Jurassic World

Gotta say I'm not a fan either. The artwork itself is really cool, but the overall vibe feels very, very wrong for a film of this caliber.

Are we sure it's official? If I didn't know better, it seems very "blog-ish".
Okay, I get it. As a Comic-Con poster I think it works. But if I saw it hanging in a movie theatre it would give me the wrong vibe.
I thought they would be concentrating on making the Raptors literally covered in feathers now as that's what the fossils imply, and the JP dinosaurs are supposed to be up to date with modern science.
Since when? Velociraptor was the size of a chicken in reality, and we knew that way before even the book came out.

I realise there were some alterations made to make the dinosaurs appear more menacing, but Spielberg did want the dinosaurs to act like animals, not monsters and up-to-date with modern thinking, such as dinosaurs being closely related to birds, not reptiles. The 'real-life' Velociraptor was actually the size of an average dog. Deinonychus or Utahraptor would fit the animals seen in Jurassic Park better.

If they're going to do more Raptors and care about the latest theories/discoveries, they should seriously consider adding more feathers. I have faith in SWS to make them look cool still. Besides, I don't know about you, but I'm tired of seeing more of the same. It's time for something new. We've had Raptors 3 times in a row, and there're thousands of dinosaur species to explore.
I much prefer film continuity to rapidly-evolving creatures on screen. These are genetic mashups rather than true iterations of each creature, which should allow for any inconsistency with the fossil record. Even the handful of quills they tacked on in JP3 bugged me, but in my mind I chalk that up to them being a slightly different breed over on Isla Sorna/Site B. The original raptors are some of the all-time greatest and most recognizable on-screen creatures, and I think it's wonderful that they're trying to recapture the original look.

That said, I agree that the raptors don't need to be the main threat this time around and I don't believe they're intended to be.
I agree, they need to keep the original look of the Raptors, even keep the Male color scheme we saw in TLW...JP3 raptors need to go... If they don't have feathers in the new movie, that would be fine with me, being evolution doesn't work in just a couple of decades...And I know seeing new dinosaurs would be great, but I feel less is more..It will start to become a little silly if they constantly find mosquitos with different dino dna
Insolent brachiosaur's with laser beams attached to their heads?
I imagine for the best whatever the creative minds behind the "magic" produce for our viewing enjoyment. Quills, feathers, 2 feet or 10 feet velociraptors it's a freaking Jurassic Park! I haven't been this amped up since 1993!

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No matter how they try to butch it up, T-Rex (and related species...) with feathers is the essence of lame.
Yea, these are genetically reconstructed creatures; I don't know much about genetics, but I'm pretty sure it's next to impossible to get everything right so it's entirely possible that feathers wouldn't have survived the process.
Yea, these are genetically reconstructed creatures; I don't know much about genetics, but I'm pretty sure it's next to impossible to get everything right so it's entirely possible that feathers wouldn't have survived the process.

Not to mention their DNA was spliced with that of modern amphibians to fill in missing links in the DNA sequence. So you can use that to explain off the creative license used on many of the dinosaurs throughout the series. Who knows, they could have even used DNA from other animals (or even other dinosaur species) as well...

Maybe the Velociraptor DNA was so incomplete, that DNA from close relatives like Utahraptor and Deinonychus were added, resulting in the larger size. As for the feathered raptors seen in JP3,I like to think they were just one batch created during the geneticists' research on Isla Sorna. Perhaps they were not to Hammond's liking, or were too intelligent to be contained. So they tried breeding raptors (perhaps a different mixture of DNA) that would be more fitting to show off on Nublar, which ended up being pretty dang smart too.
It's thought Rex and related species may have had a type of fuzz or primitive feather layer, looking more like thick hair rather than the type of feathers typically se on birds. Some related babies certainly did, according to recent discoveries, and it's only guess work the adults did too. It's thought they may had lost this covering as they grew and acted as an insulation to keep infants warm. I must admit, those pics posted don't seem right somehow, but maybe with the right artistry (or a photo of a real T-rex :D), it will work.
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