What movie set would you want in your backyard??

The set from "Rear Window". I'd live in Jimmy Stewart's apartment naturally. Don't know where to get a Grace Kelly bot though. Details, details.

Cool choice...

Shocked there is nothing from Raiders (especially considering the thread originator!)...
--Well Of Souls
--Map Room
--Opening temple
--Marion's bar (my favorite)
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Loving these ideas!

I would probably have to go with something out of Harry Potter. It would be fun to have the Burrow. I also love castles so I'm sure I could work Hogwarts in there somewhere.

About 20 minutes from where I live there is a company called Epic Systems - they do the software for medical companies. It now sits on a 385-acre campus. All the different buildings have themes. There is a farm, western theme, a deep space auditorium, a replica of grand central station, an Indian Jones themed hallway, a dungeons and dragons area. One of the conference rooms is a treehouse. Earlier this month they announced that the next expansion will be a Hogwarts-style building. They will call it Wizards Academy Campus. It'll be the fourth campus on the site. It makes me think that I have to re-evaluate my current career choice.

My work space is feeling pretty dull. And here I thought I made my desk fun with my Big Lebowski rug mousepad and red swingline stapler.
Wow HOW did I miss this thread?? I actually do have a few acres sittin behind my house, i'd do a giant mashup of sets... the outside would be Hogwarts, the kitchen would be Cafe 80's, one bedroom would be Mission To Mars from The Wolverine lol, one bedroom would be Flynn's room fron Tron Legacy. There'd be a water fountain that would be a Weapon X glass tub somewhere in the house.

The living room would consist of parts from all the rooms, props and costume pieces all over (sorta like easter eggs before touring the house.) Basement would be part Bat Cave and part Iron Man Hall of Armors. The roof could be an Umbrella Corporation landing spot. And a Mos Eisley lounge, with the bartender yellin at Tron Programs and Iron Man saying they're not served here HAHA
I would take the Men of Letter's base of operations from Supernatural (first seen in season 8 ep 13) dubbed "The Batcave" by Dean Winchester -

I want to find and paint a ford that was used in Jurassic park and tip it on it's side. Sadly though it wasn't available here in AUS in 93 (?). The closest looking 4WD I can find is a Landrover. Still tempted to go with the Landrover, but it just wouldn't be right without the correct vehicle.

Oh, my back yard is a leach infested jungle... and it's all mine! :lol


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