Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

There was also a comment from Lucas about an idea he had for a one-off film which would take place around 600 years before Anakin's story and feature the adventures of a newly knighted jedi named Yoda. Don't know if I could watch 2 hours of Yoda though...
So, Yoda was trained when he was in his 200s and he has the gall to say that Luke is too old? Damn that frog.

Seems more likely he was trained and knighted a few centuries after the forming of the republic and the institutionalizing of the Jedi Order, binding themselves to the protection of the republic.

What I never liked about the KOTOR is that they have pretty much all the things they have a thousand years later in the PT/OT(/ST). That's a long time to not have any advances. Which is pretty much why I gave up on it. Just seemed like exactly the same as a thousand years later.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I just don't get the love for Joe Johnston. Sure, he did fantastic work on the OT, but as a filmmaker, he really doesn't shine as much. Of all the films I've seen, they all have that shot-for-TV quality about them. Really not someone I would want to direct anything full feature Star Wars.
I'd really love a new, gritty look at Star Wars. I mean, look at what Disney is doing with The Lone Ranger. I think a more military, rough look at the universe is what it needs. It's working for the re imagining of Snow White, Jack and the bean stock, etc.

Just my 2 cents.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The OT was visually gritty because the previous 20-30 years the empire took all the money and all the tech and left the masses with nothing but junk..
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Yoda in more than small doses = bad.

Yoda in action = questionable.

Yoda starring in his own movie = zero mainstream appeal.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

ah, true.. but it was darker brown and no tan tunic... the underroos were black. :)

Some of the artist renderings of the EU have older Luke wearing PT jedi clothes with his black jumpsuit underneath (i.e. Obi-Wan's brown shirt) and his OT belt. I always liked the look.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Some of the artist renderings of the EU have older Luke wearing PT jedi clothes with his black jumpsuit underneath (i.e. Obi-Wan's brown shirt) and his OT belt. I always liked the look.

I don't believe in EU :lol Just kiddin' ya, it is a good look and Luke would be the type to want to respect and carry on some tradition and dress in honor of Obi Wan. I'll be curious to see how they dress him if Luke appears in the SW sequels. oh wow... I just typed SW sequels! squeeeeee!!!!!!!! :love
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

We can have the Force and the Jedi, we just got to find a way to not make them act like complete idiotic zealots. I mean, cripes.

I would like the Jedi characters in the next films to go back to being a bit more mystical with a Jedi being in tune with his surroundings, with heightened abilities and powers that are just enough to help get them out of trouble (i.e. retrieving your lightsaber just by looking and reaching for it, jump high and fast like Luke did to get out of the carbon freezing hole, suggest thoughts upon the weak minded) and get away from the super hero jedi that can do anything in a blink of an eye like we see in the prequels... I mean, these guys were invincible jus short of Superman. they could practically fly (anakin leaping out of the speeder on Corruscant to fall onto the bounty hunter's speeder)

they are just too strong, fast and powerful... I've enjoyed the Jedi skills shown in the prequels but to me having Jedi abilities should be a bit limited and having to take more effort to do.... like we see in the OT.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

My point exactly. Plenty of new story when you are 3-4000 years earlier with two waring nations so to speak. Sith were bad ass and Jedi weren't a bunch of peace keeping Va-J-J's not wanting to fight. They were true knights. Would love to see that.

They're talking about 4,000 years before ANH like in the Knights of the Old Republic game (aka the fourth best SW movie).
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Regarless of those who want to minimalize the Jedi/Sith influence in the new film, GL has already made it a huge requirement in my opinion. If you were to go back to a minimal Jedi influence like Luke was in ROTJ and make it a more military movie, that would also ruin it for those wanting more fantasy if you will.

I can agree that the Jedi/Stih Demigod thing has gotten way out of hand, but with what has been presented with the PT you have to find a happy medium. Add a little more Jedi/Sith influence then ROTJ, but keep it to only 2 or 3 jedi/sith, that way they are the minority of the film, but still a larger part then before.

Disney simply needs to focus on building a good story base and characters, not just rapid fire movies like GL seemed to do with PT.

As much as I like the Old republic where sith and jedi had a huge war, seems most are against it, so I can side with going back to the OT as long as you add a little bit of the Jedi sith influence. Just, please, not need to make them Demigods tho. That gets old.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Actually... I thought the Jedi in the prequels were weak and stupid compared to what I would have expected. They were barely more than what Luke could muster... and they were Jedi at the height of their prime. I was expecting more.

