Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet *New Photos Up 29/04*


Sr Member
Hi all, I was very fortunate to win the Propstore auction for the unfinished Judge helmet last week. As of now the helmet is on its way to me and once it arrives I hope to be able to share lots of photos with you fine folks, here is the helmet in question :thumbsup

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Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet

Awesome, That would be great! I was hoping that some of the RPF peps would be purchasing some of the original props. Thanks in advance for the reference pics!
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Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet

Thanks guys, yeah Lee I can't wait to get hold of it! My first production made piece
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Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet

Congratulations! That is a very nice score. Hope that you'll show plenty of pics here for us.
Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet

I may be offering castings of this helmet plus a scratch built badge in the near future yes.
Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet

Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any chance we could get you to give us critical dimensions....you know, front to back,side to side, width of face opening, height off table, height off table to badge cut out, bottom and height of badge cutout overall; depth of raised portions and width of red band at helmet bottom, etc.....? Might help those not working from PEP files or just want the real dope. Thanks!
Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet


Ok guys and girls, the helmet arrived yesterday but I've only really had this afternoon to admire it properly, its a beauty, good solid construction, aside from the obvious cosmetic damage which is fairly minimal. I will get better photos up tomorrow evening but for now here is the helmet with the broken brow section re-fitted with Tamiya tape, I also scratchbuilt the badge, and fitted it, took a bit of refining but it fits like a glove in the recess, hope you all enjoy and stay tuned for much more!! :thumbsup

Re: Dredd 2012 - Production Made Judge Helmet *Update with scratchbuilt badge*

will fit a 24" head no problems at all, though I can't say about visor interference yet
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