Neca Power Loader Modification (Complete!)


Sr Member
Hi everybody,

I managed to get a hold of one of these, and thought it could use some "accurize-ing". Still trying to track down a correct version of Ripley to go with it.



While it does a good job at being a Power Loader figure, it's got it's share of short-cuts, incorrect assembly & general inaccuracies.
The plan is to correct most of the errors without going into too much surgery - I want it to retain it's play-value.

These are most of the areas that will get the treatment.

Those hydraulic lines are a mess! Good excuse to pop in the DVD for piping reference.

The roll cage is the wrong shape & is protruding too far forward, plus the unsightly fabric net. (everything behind it too, but that's another story)


The forearms were designed to be interchangeable for the left & right, so they have the keypad detail on both sides. The claws will need filling-in.
The control sticks are sculpted in an awkward shape - there's no way the figure can grab them.


The ankle pistons are facing the wrong way & don't have any pipes.

The hips are too far apart - not sure how I'll approach this area without compromising the structural integrity...
Also, deformation on the plastic.

Stage 1 is pretty much ripping things apart & test fitting stuff.

Replaced the net with a proper wire mesh for now. I'll do the cutting & reshaping after I do the math.

And cleaned up the hydraulic lines. A couple of lines are too short though, I'll have to replace all the tubes!
There's a pair of looped pipes on Loader 4, I think I have an idea how they fit, but the existing tubes are too short to confirm it (for now).

Pretty much every Power Loader figure gets this part wrong - the tubes for the forearms are supposed to go over the shoulder joint.

So far so good, I still have a few more things to take apart.

Thanks for looking!
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Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

The Roll cage sides on the original appear to be not parallel.
They look wider at the bottom...


Sorry about the image quality

Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Subscribed ;)

Awesome! Thanks!

The Roll cage sides on the original appear to be not parallel.
They look wider at the bottom...

View attachment 664446

Sorry about the image quality


Yup, it's more prominent on the screen-used props & models.
The fixed cage has an angle at the bottom half now, but I think the figure's main body is wider than it should be, so the result is pretty subtle.

Thanks for the pic! more reference material is always useful, no matter the quality. :D
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

IIRC, Jason Eaton (MoffEaton) painted the prototype for NECA; he may be able to point you to other good reference photos.

Attached are some more I found online.


  • Cameron_loader.jpg
    108.4 KB · Views: 342
  • powerloaderfull.jpg
    105.3 KB · Views: 358
  • 1175594_641597045873632_1724604761_n.jpg
    362.2 KB · Views: 362
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

IIRC, Jason Eaton (MoffEaton) painted the prototype for NECA; he may be able to point you to other good reference photos.

Attached are some more I found online.

Cool, thanks! I believe these are the more accessible pics online, kinda wish the sets weren't so dark when they shot them.
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Since you have it apart are you going to mod the light on top?

Yup, the plan was supposed to be a simple insert for the bulb & reflector. Then possibly installing an LED instead.
I'm not really sure how to make it light up and have the reflector spin.
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

We're back!

Here's what it looks like so far...



Just printed a pair of "rubber jacket thingies" for the shoulder actuators.

Also got new control sticks printed, with the correct number of cables.


Chopped & added wire to the antennas.


...then used the cut off bits to correct the pipe fittings on the elbow actuators.


Corrected hydraulic line placement for the wrists/forearms.


...and here are the rest of the hydraulic lines.
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Awesome! I did not know that there are so many issues with it. So far NECA was known to have a knack for accuracy. :)
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Awesome! I did not know that there are so many issues with it. So far NECA was known to have a knack for accuracy. :)

Thanks! I suppose most of the inaccuracies were from budget or manufacturing restrictions, but I don't understand how they got the shape of the control sticks so wrong.
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Great upgrades! I have this set I just shortened the antennas and cleaned up the sloppy weathering job, makes a nice display piece in my small Aliens collection section.
Re: Neca Power Loader Modification

Great upgrades! I have this set I just shortened the antennas and cleaned up the sloppy weathering job, makes a nice display piece in my small Aliens collection section.
Thanks! Yeah, the weathering definitely needs improvement - my copy has silver paint on the roll cage's "foam" padding! It's definitely the best Loader for its scale, even with the occasional inaccuracies.

Got screenshots of the 3D printables.

Control sticks & rubber jackets. This was an older screen grab - I had to cut down the grips a bit, still need to do the same for the 3D file.

Claw fillers.

Still waiting for the claw filler parts to get back from the printer.
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