Wil Wheaton

I'm liking the Wil Wheaton show. It's not high art, but it's amusing. I wish he'd tone down the excitement, it's too forced.
That story was great. Very moving.

I have yet to watch his show but it looks pretty funny and I plan on watching it in the future.
Felicia Day was on his most recent show so he's ok in my book.

When I read a few months back about it, I was expecting something different, but ya at least the first episode looks
like Talk Soup / Tosh etc...

I have not yet seen the second one, but the first one had very bad audio issues, sounding like the mic's were
set too loud then compressed for tv levels. hope they fix that.
Can someone post a link to his web stuff about board games? I'd like to check that out.

Felicia Day was on his most recent show so he's ok in my book.


His tabletop game show is produced by her YouTube channel, Geekandsundry, and she's a frequent guest.

Most episodes are good fun. In the "Lords of Waterdeep" episode you actually get a glimpse of his competitive side. Felicia Day hits Wil with "mandatory quests" and convinces other players to take him down and Wil gets absolutely red-faced. It's actually quite funny. At first I thought he was just being a bad sport ... but then I remembered how easy it is for anyone to get invested.

The whole episode is great but it gets particularly intense after 14:30.

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I did think they showed way too much of Game of Thrones gruesome death scene last week. I'm glad my kids weren't watching when I was.
Wil is also hilarious playing Dragon Age on TableTop. His rolls are terrible, and he just goes nuts making up ridiculous stories instead. Plus, he played that with Stuart from Big Bang Theory, who was also really funny. I have definitely broadened my board games horizons from watching his channel.

I "met" Wil at a convention, and although he wasn't great with the intro to the Q&A (he just read something from his book) he was really engaged with answering fan questions, funny, and likeable.
I really want to see him get Patrick Stewart to come on and say "Shut up Wil!"

BTW Wesley was never in any of the ST movies was he?
Which reminds me: Have you ever seen the Ricky Gervais series, Extras? One hilarious episode has Patrick Stewart playing a perv version of himself.
I really want to see him get Patrick Stewart to come on and say "Shut up Wil!"

BTW Wesley was never in any of the ST movies was he?

He ended up with a silent cameo during the wedding in Nemesis. His speaking scenes were cut. The DVD has a deleted scene.

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no explanation...would have made more sense to have him in civilian clothing.

Why? Picard was assimilated by the Borg and once he was "De-Borgified", he was given back his command with seemingly no questions asked. Data basically took over the body of another android of unknown provinence and the Federation gave HIM a Captaincy eventually. Sisko had his head messed with numerous times by the Pah Wraiths and the Prophets but retained his command.

Starfleet is apparently very forgiving on such things. ;)
Obviously Starfleet was short on baritones so they had to keep Sisko for the Starfleet choir.

I forgot about the Traveller episode. I haven't seen that in a long time. If I remember right, he said Wesley would learn to use certain powers, so whose to say he can't zip around to wherever he wants like a Q?
I always hated the Traveller episode and thought it was nice to see him in Nemesis even if it was only for a minute or so.
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