What movie set would you want in your backyard??


Master Member
If you had 2-3 acres of land in your backyard and you could build anything (within reason, such as you can't build the entire Death Star), what movie set would you build.

For me it would be the Hill Valley 2015 Town Square.
That's a hard choice. Maybe a military instillation or warehouse or nuclear base. Something from a bond movie or a spaceship interior.
Serenty, Hands down. My favorite space ship in a new York minute. It's been built in it's entirety twice. I would be ticked to build one to code and move in.
Hill Valley 1955. Though I always dreamed of being rich and building a neighborhood with full replica houses. Brady Bunch, Bewitched, Leave it to Beaver, I Dream of Jeannie, the Munsters, etc... They would be full functioning homes decorated exactly like the originals. I could rotate where I sleep and what a great set of guest homes for visitors to use.
Quiet! All of you!
They're entering the Tyrannosaur paddock...
I'd have the full fences, the two Explorer's, maybe a pet goat and a Tyrannosaurus roar that played on loud speakers a few times a day.
Excellent question. I'm rolling with the Gilligan set...small lagoon and all. An island unto myself.


If you had 2-3 acres of land in your backyard and you could build anything (within reason, such as you can't build the entire Death Star), what movie set would you build.

For me it would be the Hill Valley 2015 Town Square.
The Shire is definitely up there, but I would also LOVE, love love it
if I had the complete Labyrinth from Labyrinth.....with Jared's castle at the far end. :D
Mos Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. To build it... We must be cautious...
So many ideas....

How about the bunker on the forest moon of Endor, from Return Of The Jedi. Complete with a speeder bike or two on steel rods so they appear to float, and a life size AT-ST (Chicken-Walker).

The Sarlacc Pit with a full size skiff over it. (The pit would be great for getting rid of sales people and other unwanted guests).

But of coarse my first choice would be to build the TARDIS Interior set. Mostly the one from the 80's, but with some of my own design added.
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