Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron) - unfolded

Re: Ultron helmet (Avengers 2: Age of Ultron) WIP

Love the work you've done with this. Just from your first version to where you are at now is amazeballs. Looks really great. I cannot wait to see this complete.
Re: Ultron helmet (Avengers 2: Age of Ultron) WIP

Thanks guys :) I don't have much time for my personal work, but I'll trying to do it good.
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

im so making this once the file is released
i should probably finish my iron man suit first haha
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

im so making this once the file is released
i should probably finish my iron man suit first haha

I haven't even started me iron man suit and I downloaded/printed it 6months ago, too many other builds getting in the way, level 4 hobby horse adapted to be a lightshade for the girlfriend, and my current build of super detailed optimus prime from transformers 3 to be followed by optimus from age of extinction, tben I might get round to starting my mkiii iron man from dancinfool
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

I understand, because I have the same problems here :)
(little bit stucked with my mark 43 suit. I wish an a time machine...)


So, I think its time to stop and... Let it be an Ultron Minion ver.1.0.


Is anybody want to help me to unfold it? Foam and paper.
Write here or PM, please.
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

I can do a foam unfold.

Will you be releasing raw files for 3D printers? I would love to print one of these like I did with my comics style Ultron.
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Forgive my N00bishness, but I'm definitely interested in building the helmet and the whole suit, but I don't know about how to go about the process since I've never worked with foam and unfolds. Could someone humor me and give me a description of the process?
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

Do you think you'll be getting around to making foam files of this mk of Ultron. ultron.jpg
Re: NEW Ultron helmet (Avengers: Age of Ultron)

will that be a wearable suit or a statue type thing?
it looks like it has a lot of mechanical and electronic parts inside
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