on their site which made it a breeze getting all the stuff.

The rest of the junk is just bits and pieces from old aircraft and a real old xlr cable. Oh, I also have some matrix parts from the walker in there too.

I took a little liberty...but I'm pleased with the way it turned out.
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Awesome work!!!

I was thinking about maybe making one. But after see this thread... I don't think I can pull it off...

Think I'll stick to R2 building for now.

This is my first post on the RPF! :thumbsup

Hey Oscar,

Don't sell yourself short...Before I started on this landspeeder, I had NEVER attempted something of this size/scale. I learned a lot along the way, and it was a blast to work on.

After passing it on to Wayne, I was fortunate enough to be involved in the final push to completion. It was an amazing feeling to finally set that windshield on it and see it completed.

I would be glad to offer advice/suggestions if you decided to take on the project...

Or you could take the easy way out and just offer to buy this one from Wayne...I'm sure his wife would love to sell it to you. ;)

Yeah the best part is the guy taking the video...you can tell he wants to say something totally different :lol
It was great meeting you at CV! Thanks for letting my kids climb aboard for the pics.


No problem! It was great meeting you too. I just wished I could have taken them for a ride. Every time I tried to take it for a spin, the security guys would tell me to put it back in the booth.:unsure
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I concur with the videographer.... THAT IS SO FFFFFREAKING' AWESOME!!

If it were possible to make this even more insanely cool, it has been done! The only thing left is to make it an actual anti-gravity vehicle:lol
I cant believe I actually missed this build... It has to be one of the most impressive prop Ive ever seen...



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