Star Trek: TNG Set Dressing / Fan room


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone!

I would like to ask everyone out there for some assistance in a project I have in mind. I would really love to take a corner of my basement and pay tribute to Star Trek: TNG by way of replicating one of the crew quarters. Since this will likely be a corner space of a large open room, and will be a space where I will have a desk for working on hobbies, I thought the crew quarters would be a nice touch.

I'm looking for any assistance with anything really. I'd like to start with just basic wall panels similar to the corridors on the Enterprise-D or those seen on the walls of the bridge or captains ready room. They look like basic fabric covered panels (at least the ready room) with some of the LCARS lettering added. Does anyone have any references for how these were constructed? I've come across the blueprints but they aren't exactly user friendly or high enough resolution to be useful for measurements.

Thanks again for your help! I'll post pics as work progresses.
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