STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I'm curious, how does the resemblance between Ezra and Aladdin mean that Disney has defiled Star Wars or that the Ghost resembles the Narcissus? I always thought the resemblance of Ezra to Aladdin was just coincidence and the opening scene in Spark of Rebellion a joke or an acknowledgement that they're aware of the resemblance. Then in the case of the Ghost, it's not like Star Wars was full of original ideas and concepts either, the whole first movie is basically a retelling of the Kurosawa film Hidden Fortress.
I'll bite. Beyond a single character with a look and backstory similar to Aladdin and a ship design being derivative, where else des this show offend your Star Wars sensibility?

Riceball beat me to it.
Yeah, I hate to contribute to this train-wreck of a tangent, but seelsa73 nailed it. You are making great efforts to phrase your complaints like level headed remarks, but consider for a moment the claim that you are the only person here presenting an objective and mature perspective. That is in fact a pile of grade a **** by the definition of the word objective. The things you are stating are OPINIONS. Any and all opinions about entertainment are 100% subjective. You are perfectly free to hate Rebels. I really couldn't care less. If you want to share those dissenting opinions, feel free to do so as well, though I'd expect some negative blowback given its generally positive reception in fandom. But however you feel, at least have the intellectual honesty to say they are opinions. If you try to turn them into objective fact, we end up with a derailed thread like this. Maybe if you gave specifics about why the tone doesn't feel right to you, then a discussion could have started, but instead you opened with beating the same internet dead horse about how one of the characters in an ensemble cast bears a superficial resemblance to a character from another franchise so Star Wars has been defiled. (not even going to go into why the connotation of that statement may have set people off as well...) Anyway, just some things to consider if you are in fact not just trying to get a reaction and decide to revisit this thread.

Back to the actual point of this thread, I thoroughly enjoyed Rise of the Old masters. The way they turned a joke in the beginning into a poignant moment at the end was fantastic. The team seemed to work effectively on the mission, I like the way things turned out with Luminara and there was a neat EU nod and an new character who I think may be EU inspired. Over all a really solid, fun episode to watch. The only thing that bugged me was that they escaped essentially because the Inquisitor was lazy and toyed with them for too long, but I'm sure he won't make the same mistake in the future.
I've only had a chance to catch the first two, and I'm kinda on the fence. "Spark of Rebellion" was pretty good, and had me hit "series record", but the droids episode had me eye rolling a bit.... sort of in the way Gotham does.

If there was one thing I could change in the show, it would be the lip sync. It's terrible. The voice acting is completely lost in it. Maybe the models aren't rigged for proper mouth shapes, or it's being animated in Singapore, Iike Clone Wars was, and a lot of the animators don't speak english - but it's sucking a lot of the emotion from the stories.
No offence taken and all that, but I just thought I might want to point out the fact that being from Singapore born and bred, English IS spoken here by almost 100% of the natives. It might not be American - accented english, but it's generally considered the mother tongue. Just a little FYI ;)

If there was one thing I could change in the show, it would be the lip sync. It's terrible. The voice acting is completely lost in it. Maybe the models aren't rigged for proper mouth shapes, or it's being animated in Singapore, Iike Clone Wars was, and a lot of the animators don't speak english - but it's sucking a lot of the emotion from the stories.
No offence taken and all that, but I just thought I might want to point out the fact that being from Singapore born and bred, English IS spoken here by almost 100% of the natives. It might not be American - accented english, but it's generally considered the mother tongue. Just a little FYI ;)

Yeah I guess I over simplified what I wrote :)... my friend was a lead animator on Clone Wars in Singapore, and a lot of her team was from Hong Kong... and those guys, while great animators, had problems with the lip sync.

And maybe this is an exaggeration or fuzzy memory on her part, I dunno. ... I've never left the Vancouver (Canada) Animation scene, and even half the people here can't do lip sync properly.

May just have to get a job at Lucasfilm Singapore and learn for myself - I hear their studio is in the shape of a Sandcrawler.:D
Yeah I guess I over simplified what I wrote :)... my friend was a lead animator on Clone Wars in Singapore, and a lot of her team was from Hong Kong... and those guys, while great animators, had problems with the lip sync.

