The Clone Wars Jedi General Armor Project

Great project!
It's such a pleasure to see each piece becoming reality when passionate builders getting busy...:thumbsup

Chosen One Shoulders:

In silicon, ladies and gentlemen. Going to add a fiberglass jacket this afternoon. Hopefully we can pull some next weekend. Also get a second mold done so we can pull sets at the same time.


Negotiator Shoulders:

I did a lot of trimming and grinding work outside in between coats of silicon yesterday. I trimmed and shaped the football casts I made last weekend. As I thought the larger regulation size footbal worked better. I put the first coat of bondo on last night and it sanded down nicely. Only a couple low spots left are the shaping. This football idea is really working out great. I'll do another couple coats of bondo over the next week to get it thicker and add an edge and hopefully this will be ready for silicon next weekend.




Chest Armor:

I got the first two pulls trimmed and shaped yesterday. So here's a better idea of what the finished product will look like. Sans final sanding or paint of course.

Another busy weekend! Busier even. Here's where we're at:

Negotiator Shoulders:

The prototype came out great. Sadly it went straight into silicon and I didn't get a picture. But the shape is really accurate. The football idea was great start and with lots of bondo it came together beautifully.

The first mold was finished on Saturday and the prototype went back into silicon today for a second mold.


Chosen One Shoulders:

Prototype went back in silicon on Saturday for a second mold.


We pulled the first set from the first mold on Saturday as well. Turned out great. Not to toot our own horns but it's the most accurate shape I've seen so far.


Chest Armor:

Is moving along. We're up to 6 sets pulled. The grey is the first Anakin set that's been spoken for, second is my personal set, 3 rough trimmed and ready, and one curing at Donny's.


Arm Armor:

I was able to find something to scratch build some gauntlets from. I didn't want to build them out of sintra for people since that took forever. This was much easier and means I can crank them out if people want a full Negotiator set or some Mace forearms, etc. This is the rough build. I'll be finishing it up and painting it soon.


I cut and shaped some handguards too. These need paint but I can easily offer these for sale.


I am finishing up some biceps for a full Negotiator set. If you use your imagination you can see the notch to be cut out.


So we're well on our way to sales. We need another couple weeks to get examples of all the pieces done and then we'll be off to the races. I'm glad to say we'll be able to offer full Chosen One and Negotiator chest and shoulder sets as well as full Negotiator upper body sets as well.

It's gonna be real soon. I'll post when we open the For Sale thread and as always keep up with the progress.

Here's the first full Chosen One set in primer.

Nice trimming Chris! It was a productive weekend for sure. I was going to actually pull another chest today but didn't have enough brushes.
They are fantastic.


Not much else to report. Working on getting things finished and painted for the final sale. Next weekend is an all paint weekend for me.
We're getting close now. I did a lot of painting this weekend. The first set of Anakin armor is fully painted with two coats of Duplicolor and ready for weathering and Jedi symbols.


The first Obi-Wan set is coated in white primer and ready for weathering and Jedi symbols as well.


The arm armor is one it's way. The hand guard and bicep are painted and ready for weathering. The guantlet is bondo'd and ready for paint this week.


We also got samples cut for the compad. The masters are on their way. I put together the samples and primed them to see how they looked.


Hopefully we'll be ready to sell in another couple weeks. I'm taking this weekend off to go to Vegas for my 30th birthday so the armor will have to wait. Hope everyone understands. :love
The first sets are weathered. So close now, ladies and gentleman, only the red Jedi symbols left to do. Which is, sadly, the most annoying part.


The Negotiator is weathered with this powder made for model trains. I really like the look but it does brush off after wear and usage. So, I am gonna experiment with coating it with some matte clear.


The Chosen One is dry brush weathered with black acrylic. I love doing this part. It's fun for me.

Got some of the arm pieces done as well.


The gauntlet proto got another coat of paint tonight. I'll weather that tomorrow night before Lost.
Hey, everyone.

First of all, thanks for the comments and interest. Thanks for reading and bearing with us as we get things rolling.

I've got a lot of emails lately from people asking to buy the armor; offering pre-payment, bribes, sexual favors, and elimination of enemies. I appreciate the excitement people have for our work but I gotta run down how this is going to go so people don't get the wrong idea.

I have about a week left of work before the sale can start. I have to finish painting the example armor, wait for some supplies to arrive, and take nice pictures of everything before we're ready to go.

The sale will be for 10 sets of armor. It's pretty much the amount of chest armor we think we can pull before the mold self destructs. So, 10 people. It will be first come, first served. I know that sucks but understand that we have interest spread over 5 online forum communities. As long as you have been watching, there's probably someone who's been watching longer.

So, when the sale is ready to go, I'll post here and tell you the time and date that the sale thread will go live. Probably a day later just so people have a chance to prepare. The sale thread will go up with pictures, prices, instructions, etc.

Again, thanks for reading.
Looking AMAZING Chris! I know I've bribed you with cash and trades. I didn't know you were being offered sexual favors too. I'll throw in some of those as well if it gets me armor. ;)

Have a happy birthday!
We have plans after the armor. The compad run. We're also gonna tackle the Obi-Wan neck seal in self skinning foam. So we're not gonna do 10 armor sets and then disappear.
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