Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Re: Star Wars Episode VII

as long as ford isn't wearing the same old outfit flying around in the falcon, I can accept him being in this. as much as I'd love to see the falcon, Han is a celebrated General at this point. not a smuggler
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

After seeing Indy 4, I think it's safe to say he will agree to anything.


as long as ford isn't wearing the same old outfit flying around in the falcon, I can accept him being in this. as much as I'd love to see the falcon, Han is a celebrated General at this point. not a smuggler

Agree that he shouldn't be dressed the same but he LOVED the Falcon, I doubt he'd leave it and if it isn't there as a hunk of junk he's kept together then I'd imagine that would be a distinct part of his character.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII


Agree that he shouldn't be dressed the same but he LOVED the Falcon, I doubt he'd leave it and if it isn't there as a hunk of junk he's kept together then I'd imagine that would be a distinct part of his character.
sure, he loved the falcon. but a general is most
likely on capital ships. it's been 40 years. these characters aren't where we left them.

and I'm so scared that is gonna be one huge clump of fan service already.....
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

sure, he loved the falcon. but a general is most
likely on capital ships. it's been 40 years. these characters aren't where we left them.

and I'm so scared that is gonna be one huge clump of fan service already.....

WAS a general. If it's been 40 years he's retired by now surely. Besides, Falcon is his personal property so he'd still have it even if he doesn't use it regularly.

I too fear the fan service but I can't imagine there would be no Falcon if there's Han.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't want 7,8, and 9 to mirror the original trilogy too much, but I think all you need is Luke as the mentor like Ben, some really menacing and intimidating über-powerful force-using villain for Luke's apprentice to face, and toss in Han and Leia for a few scenes. Luke dies and the rest of the movie and the next two movies is all about the new characters.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I don't want 7,8, and 9 to mirror the original trilogy too much, but I think all you need is Luke as the mentor like Ben, some really menacing and intimidating über-powerful force-using villain for Luke's apprentice to face, and toss in Han and Leia for a few scenes. Luke dies and the rest of the movie and the next two movies is all about the new characters.
at MOST, that is what I'd like.

if dreams were attainable, I'd rather have a few 6 episode seasons of a star wars series with only a slight crossover to the original trilogy. it's a big galaxy. let's not shrink it by sticking with the people we know and the planets we've been to.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

at MOST, that is what I'd like.

if dreams were attainable, I'd rather have a few 6 episode seasons of a star wars series with only a slight crossover to the original trilogy. it's a big galaxy. let's not shrink it by sticking with the people we know and the planets we've been to.

Totally agree. My ideal situation would have been no Han, no Leia, just Luke to pass the torch in the first film and on to a new adventure.

Seems though that the original three will be back as well as likely some others. Small universe indeed!

Holding out hope though.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I want Hamill back - as I want Ford and Fisher. Lucas has already shrunk the galaxy with the prequels - especially by having Vader BUILD 3po.

The opening should have Luke talking to Han about all the junk he has in the Falcon - when we see it - it's a real mess - stuff stacked to the roof - things in disrepair, no electricity, Leia moved out because she couldn't take it. Luke (with the help of a few other people) convince Han to get rid of his garbage, but it's hard to let go. They eventually find the skeleton of Chewie behind some boxes - malnourished and neglected - Han breaks down. He knows the Falcon will be taken away if he can't get it together. And there we have STAR HOARDERS.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

...and the Han takes the holo chess table to Las Vegas to have the Pawn Stars look at it. They buy it cheap as Han cant prove its the original from the Falcon. They send it off to have it restored and then the pickers stop by as they have this great set of mismatched original Holo Chess character pieces that go with it...
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

...and the Han takes the holo chess table to Las Vegas to have the Pawn Stars look at it. They buy it cheap as Han cant prove its the original from the Falcon. They send it off to have it restored and then the pickers stop by as they have this great set of mismatched original Holo Chess character pieces that go with it...

-- You missed the part where they send it off to American Restoration and Rick Dale magically converts it into a different make and model - then the American Pickers come by with the chess pieces. Of course Frank purchased the chess pieces as a bundle for a low price.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

WAS a general. If it's been 40 years he's retired by now surely. Besides, Falcon is his personal property so he'd still have it even if he doesn't use it regularly.

I too fear the fan service but I can't imagine there would be no Falcon if there's Han.

I'd kind of like to see the Han/Falcon thing the way they handled Gran Torino.....the Falcon is something of a hobby, a tinkering project.....but you can bet the Skywalker/Solo offspring are going to need it at some point!

Re: Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'd kind of like to see the Han/Falcon thing the way they handled Gran Torino.....the Falcon is something of a hobby, a tinkering project.....but you can bet the Skywalker/Solo offspring are going to need it at some point!


But remember, not a scratch!

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Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I always wondered why the technicians working for the rebellion went to work on C3PO with some Brasso and got him and R2D2 looking great for the end of Star Wars, but didn't fix up the Falcon for Han.

The Falcon was barely held together in ROTJ. I think Han should be moved on after 30 years. I'm sure the stories he tells about it are in perfect working order. I hear he made the Kessel Run in less that TEN parsecs! lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I always wondered why the technicians working for the rebellion went to work on C3PO with some Brasso and got him and R2D2 looking great for the end of Star Wars, but didn't fix up the Falcon for Han.

The Falcon was barely held together in ROTJ. I think Han should be moved on after 30 years. I'm sure the stories he tells about it are in perfect working order. I hear he made the Kessel Run in less that TEN parsecs! lol

Are you kidding? No way Han would let anyone mess with his baby.
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

Ya, but he knew Lando. He didn't know the Rebellion folks. ;)

Besides, Lando used to own the hunk of junk. :D

And after his guys worked on it, they disabled the hyperdrive. Yet more reason why Han would say "I may screw it up, but I'm not letting anyone ELSE touch it again."
Re: Star Wars Episode VII

I'm betting guys at the scrap heap are touching it 30 years later. Either that or it is up on blocks in his front yard.

That thought alone makes me wish they would have went with a reboot instead of trying to add on. Hasn't enough been ADDED?

I'd rather see different actors in the roles than further damage done.

There was a time when I felt about Star Wars the way those guys in the movie Fanboys do. The unspecial editions and the prequels have taken a toll. I still love Star Wars, but when I try to watch it now, its more frustrating than enjoying. Might be time to wipe the slate clean and have a fresh start. Maybe film a new trilogy all at once LOTR style with excellent continuity.

Eventually I think Disney will release the original unaltered Star Wars on blu-ray. Maybe then I can get back to my true self that I have only forgotten.
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