eFx Collectibles Announce THE AVENGERS Limited Edition Replicas

If they ship it out before end of Oct, it may actually get here before Thor 2 :eek :eek *the sky is falling!!!*
eFX Unveils NY Comic-Con Coulson’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Badge and I.D. Card
I wonder if some quantity will make it to their site after NYCC.


I wish eFX would start delivering on items already promised for the past couple years before they start taking pre-orders for new items. But hey, what do I know..I'm just funny that way.
I wish eFX would start delivering on items already promised for the past couple years before they start taking pre-orders for new items. But hey, what do I know..I'm just funny that way.

Couldn't agree more. I was foaming at the mouth for the Cap shield when they first announced this line. Efx could have taken my money with no afterthought whatsoever. Now, I'm like...eh...my airsoft shield looks good enough...why spend $800 for a new shield?
Couldn't agree more. I was foaming at the mouth for the Cap shield when they first announced this line. Efx could have taken my money with no afterthought whatsoever. Now, I'm like...eh...my airsoft shield looks good enough...why spend $800 for a new shield?

I feel the same way but went opposite on not spending big bucks for a new shield, really glad I jumped on CF's aluminum shield run over a year ago considering how long eFX is taking with their resin one. Reality is, all of eFX's miscues is allowing replica builders to jump in and make their sales before eFX can get their product onto shelves, so for this forum, it's a mixed blessing.

I really wish I'd read through this earlier. I've never really looked at efx for anything other than their SW stuff, but for some reason, I'm all about some S.H.I.E.L.D. lately.

I saw this the day it was announced & immediately posted a thread in the JY to see if someone could pick mine up before I pre-ordered. Several folks have been gracious enough to offer to get mine & ship it to me with no charge, just to help me out. Then the day before it goes up for pre-order, they announce that if you don't or can't pick it up, then they'll ship it to you. The only issue is that they reserve the right to charge your card for an undisclosed amount for shipping & handling, with no further authorization from you. This has me worried. Shipping I can deal with, but there's no telling what they can charge for 'handling' it from CA, to NY, then back to CA before shipping it out.

So, I decide I'll just stick with my original plan on having someone pick it up for me, but, after several e-mails & calls to customer service, I can't get an answer about if a 3rd party will be ALLOWED to pick these up for you. I mean the thing will have my name & face on the thing, so I don't know why someone would steal it, unless it would be to get the Coulson ID & badge.

Either way, after reading this, I see that now that they have my $$$, I shouldn't hold my breath waiting on an answer to my questions.

One last thing. The money was drafted from my account 3 minutes after I placed my order, but I still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail yet. They said one would be coming, but no joy as yet. Is this normal with them?
One last thing. The money was drafted from my account 3 minutes after I placed my order, but I still haven't gotten a confirmation e-mail yet. They said one would be coming, but no joy as yet. Is this normal with them?

From my experience, yes. PO'd Mjolnir and Maul saber from them, didn't get an order confirmation for either one. If you want to confirm your order just log into your account on their website and make sure it's there.
From my experience, yes. PO'd Mjolnir and Maul saber from them, didn't get an order confirmation for either one. If you want to confirm your order just log into your account on their website and make sure it's there.

Yep. Done that & have a receipt. They are supposed to be contacting us that ordered one with instructions on how to submit our pictures & info for the personalized IDs. Now, where before I was really confident & thrilled about how this was turning out, I'm starting to look at the time table & get a little antsy.

They are only making 1500. Both the wallet & badges are from the same ones used on the show. My thought was that whoever manufactured those, may have had a hand in making these. Either way, I figured that all the non-personalized components had already been made, & were ready to go. Just have to make MY ID. Noe I see they've added the note that the cut-off for ordering is Sept. 30th. I assume they'll not contact everyone as you order, htey'll wait til all have ordered & then contact everyone at once. My concern is that that will only give 11 days to get these done. According to the site, you'll even be able to get one of these at the con, so they must have some quick way of producing these, but, that makes me worry a little about the quality.
I haven't gotten a confirmation email yet either, but it does show in my account. I wouldn't worry too much about a handling charge, though. It wouldn't make any kind of business sense to alienate current and potential customers by charging an astronomical amount.
According to the site, you'll even be able to get one of these at the con, so they must have some quick way of producing these, but, that makes me worry a little about the quality.

If they have the same machines that companies and hospitals use to print out ID badges, they'd easily be able to insert a photo into the template, type in your name and print out a badge in less than 5 minutes. We'll just have to hear some first-hand accounts on what their process is when Comic-Con hits.
Ok.. so question about this Agent Coulson badge.. I don't want to get my picture on it, I just want one that'd look like Coulson's assuming this is going to be used on screen or has been used on screen somewhere. So is there an option where you just order one and tell them to send you the Coulson version?
Ok.. so question about this Agent Coulson badge.. I don't want to get my picture on it, I just want one that'd look like Coulson's assuming this is going to be used on screen or has been used on screen somewhere. So is there an option where you just order one and tell them to send you the Coulson version?

The badge will come with Coulson's ID. From what I'm understanding, The edition size is 1500, & that is for the NYCC. Those that pre-order before Sept 30th or buy one at the con will be able to get a separate personalized ID card that will be an exclusive only for these badges.

I'm thinking that they will then sell either the remainder or a separate edition on the site after the con. Last time I checked a few days ago, they were a little over half way in pre sells.
Another reason why eFx could stand to up their communication skills. They're on this board, right? They can't even chime in and answer a few questions.