Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

On the subject of merchandising, if you're a Verizon customer you can get a free Star Wars (cardboard) VR headset, there are several different designs to choose from to go with the new VR update to the official Star Wars app.

Edit: Beat me to it.

They didn't even ask me if I was a customer, they just gave it to me. But they only had two at the store, I got the last one and I got there 10min. after they opened.
It's just an exact copy of the VR app from 1977 probably! :p

Seriously though, what is this? You put your phone inside and can tilt your head around to see more of a picture or video?

you put your phone in and the box unfolds to become a viewer. Then you go to the Star Wars ap for the content.
You might want to hide that behind spoiler code or move it to the spoiler thread, but yeah, that's the start of the movie.

yeah I would of hide it if I knew how.

but that sucks cuz the book looked like it was the whole movie then .

hey does that mean you have seen it ????? some one get my broomstick rabble rabble rabble

even if you worked on the movie your mind should have been wiped clean by now .lol
Well I didn't only because I am perfectly happy with JJ directing this film and I was never a huge fan of his.

I'm in the same boat. I've never been a big fan of Abrams' and was pretty underwhelmed when he was announced to direct TFA but so far he's said and done all the right things in my book. At least that I've seen. No complaints.
I'm very excited. My inner cynic is temporarily dead, and I'm loving it. Any posts I've seen that start something like "this is gonna suck because--" I don't even bother to finish reading. Don't even care if it's a "reboot", bring it on.
On the merchandising, has anyone noticed the distinct lack of the words Episode VII on everything? Its all Star Wars The Force Awakens, but no mention of the episode no.

Even the posters are devoid of the numerals.
Yeah, I prefer it that way. I never liked how much emphasis there was on the "Episode" number of the PT movies, rather than the actual name of the movie itself.
That's the two things that have worried me, probably for nothing, will there be an opening crawl as always that looks the same as the others? Because of that issue with the guild that Lucas got out of to not have credits at the beginning of the movies, JJ may not have such power. And will JJ use scene transition wipes and dissolves as Lucas used?
And nobody watched that JJ interview I posted.

... I watched it, thanks for posting it. I am actually a JJ fan, ha ha (please don't stone me) So SW and JJ together is great to me. My favorite part was when he talked about the bringing back conversations in saber battles. I love that! It's what the PT left out for the most part. They were beautiful action scenes, but lacked the depth, and importance of the originals. (Sigh) 15 more days!!! We're in December now.... So close...
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