My water ready Jaws Quint ORCA replica


Active Member
Hey All,

Thought I'd share what I'm working on now...My 18 foot replica Orca boat from Jaws! The challenge has been having to find and or build everything to not only look the part but also function too. It's not a 100% screen accurate, as the donor boat did not allow for it, but think it's doing the old vessel justice. Plan to fit it with a small outboard motor and when not on the lake I will be taking it to SyFy/Horror/ Comic cons to raise money for Great White Conservation.

Have Nick Marra's Quint, Brody, Hooper busts on the way so I can have the big three sitting around the table sharing scars and a song haha ... thought that would be a fun touch.

Still have much more to do but very happy so far with how it's looking.

Anyway, thanks for looking....Cheers!


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    178.7 KB · Views: 2,236!!! Cool on SO many levels! My one critique is that you need to maybe dirty it up some, or are you gonna leave it outdoors and let Mother Nature have a go at it?

So cool!

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Well that's probably the biggest prop replica on the board right now, it's really nice to see something different. Do you have pictures of the rear of the boat with then name "Orca"?

Thanks for the kind words. Still working on the base painting and all the detail stuff first. After all that is done I'll be going back and weathering everything. As for the transom of the boat, I'm still working on that part but I did have solid brass letters water jetted to match the original letters :D ...can't wait to get them on! Like I said, no where near done but thought it's far enough to show...More pics to come once I'm further along.

Yeah Yoda I get that all the time lol
Awesome. Just awesome. It's always nice to see someone dig in on a big job like this. Well done, sir. And, with good intent, too!

That is Awesome!!!!

The Orca has been something I've been wanting to do for over a decade... I even had an email exchange with one the crewmembers who worked on the original boat. His advice was - "Don't". Basically the original was so modified from the lobster boat it once was that it was an extremely unsound vessel. I bought some RC blueprints that I was going to scale up, and again, was advised by different boat builders that because of the square-cube law, what works on a small scale won't necessary work on a larger one. The last idea I had was to use the hull of an existing plan, like the 22' Glen-L Eagle and then scratch build the upper deck and flying bridge to scale. That never manifested, but maybe someday...

I can't wait to see your boat launched!
So when will we see a run in the JY? :lol

Seriously though, it looks sweet, might watch jaws tonight :)
I'm seriously impressed! Great job! The fact that you'll also be using it to raise money for a cause I'm extremely passionate about makes what you've done even more awesome.


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