Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Unless he's a force ghost in IX. ;)

Certainly possible but I think it's too on the nose to have a Force ghost mentor in these films. TFA mirrored ANH by design and with a very specific purpose. I don't see the creative team going back to the OT well for story ideas that are so similar to what we have seen before going forward.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Maybe, but from Rebels we know Yoda is already popping up all over the place, so I don't see why not. In a way I liked how Zahn had Obi Wan tell Luke that they couldn't help any longer (or something like that) to let him do his thing, but still they could point him to Jedi locations with info on training material, lightsaber materials, etc. What's the point of being a Force ghost if you can't help Luke out?
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Yeah, I don't think seeing Force ghosts would be unreasonable. I'm honestly expecting to see Yoda (and Obi-wan?!) make an appearance before everything is said and done. Frank Oz has been spotted around Pinewood and hearing both their voices in Rey's vision certainly seems to leave the possibility open that they're are still active in the great beyond. Granted Yoda's lines are recycled but Obi-wan has as least one new line, "Rey, these are your first steps." I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be more discussion of why Obi-wan Kenobi of all people is directly talking to Rey. Considering they've never met, I have to think there must be some significance we don't know about yet, the rumors that Rey is a Kenobi relative notwithstanding.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Yeah, I don't think seeing Force ghosts would be unreasonable. I'm honestly expecting to see Yoda (and Obi-wan?!) make an appearance before everything is said and done. Frank Oz has been spotted around Pinewood and hearing both their voices in Rey's vision certainly seems to leave the possibility open that they're are still active in the great beyond. Granted Yoda's lines are recycled but Obi-wan has as least one new line, "Rey, these are your first steps." I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be more discussion of why Obi-wan Kenobi of all people is directly talking to Rey. Considering they've never met, I have to think there must be some significance we don't know about yet, the rumors that Rey is a Kenobi relative notwithstanding.

I have seen the film... but I have not heard Yoda, nor Obi-Wan :confused
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

They're there. I haven't checked but I imagine there are discussions and Youtube videos detailing it all. Lol!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)


SW:TCW was considered T-canon (television), not G-canon (George Lucas) by those in charge of the canon-keepers pre-Disney. Still expanded universe and still disposable.

From when the announcement was first made to discard the EU as "legends", and a clear distinction was made between the films and Clone Wars--the always-canon "immovable objects"--and everything else that was EU:

"Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align."
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

From when the announcement was first made to discard the EU as "legends", and a clear distinction was made between the films and Clone Wars--the always-canon "immovable objects"--and everything else that was EU:

Lucas always made it clear that he was not beholden to the EU. He set the films he created as the canon. This includes the six Star Wars episodes, and the many hours of content he developed and produced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. These stories are the immovable objects of Star Wars history, the characters and events to which all other tales must align.

They're immoveable until they decide to move them. Anything not part of the movies is expanded (or extended) universe - that's pretty much the definition of expanded universe.
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

And it's off again......

I'd go as far as saying that Rogue One is EU,....everything that isn't a Star Wars's all canon but outside of the volume's a spin off

Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

I have seen the film... but I have not heard Yoda, nor Obi-Wan :confused

Typically, you won't hear it until you know where it is and you listen for it. When you do, you hear it. I first heard about it after my last theater viewing - heard them on my first home view, pretty clearly too.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Typically, you won't hear it until you know where it is and you listen for it. When you do, you hear it. I first heard about it after my last theater viewing - heard them on my first home view, pretty clearly too.
Once you hear it - you'll hear it every time. (Well, in my case).

Yoda starts around :47 ("'s energy...") more at :51 ("...surrounds us...) and continues; Obi-Wan at 1:26 (Sir Alec Guiness: "Rey") and 1:31 (Ewan, almost a whisper: "...these are your first steps...).

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

Once you hear it - you'll hear it every time. (Well, in my case).

Yoda starts around :47 ("'s energy...") more at :51 ("...surrounds us...) and continues; Obi-Wan at 1:26 (Sir Alec Guiness: "Rey") and 1:31 (Ewan, almost a whisper: "...these are your first steps...).

These are your first steps... I had heard that one at least, but Ewan? I thought that was Maz :lol :lol :lol

I guess "you don't see it until you hear it". I must have focused too much on the visuals :$
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)


They're immoveable until they decide to move them. Anything not part of the movies is expanded (or extended) universe - that's pretty much the definition of expanded universe.
If LFL says The Clone Wars (movie and TV series) are equally immoveable as the films, then they are. They are the same story, just a different visual medium.

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

If LFL says The Clone Wars (movie and TV series) are equally immoveable as the films, then they are. They are the same story, just a different visual medium.
If you want to believe that - that's cool. Of course, I'm sure folks thought the same about the Caravan of Courage. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

If you want to believe that - that's cool. Of course, I'm sure folks thought the same about the Caravan of Courage. :lol

Hey, the caravan of courage was ok for its time. I watched it when i was a little kid and cried when an ewok died LMFAO. Im bad arse today though... But the kid in me remembers that emotion and those massive spiders not quite done as well as in the hobbit...

They were like a tolerable cheesy version kinda like enemy mine \m/
Re: Star Wars: Episode VIII (Pre-release)

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I just discovered this girl (along with the rest of the internet)...

She's going to end up on nerdist, or as a commentator for a bigger site soon enough.

There's a super whiner on these forums that started a hate thread about youtube stars... well this is the point of youtube, finding these gems.

Her dry sense of humor is spot on.
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