King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (Post-release)

Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

This looks...interesting? Still can't buy Charlie Hunnam in a leading role - don't think he has the chops. But looks like it could be fun.
Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

This looks...interesting? Still can't buy Charlie Hunnam in a leading role - don't think he has the chops. But looks like it could be fun.

have you seen Green street hooligans? If not watch that and he'll amaze you. Other than that he is ok in his other roles.
Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

This looks fantastic! Charlie/Jax doesn't 'have the chops'? You're kidding, right?
I think he would make a brilliant Arthur. He has the right mix of tough guy and empathy for it! I can't wait for this!
Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Well, it's, I dunno. It looks OK. Guy Ritchie movies are like junkfood. Everybody needs a cheat meal once in a while. :)
Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

I think it feels too "modern". The dialect.... The way they walk and carry themselves.... The fighting style.... I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it just doesn't feel like that time period. Yes, the setting and clothing are period, but it just feels off. Like the whole taking their shirts off to fight in a MMA style, it just seems so contrived to appeal to what movie goers today, expect. For an Arthur story, I really feel it just doesn't capture things, at least in my eyes.
Re: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

This looks...interesting? Still can't buy Charlie Hunnam in a leading role - don't think he has the chops. But looks like it could be fun.

Yeah... I saw the screen cap for the video and my first thought was "Jax Teller as Arthur? Pass."

Then I watched the video.
The first 30 seconds with the GoPro camera view nd the reverse cuts and all my thoughts were "Snatch meets Camelot"... then I see "GUY RITCHIE".

After The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Ritchie has to really pull himself up. I thought that movie was a snooze fest. This one looks like it's an all-over-the-place mess. I can definitely wait for Netflix.
Well I went in expecting a pop-corn, b movie, and I came out pleasantly surprised ! I actually quite liked it. It's got the Guy Richie style, with the quick cuts and editing tricks he likes so much, but I like that very much as well, and I thought it worked great.
It did feel very video-gamish at some points, especially the finale, which I liked less, but my stand is that the legend of king Arthur is made of tales, that you can interpret in a grounded way, which is what I was used to growing up and reading about, or you can take the magic elements, which were always there, at face value and just run with it. That's what they did, and I liked how they used the lore.
All in all, it's a modern interpretation of the lore, quite dynamic and stylised. Not a master piece, but a good, entertaining film, and for one, I'd be interested in the sequel they very much left open.

edit : I'll add that before a couple of weeks ago, back when I saw the first trailer and even before when I heard about the making of this movie, I was not looking forward to it at all, I thought it would be too far from the materials I read (and loved) about the lore. Hence why I'm really pleasantly surprised.
Looks like it didn't do all that well. I guess everyone's tired of all these "re-imagined" Arthurian tales. Even if it wasn't 100% true to the stories, "Excalibur" is still the definitive Arthur movie to me, and you'll have to make a darned good movie for me to think otherwise.
Looks like it didn't do all that well. I guess everyone's tired of all these "re-imagined" Arthurian tales. Even if it wasn't 100% true to the stories, "Excalibur" is still the definitive Arthur movie to me, and you'll have to make a darned good movie for me to think otherwise.

I agree. Excalibur or nothing!!
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