Zero Point module

He just posted this

"I am sorry I have decided to cancel this project! You can thank the RPF. The people that have paid in advance have been refunded. I will not be offering this item again."

Yes you can thanks the RPF for letting people know he takes your money and runs, HELL look at the last page of his eBay feedback. Its funny he want to be a martyr over on that board and blame this one for people backing out.
yes, thanks for the heads up, I want a ZPM, but not that bad

I was hoping the posts here were a case of mistaken identity, but with how fast he killed the project I can see you guys must be right. So thank you for the info

Weird. I paid (before I knew who he was), and got a refund today. I guess I am happy that I got refunded, but hell, I was kinda looking forward to a ZPM.

Kinda wondering how he is playing the martyr on this though.... "YOU GUYS GAVE ME MONEYS AND NOW I DONT WANT TO MAKE THE THING HAPPEN NOW, JERKFACES" doesn't seem to make any sense.

Ah well, maybe I will take a crack at the damned thing.

:lol From the looks of things it seems that it was MY post that made him cancel the run......Odd that he did not use DocTony's post.:wacko

Guess i can't sign up for that forum anytime soon....:)


How many here have downloaded his pictures for reference material, hands up ?
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If there were some good caps or other good material from that canceld "run" would someone post them here? There were only two pictures still in that thread.
I got them... and some more from other places



This one is HUGE:

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Its a shame the people over on the SCIFIHERO board think he cancled the project because of YOUR post and not because he has a history of taking peoples money. Does anyone have a link to that thread?
I just confirmed, its the same guy, same name anyway Phillip Freeman,

Phil Freeman? Are you serious?

That guy has a LONG track record of being a rip-off artist. He has a grudge against the RPF because a group of us outed him about SIX YEARS ago. I'd almost forgotten...

Matt Munson, LeMarchand, Rylo, I know they all remember this guy.

Matt Munson and I basically scammed him into refunding some money to a member here he had ripped off in a trade by posing as Hollywood prop-makers that wanted to hire him, lol. We posted the fun here for all to see- It was quite amusing to see him get his comeuppance.

Ah, Good times...
I want to say my thoughts on this:

first of all @DocTony: when you quote somebody, quote them correctly:unsure:
the text on SchifiHero says: "I might be able to make it work with 10 people, but I would be more comfortable with 20."
Which is not that odd, when you know that with some stores' (like SmoothOn) silicones and resins get cheaper per pound (weigth) when you buy a bigger quantity. So he has a point that buying resin for 20 casts tends to be cheaper than buying resin for 10 casts.
I think that this was the intended goal of what he said.

second @DocTony again: in post #22 you make this quote
Yes you can thanks the RPF for letting people know he takes your money and runs
Kinda odd, I had already paid for my ZPM and got refunded right away. :confused

Thirth @a lot of people here:
Just that you all know: The RPF doesn't have a very good status among the prop-collectors.
Main reasons: recasts, rip-offs, unfounded claims about non-delivery/recast/...

True, there are some legidimate people over here with high quality stuff. :thumbsup :thumbsup
But there are also scams here (in perspective much more than on any other big prop-forums) :thumbsdown :thumbsdown (maybe because this is one of the largest forums)

Fourth: @Stormleader: your quote:
Matt Munson and I basically scammed him into refunding some money to a member here he had ripped off in a trade by posing as Hollywood prop-makers that wanted to hire him, lol. We posted the fun here for all to see- It was quite amusing to see him get his comeuppance.
Seems not very legal to me. I can't speak out about the right/wrong for the refund. But my comment is mainly about the way how-to that you describe. :angry :angry
And you even seem to have fun into it :angry :angry :angry
I had to ask a refund in the past (with another propmaker) and it took me also a lot of time and crap to get it, but I've always been honest about who I am.

Fifth: @lgtsbr:
you make this quote here (today, 01:58 AM)
yes, thanks for the heads up, I want a ZPM, but not that bad
and this one @ ScifiHero just a bit earlier (if the clock are equal anyway) (today, 01:51 AM)
This is a shame - I was hoping that the guys over at the rpf were wrong.
seems a bit confusing to me :confused or am I wrong about this one?

