Two Pilots engaged in Neural Bridge: Gipsy Danger and Cherno Alpha online

A 9v battery will still power it and runs pretty slow. You could try adding in a pot to see what resistor you'd need at the speed you want. Probably will be around the 1megOhm area

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was just an idea

I think you're on the right track, but testing with a variety of resistors (from 1k-1M) I couldn't get the fan to turn at 9v (which is what I'm running it at, since it's designed to start running at 9v then ramp up to 12) With 9v it runs at about probably 400 rpm, totally silent (it's got some wicked sweet bearings) and looks pretty good...I think if I could get it down though it'd look almost hypnotic, as it stands I may add some electrical tape to the set up or something.
Well. To the four of you on the planet (it seems) who don't know, I went to Taiyo Con yesterday in Mesa as a sort of beta test of the armor. Learned a lot of valuable info on the suit and how it moves and operates...definitely gonna need a second hand putting it on (but I should have that the next time I wear it) and it needs to be rerigged in places. The bicep snapped because of where I had it attached (attached it to the shoulder pad instead of to the chest plate, so it ended up sliding down my arm quite a lot and broke because it ended up over my elbow as I tried to bend) and the suspenders desperately need to be altered in length (I have welts from how tight they were on my shoulders). That said, I was an insanely big hit at the convention, and despite entering in the novice division (having never even placed in a masquerade before) I won "Best In Show"! Hopefully Hailee and I can keep the expectations going the next time we suit up.

Now it's time to put the finishing touches on Gipsy, print and assemble her hands, install the LEDs, and craft and install the sword. As for Cherno we have a whole mess of tweaking to do but thankfully that shouldn't be as major. Just a few big pieces to build and then a lot of little details to be done.

Anyways, that's enough blabbing! Here's all the pics that have been uploaded of me so far!











Big thanks to:

Zero Prime
Justin DC
Gabriel Lennard
Alicia Bozzuto
Anabel Martinez
Ben Stadler-Ammon


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It's even better than I thought it would! Incredible! :eek
It will be a long time before someone makes a Gipsy Danger at this level.
If there was a contest you don't have to tell me who won the grand prize.
That would just be bragging. ;)
You look AMAZING! Congrats on your Best in Show, you completely deserved it. :)

I can't wait to see Cherno and Gipsy together!
It's even better than I thought it would! Incredible! :eek
It will be a long time before someone makes a Gipsy Danger at this level.
If there was a contest you don't have to tell me who won the grand prize.
That would just be bragging. ;)

Thanks for the kind words...I honestly (after working on it so long) can only see what's wrong with it :p It's party of why I entered Novice...I was running off of PHXCC's definition for masquerade categories so I figured that's where I belonged...everyone let out a collective "Whaa?!" when that was announced...Plus every masquerade I've entered before this I didn't even place so I honestly wasn't expecting to win anything this time round :p

wow it came out great, congrats on the win, and keep up the great work.

Just you wait, this isn't even my final form! :D

You look AMAZING! Congrats on your Best in Show, you completely deserved it. :)
I can't wait to see Cherno and Gipsy together!

Cherno's at my place right now and we're working to make him just as good, if not better :D Thanks so much for the compliment, a craftsman is always glad to hear his work is appreciated :)
The problem with making a kaiju is you have to have somewhere to put it when you are not wearing it. :p
I imagine it would be tough to travel with too.

I really like the new pictures! Would you mind if I photo shopped him into a city?
Sure, as long as you keep the proper scale. None of that power rangers stuff where all the sky scrapers go up to my knees :p
This is absolutely AMAZING!!! A friend linked this thread to my facebook page. I gotta say you have done an absolutely FANTASTIC job!! Now, I'm gonna curl up in a corner and cry because I had started planning out doing similar build for Gipsy and Striker to try and get them done for DragonCon in August. Now I'm just scared that anything I would be able to pull off will look like crap or be considered a rip off of your amazing work!! Hopefully soon, I can start work on both my Jaegers and my TARDIS build and have them done in time for DC. Again, AMAZING job!!!
I can't wait for PCC I'll be able to get something more than a profile picture taken of you. I can only wish I had the skills to make one of those things.
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