Hoth Han ESB blaster mount FOUND?!


Well-Known Member

I think I found the scope mount off of the blaster Han uses on Hoth to blast the probe droid. I think it might be this hermetic seal for a spindle bearing on an old Thorsten record player. Another member is going to try and call the manufacturer to get the dimensions. I'm cautiously optimistic, to say the least.
*gape* nice find! may I ask how you found it!?

(question, was the scope mount a found item or just a piece of cut metal used to make the prop?)
Since you started a new thread for this exciting´s the info where to get these:

With about 74 Euro (!) pricey but an option anyway for all those, who prefer the real deal on their builds instead of a fan-made repro :)
I already sent an email, asking about the actual measurements...we´ll see if they´re willing to help us out ;)

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seems like I am having a real, vintage (!) plate coming my way very soon.
Found somebody cool enough, willing to help out a passionate prop-builder :thumbsup

Will provide the measurements to BD for his upcoming run then!

Great job, Taco-Bot!

It doesn't surprise me that Markus has already tracked one down. ;) I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, buddy. :)
Or are they rivets? Also, the mount seems to be raised up off the side of the blaster quite a bit.
And some genius posts this to a record player site in 3.2.1... I've got this in my to do list so find all the parts before I get started. :)

The plates are still available, made to original specs by the company that produces Throrens replacement parts (check the link I posted)
For all those, who are not willing tp spend 75 Euro plus shipping on a small piece of metal, wait for BD´s run to happen ;)

Or are they rivets? Also, the mount seems to be raised up off the side of the blaster quite a bit.

definately NO rivets.
The mount is raised by a spacer, as used on ALL DL44s so that the scope can pass the upper receiver

I posted in Davids project run thread... Yep, got it and love it ;) btw: the disc is flipped with the raised center facing the scope mount!

To think, if my record player hadn't started squeaking, I would have never googled 'how to oil a spindle bearing.' And we'd still be clueless about that part.
Just scratched a scope mount from 3mm L-shaped aluminum profile´s not attached to the C96 as of yet
Also did some tweaking to my Hoth muzzle.

What do you guys think?

2014-10-09 16-06-26.JPG
2014-10-09 16-06-40.JPG


  • 2014-10-09 16-06-26.JPG
    2014-10-09 16-06-26.JPG
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