I know people who have been labelled here (at RPF) as recasters, but who in manner of fact have been recasted.
In other words, they do own the original part(s) of the prop, but someone else hase copied them and that last one calls the first one the recaster.

and as a final: I'm not, in any way, Phillip himself nor am I affiliated with him.
just in case anyone gets this in their head because I have a low post-count.
I'm just tired of reading the same old story over and over again in so many posts on so many props.

Again: there are recasters/scammers out there (and here), and I can't speak out about things that might/might not happend in the past. Just give everybody a chance to come through with a project.
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Fifth: @lgtsbr:
you make this quote here (today, 01:58 AM)
yes, thanks for the heads up, I want a ZPM, but not that bad
and this one @ ScifiHero just a bit earlier (if the clock are equal anyway) (today, 01:51 AM)
This is a shame - I was hoping that the guys over at the rpf were wrong.
seems a bit confusing to me :confused or am I wrong about this one?

I will answer this one - I was thanking people here for giving a heads up to a possible problem, plain and simple. I do want the project to happen but I am now very leary about doing business with him.

As far as the second quote, I was voicing my disappointment about how he dropped the run so fast. I had read that he dropped the run before I posted either of the above quotes, so I was well aware of the situation. That post was more directed to the fellow board members at SciFiHero because it is a shame that the project had to drop off and that, it seems, the members here are correct about Lord_T. As a matter of fact, I directed Lord_T over to this thread through a PM to see what was being said, he responded with a 1 word answer to me, then dropped the run - this was around 7 pm eastern time yesterday (Tuesday 6/9).

Hopefully that explains the 2 posts.

Again: there are recasters/scammers out there (and here), and I can't speak out about things that might/might not happend in the past. Just give everybody a chance to come through with a project.

So you came to blow a bunch of smoke about the RPF 'not being in good standing with prop collectors' and complain about people who we're simply trying to save other people from alot of grief?

Frankly, sir, you should shut your trap if you don't know the whole story. He scammed other people in the past, and those people have the right to out him for it. It's called what goes around comes around. If he wanted to be a legit businessman then he shouldn't have screwed those people over, and he deserves everything he got from this recent outing. Quite frankly, I don't agree with you at all. Saying that 'you should give everybody a chance to come through with a project' means you're basically saying you should give known con artists another chance to rip everyone off AGAIN, because MAYBE this time they're trying to be honest. Your logic is redundant and plain wrong.
So you came to blow a bunch of smoke about the RPF 'not being in good standing with prop collectors' and complain about people who we're simply trying to save other people from alot of grief?

Frankly, sir, you should shut your trap if you don't know the whole story. He scammed other people in the past, and those people have the right to out him for it. It's called what goes around comes around. If he wanted to be a legit businessman then he shouldn't have screwed those people over, and he deserves everything he got from this recent outing. Quite frankly, I don't agree with you at all. Saying that 'you should give everybody a chance to come through with a project' means you're basically saying you should give known con artists another chance to rip everyone off AGAIN, because MAYBE this time they're trying to be honest. Your logic is redundant and plain wrong.

I find it funny that people dislike this place. Face it, the ones talking the most smack are probably the ones that have been shown the door and have CONSTANTLY tried to get back in. If this place is so bad, please explain the sock puppetry that has been going on for years...(not meant to you, Spike)
So you came to blow a bunch of smoke about the RPF 'not being in good standing with prop collectors'

this is only partially of the truth
If you should listen to what's out there, you would know this.
I'm reading a lot of posts on a lot of forums and the RPF isn't always coming out as the best.
If the RPF doesn't have any bad deals, why does the first "sticky" at the Junkyard carries the label "BAD DEAL"

On the other hand, like I've said THERE ARE GOOD THINGS HERE ALSO.
there are people, myself inclusive, who had good deals on the RPF and have seen good stuff come forward.

Frankly, sir, you should shut your trap if you don't know the whole story.
Like I said before, and you even quoted me on that, I can not speak out about things that might/might not happend in the past. :unsure
I don not deny that people had bad dealings with him in the past.

