Wil Wheaton

If you read his book, he openly admits he was a bit of a jerk before he "left" the show. As he got older, he realized his mistakes and has spent his adult life making up for it.

He's great on the Big Bang Theory too.
wheaton is a great actor,

im surprised he hasn't got any decent roles in recent years

although he has had one though,
wheaton is awesome on Big Bang Theory whenever he shows up.

He completely owns sheldon cooper while playing a rather exagerated mean version of himself.

its hilarious.
Wil further confirms my theory that actors who tend to play jerks, a-holes, and really villains tend to be some of the nicest people that you can possibly meet in person. That man can play a jerk like nobody's business (like on Eureka & The Guild) but it sounds like he's one of the nicest and coolest people you could meet.
Wil, to me, is the quintessential example of a 'gentle spirit'. Yeah, he swears and can play the bad guy on tv, but at heart, he's a sweet, kind man who would never dream of hurting another living creature himself.
You may remamber Wll before TNG, working with River Phoenix in Stand By Me (1986).

Mark Hamill was also some sort of victim of his character, and got difficult to have decent roles after be the eternal Luke Skywalker.

Whesley Crusher wasn't a bad character, but the problem is that was not very well developed by the scriptwriters. This hurts a actor, cause it do not allow hin show his talent.

I like TNG first seasson, despit the many defects it have, the family feeling was nice. Not everything need to be always intelectual complex crazy neuron burn drama.

This world is desperateley in need of nice people.
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+1 whole new level of respect for the guy
I was never a big fan of the character, but I like Wil well enough. He's just as much of a geek as we are, what's not to like?
I've heard he is a very nice guy and this just goes to show he's got a lot of class as well. Great story.

Some fans tend to blend the actor and the characters they play together and that's just ridiculous.
Wow that is awesome, I am not afraid to say that my eyes started to sweat a bit while ready that lol.
I have never met him but sure would love to. Sounds like a first class guy.
I used to follow his "WWWWD". It was very cool how he would mix geeking, with figuring out life with his wife and step children, to any ordinary thing that happens in life. He seemed to put a good deal of thought and consideration a lot of us don't take a second look at. He came off as a very smart, funny and kind guy.

Lost touch with following his blog, but never forgot the high level of his character. His FB post about the girl walking doesn't surprise me at all.
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