What I felt in the OT though was that the Force usage took its toll on people using it. It reminded me of the gift/curse thing presented in the X-Men universe and the first two movies, where their powers were both a gift and a curse. In the PT there was barely any of that feeling - similar to what happened in the later X-Men movies where the burdens of the powers just wasn't there, but thankfully re-introduced with First Class.

Anything that can be done without consequences in one form or another is just boring within a story narrative. That's basically what I thought the Dark Side usage did... it was using and corrupting the Force into a selfish usage instead of an unselfish usage... and what I saw in the PT was pretty much every single Force user - good or bad - was using it for selfish reasons. Maybe I don't remember the PT that well anymore, but that was basically what I learned from that and why I really didn't feel anything when the Jedi were wiped out, 'cause honestly, they were acting like self-righteous, pompous morons who couldn't do anything and allowed a mass murderer of men, women and children to stay within their ranks.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think that it was made a point in the prequels that the Jedis' powers were in decline. They were too pompous and self-righteous without being able to back that up with ability, and that was one factor which contributed to their downfall.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

The (or a) Jedi need to have a part in the new stories, not be the center of it. The prequels centered on the Jedi (who we've come to learn according to that trilogy, are emotionless and clearly out of touch with reality.) Anakin should have been like Han. Obi-Wan should have been like Luke, and Padme should have been like Leia.

As long as the characters are strong and the plot isn't a rehash of the other films, I'm for it. 7,8, and 9 will have Luke, Leia, and Han involved in some fashion or other. Why bother calling them 7,8, and 9 otherwise? The story needs to be about characters we love, of which the force is a PART of the story, not the entire story.

There will be spin off films too. Expect to see a young Yoda film, a Boba Fett film. Possibly even series of spin offs too like, KOTOR, Sith Wars, all that stuff.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I think people read in too much from the games and EU.

In the games the jedi/sith have become way too powerful and overdone. In the movies, not so much. What have we seen on screen to indicate they're virtually invincible? Darth killed the emperor pretty easily all things considered and the emperor wiped out the best of the best of the jedi 30 years prior (except yoda) and yoda just into hiding.

Most jedi were wiped out pretty easily under order 66 (and nastily too).

In AotC, Dooku owns obi and ani, and in multiple jedi fell in the arena. Anakin skydiving through the city during the car chase was way over the top, but it's nothing to suggest the whole things been overdone.

In E1, Qui Gon goes down to maul and maul goes down like a punk to obi. Maybe dump the super speed, but that's about it.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

they are just too strong, fast and powerful... I've enjoyed the Jedi skills shown in the prequels but to me having Jedi abilities should be a bit limited and having to take more effort to do.... like we see in the OT.

I think they're fine. Lucas actually had a guide that said a Jedi could jump this high, could fall from this height, battle this many people/droids/etc. The OT didn't show true Jedi. Lucas said years ago (late 80s) that we never saw true Jedi fighting/abilities in the OT. Vader wasn't fully human so he would never have the full potential Anakin had. Obi Wan was an old man, Yoda didn't fight, and Luke was barely at the level of a Jedi Padawan in the Prequels. He was just extremely strong in the Force so he could fight well.

I'm sure there were Jedi (as in the EU) who advocated that the Jedi use their abilities only as a last resort. Then you have some who use it for everything, like Obi Wan in the CW show where he uses it to spin a chair around so he could sit.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

this actually works for me... would rather see him in his RotJ black cloak though.
Actually the cloak Luke wears in ROTJ is brown, it just looks black in the movie because of the lighting during those scenes.
I went with the brown cloak for two reasons. First, because the promo photo of Ewan McGregor from Attack of the Clones worked pretty well with the photo of the bearded Mark Hamill that I found (regardless of my obvious and amateurish Photoshop work on Hamill's face and the lightsaber blade). Second, because I wanted to make Hamill/Luke somewhat resemble Alec Guinness/Ben in Star Wars, as though he were following in Kenobi's footsteps.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I enjoyed the more subtle approach to the Jedi powers in the originals. Not that we can't see them do amazing things, it just got to be flashy in the prequels for the sake of showing off new effects techniques rather than advancing the story.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Is anyone getting a vibe of John Carter mixed with Tron: Legacy and Pirates of The Caribbean for the new Star Wars?

I'm expecting Revenge of The Sith level quality out of this. Better than Phantom Menace, some good reviews and pleased audiences, with mixed negativity and die-hard fans still angry about not reaching the same standards.
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