Maybe it was a poor choice of words to say that "everybody" should have a chance, but then again people get the label of "bad businessman" here a bit fast to my personal opinion. :unsure
I also know several con-artists, and I'm sure NOT going to recommend them to anyone. (I'll also warn people I know about them)

If this place is so bad, please explain the sock puppetry that has been going on for years...
I'll inverse this: If this place is so good, why are there so many topics where members have complaints about bad deals? :confused
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I'm going to post something else here to clarify my personal opinion

@ Mods, if inappropriate here, please move :confused

I have plenty expierience with creating/moulding/casting for personal projects.
Some of these projects require a lot of planning.
Not to mention the fact that the creative artist has to buy his products, they have to be delivered to him, he/she has to use them, etc.
The shop where I buy my stuff (silicone, resin, etc), it's open every day from Monday-Friday
But it's only on Friday that I can go to it, because of my job hours.

simple example about the planning: if you use a high quality silicone (like the one I use) it take at least 12 hours to make the mould (drying time)
In other words, if I make the mould this evening, I'll only be able to demould it tommorow evening (casting goes faster, depending on the resin-type)
And that's only for a simple one-side block mould. (nothing complex about that)
Yes, It's possible to create a mould a lot quicker, but most of the times the quality will resemble the work you've put into it.
Meaning: low quality mould = more defects in casting (air bubbels, no/partially curing,...)

I do have a job like most people, so moulding/casting is an after-hours job
After all, for most of us it's an after-job hobby and we all have private lives as well.

When I bought my Republic Commando armour kit last year, I had to wait 7 months until the vacu-forming was finished (mostly due to long wait list)
Now I'm going to spend another year for assembly. So it's an almost 2-year project.
When I started for this, I faced reality: I didn't expect to complete it in 3 months

Word of advice to both the creators and the buyers out there
I know it's a bunch of wishfull thinking and if they want to scam you, they will, but nonetheless, here he goes...

creators: try to be honest about e.g. delivery planning; don't say "Hey I can make 10 if I want in one day" if you know that 3 will be more close to reality.
there's always things that can go wrong or happen unexpected.

buyers: be reasonable; If you buy a e.g. a life-sized bust from a movie-character, don't expect next week delivery. it takes time to mould and ship such a things. also check with your local post offices on delivery in and out of the country; It took a small package, for my miniature hobby, 3 days from LA to Belgium (customs control) and another 2 weeks from customs control to my doorstep ==> meaning: it's not always the fault of the person who send the package (in my example it was a well-known company)

to all: be alert; always !; there are a bunch of people out there who just want to make money and don't care about rules and behavior. But there are also artist out there who try to do a good job (but that can take time)

I have a rule: "Quality takes time and money. No way around that"

btw: we have rules in our costume/prop club, but one is very important: recasting = thrown out
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I find it funny that people dislike this place. Face it, the ones talking the most smack are probably the ones that have been shown the door and have CONSTANTLY tried to get back in. If this place is so bad, please explain the sock puppetry that has been going on for years...(not meant to you, Spike)

So true, so true. *coughJPRcough*:rolleyes
I am pretty much done with this, just wanted to give everyone a heads up, All a smart person would have to do is look at his banned eBay accounts feedback his eBay name was Sci_Tek. I would post a link but I am not sure if its allowed

So good luck to all those who wish to take a chance, and to everyone else who is concerned all I can say is give phil enough rope to hang himself...again.

HYDIN.....YOU should take a stab at this, if it turns out half as good as your other projects I have seen here it will be an amazing piece and in real crystal 100 times better than a resin one.
I feel a little guilty, because it was MY POST he quoted and then decided to cancel the run.. But if it helped people save their money and time then it's a good thing...

I went over to the thread and it seems he changed his mind and is going to do the run.... Let's hope for their sake that he can stand by his word and deliver what he promised.....and on time.
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Why is there always a White Knight in threads like this?

"But...but...this time it'll be different, I just know it!!"

Sometimes I fear that the collective voice of reason is carried on a frequency that only a chosen few can hear.
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