Tron Legacy Costume

Seriously, its difficult to take them serious when they sit down and their knees are above their heads. hahahah

It'd be great if someone did an Uprising costume and used stilts! ...EPIC!
Seriously, its difficult to take them serious when they sit down and their knees are above their heads. hahahah

It'd be great if someone did an Uprising costume and used stilts! ...EPIC!

Please stop :lol it's too funny.

I know there's someone on tron-sector that plans on working on an uprising costume.
It's been too long since someone's posted here, so here's a bump with some 'faceoff' pics I took - a 1 second shutter exposure really brings out the light and colors.

Speaking of Uprising, how can I watch recent episodes of it online? I can't seem to find anything beyond ep. 5.
Ok- another question for you guys. So I'm going to use the Luminousfilm light tape and the battery packs I'm using are the ones here: 12v rechargeable battery 6800mAh Li-ion portable super battery camera DVD 18W | eBay. I'm planning on hooking up the battery to the inverter here: and them from there hook it up to my Luminousfilm light tape. Just wanted to make sure if this sounds/seems right to you guys. It would suck if I blew out my whole suit because of an electric error. Also, any tips on soddering/hooking up the light strips would be greatly appreciated!
It's been too long since someone's posted here, so here's a bump with some 'faceoff' pics I took - a 1 second shutter exposure really brings out the light and colors.

Speaking of Uprising, how can I watch recent episodes of it online? I can't seem to find anything beyond ep. 5.

Yay! Finally a bump haha.

I just find Tron Uprising episodes on Youtube. I believe episode 8 will air this coming Thursday - "Scars"

Those helmets, look, AWESOME
Sounds fine.


You should be careful with any lithium-based battery, especially cheap ones. I won't go into the details, but there are certain situations where poor chargers can damage the batteries to the point where there's a significant risk of fire, even several hours after charging finishes. Don't, for instance, leave them charging while you're out, or while you sleep. That isn't enough money for it to be a really good charger, or a really good battery with solid construction. All of this is why there are strict tests for lithium batteries before you're allowed to take them on aircraft, for instance.

In general, lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries are a high-maintenance technology that can be something of a problem child if not carefully treated. Even the best lose about 20% capacity per year, every year after manufacture, whether you use them or not. That might be OK for a costume with a short shelf life. A poor charger can limit the cycle life and capacity, which might also be OK, depending what your needs are.

Not saying don't do it, just go into it knowing these things. It is difficult to match the combination of size, weight and capacity that lithium rechargeable batteries offer.

Hope this helps.

Ok- another question for you guys. So I'm going to use the Luminousfilm light tape and the battery packs I'm using are the ones here: 12v rechargeable battery 6800mAh Li-ion portable super battery camera DVD 18W | eBay. I'm planning on hooking up the battery to the inverter here: and them from there hook it up to my Luminousfilm light tape. Just wanted to make sure if this sounds/seems right to you guys. It would suck if I blew out my whole suit because of an electric error. Also, any tips on soddering/hooking up the light strips would be greatly appreciated!

You've got all the parts in the right order.
Battery-then inverter-then film. Pretty self explanatory when looking
at the inverter, so no need to second-guess yourself.
My question to you is how much luminous film are you using?
I have almost an identical inverter to that one powering a small amount of
el sheet. Depending on how much film you're using, you might want to get
a few of those things. Just a suggestion.
You've got all the parts in the right order.
Battery-then inverter-then film. Pretty self explanatory when looking
at the inverter, so no need to second-guess yourself.
My question to you is how much luminous film are you using?
I have almost an identical inverter to that one powering a small amount of
el sheet. Depending on how much film you're using, you might want to get
a few of those things. Just a suggestion.

Probrably about 15 feet total. Most are going to be the 1/2 in wide tape soo prorably 5 ft of the inch wide, 10 of the 1/2". But I need to remeasure since I've made some modifications to the outfit.
LF rates their inverters, as I recall, in terms of how many square inches of EL panel (or tape) they can drive. In your case, you're talking about 90 square inches, so you would need one of their beefier inverters.
Hi everyone!

Haven't visited here in a long while, how are all the old and new Tron RPF gang doing?

Happy to see this thread is still going strong and one of the most viewed threads here on the RPF! RAD!! :cool

I don't remember if I ever showed photos of my completed Siren costume but HoodooMan1 wrote me on Facebook telling me to come post my pics. I finally have some back from my shoot at Comic Con this year and actually more to come from another shoot. Just always procrastinating.

Here are some shots of my completed Siren Gem costume shot at SDCC 2012 by Benn Robbins.

You may have to send me a friend request if we are not friends already on Facebook to view these. If you do, please send me a message that you are from the RPF. Thank you.


( all 3 of my Tron Legacy costumes )

Thanks for having a look at my photos! Hope all is well! and I am STILL obsessed with making light up TRON costumes happen :love :thumbsup


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Thank you all for the nice comments.

It was really difficult for me to do this, and I spent a lot of time on it (much more than a skilled cosplayer I guess). The last 3 weeks, I worked on it from 5 to 10 hours per day. I tried some things, tried other, did and redid things many times during the 4 months I spent working on it (the beginning was not very productive).

Indeed I was so frustrated to see my work not accurate because of an additions of fails. If my boyfriend had not been there, I would have thrown it away before the show and never worn it. I was lucky Tron Legacy wasn't a popular cosplay in the country where I live (in USA, you have so many beautiful cosplays of it !!) so people liked my work even if it wasn't accurate. But I guess it is because you cannot find the supplies needed in my country (I had to order it from USA, UK, China,...).
And we don't have threads about how to do such a costume.

Thank you again, to all of you, because I couldn't have donne it alone.

Hi Alea! How are you? I have written you before about your Quorra costume and yes, your's is spectacular! I love how your light strip angles are perfect with no connections showing. On my my Quorra costume I have the angled connections on there and you can see them still in some photos which bugs me.

Can I ask where did you get your lighting from? It looks so good. Did you cut the circles and angles out or order them pre-cut? I actually some some pre-cut Quorra and Sam design on Ebay. Wish those had been around when I was making mine.

and Oh man, did it take a long time to figure these lights out. Probably more for me because I had to actually cut the shapes and connect all those angles. I actually never want to do that again. LOL! So annoying with all the shorting out I would get from moving around, then, I finally found a solution thanks to the RPF on here how to get the solder points to stop shorting out. Put some bathroom caulk on them. It is flexible when it dries and makes for a strong solid protected connection.

I :love you RPF! It it wasn't for this forum, non of my TRON costumes would have happened!
You may have to send me a friend request if we are not friends already on Facebook to view these. If you do, please send me a message that you are from the RPF. Thank you.


( all 3 of my Tron Legacy costumes )
Can't see them as I'm not on Facebook, but that thumbnail looks awesome! It's amazing that nearly two years after the movie came out, we're all still in this thread learning new things and making our costumes better. :thumbsup
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