Studio Scale Shadomobile build


Well-Known Member
This is what I'm working on at the moment, Fully RC'ed with doner bits from a Tamyia Pershing Tank (Gearboxes, DMD and the Multifunction unit) I've used as many of the original Kit parts (Greeblies) and where not available, cast parts. The Metal swing arms are of my own design and all are now sprung with 1/10 scale RC Car shocks. When its done I'll be out in a forest somewhere with a video Camera and all going on Youtube:lol
Always loved this design, like it was meant to be in the real world.
Your build looks better than the originals & your skill with the running gear is a credit to you.
Can't wait for the vid too:love
Thanks for the compliments guys, but lets be real here, those guys back then were under so much pressure they didnt have the luxuary of time that we have. Lets hope the Vid will be half or at least a quarter as good as they did:lol
If you look at the studioshots of the original models there is an indication around the side windows and the main hull but they were never really clear. Anyways I'll go with the side doors and leave the hinged cab as a display aid.
I've been getting back into my UFO dvds lately. It's great to see your Shado Mobile build.
I'll be looking forward to seeing it running!
Which Shado mobile are you building, Shado 1 or 2 or Shado control?
Cheers guys, I'm doing the one with just Shado on the side. Its a little more generic and less prone to people saying things like.... theres too many rivits on that part lol.
Been tweaking the cabin a bit and after reviewing a few screen grabs I came up with this. Sorry about the quality of the pics (Phone cam).
Back on this now to get it done and dusted, Not happy with the red line so I will redo it tomorrow.


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