I also have a friend who was an animator for TCW (seasons 1-3 iirc)

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I think they just want to show lots of cool fire-fights, but without attaching any stakes to those battles in particular. It is kind of weak sauce. I mean the stormtroopers are notorious, but some of these are just ridiculous.

that totally sums up how it feels watching some of these :lol

But since when have we ever been shown that Stormtroopers can hit the broadside of a barn? The only thing we know that they're remotely accurate against are giant, slow moving tracked vehicle full of unarmed Jawa and we only have Obi-Wan's word on that, we never actually see them shot it up.
Yes, it is bad in the movies as well, but not quite this level of ridiculousness in my opinion (probably because it happens so many times each episode so far
I'm liking the show so far, but I also have to complain about the Stormtroopers' aim. I mean that stuff in Fighter Flight was just ridiculous. Also, Ezra can now dodge blaster bolts fired at him at point blank range? Between all that and the slapstick comedy at the beginning, some of this is grating on my nerves.

The rest of that episode I really liked. Even 30 some odd years ago I was always pretending my Luke and Han action figures were stealing TIE Fighters cuz that was my favorite ship. Now finally my child hood fantasy has come true.
Did they cut a bit at the end of the one with the TIE fighter, from the back and forth it seemed obvious they didn't destroy it, and I thought they were going to cut back to it right at the end of the episode, but it just kind of ended abruptly.
My biggest ongoing gripe is Ezra's Force ability. Luke and Anakin, prior to being put on their path, had scary-good reflexes and that's about it. And they're supposed to be serious heavyweights in the Force-attuned world. After three years of training on his own, Luke was able to -- with effort -- call his lightsaber to his hand. How is Ezra doing Force leaps that Luke was only able to do after months of training with Yoda. And I won't give Kanan credit for teaching him. He did it during their first encounter in the pilot. And as a partially-trained Padawan himself, I don't think Kanan's as competent a teacher as Obi-Wan, let alone Yoda.


I've seen this argument that its not right to have Ezra and Kanan more skilled and powerful than Luke by a few posters recently and the truth is its actually a moot point as it wasn't a strong, highly trained or naturally skilled Jedi that took Vader down... it was indeed a weak, less trained, careless and impatient and unskilled Jedi learner that took Vader down but only because that potential Jedi was Darth Vader's son who was selflessly sacrificing everything to turn his father back to the good side.. hence " Return of the Jedi: Anakin Skywalker".

Ezra and Kanan, as powerful as they are at this stage would still fail and die at the hands of the Emperor. they could never take him down and for that matter nor could Luke if you recall... Luke also failed and was being killed by Palpatine. Kanan and Ezra have no idea Darth Vader has a son (and daughter) and this information they will never know... but it is also irrelevant in their own fight for survival and rebellion against the Empire.

And while it was a a weak, less trained, careless jedi that took down Vader, In the end it was indeed a natural and highly trained Jedi that took down Emperor Palpatine and that jedi was Anakin Skywalker... he was close to the Emperor, had his trust (for the most part) and knew him well but there was one Ace up Luke's sleeve going into the fight that no other jedi including Yoda had that would eventually defeat Vader and therefore Palpatine and that was Luke's devotion, compassion and unconditional love for his father..... eventually Anakin's recognition of that and the realization that his freedom from Palpatine was to also sacrifice himself to save Luke is what destroyed the Sith.
So, it doesn't matter that Ezra or Kanan are way more skilled than Luke at this point because they don't have the one thing needed in the end and that is the relationship of Father and Son.
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I sort of take it that Ezra has been living off the streets for many years and likely has been using various aspects of the Force unwittingly just to survive. Luke was living a boring, comfortable life on the farm and beyond being able to bulls eye a womb rat, likely never really brushed up against his latent force talent.
I sort of take it that Ezra has been living off the streets for many years and likely has been using various aspects of the Force unwittingly just to survive. Luke was living a boring, comfortable life on the farm and beyond being able to bulls eye a womb rat, likely never really brushed up against his latent force talent.

agreed... self reliance and just naturally using his abilities without really knowing that was what he is doing.. .but, he would still perish at the hands of Palpatine... just as Luke was about to until Anakin returned to the good side and destroyed Palps. Ezra and Kanan have no chance in hell :D I don't know if they perish eventually or go into hiding and live out a nice quiet life but I for one have no issue with Kanan and Ezra being so skilled.
Did they cut a bit at the end of the one with the TIE fighter, from the back and forth it seemed obvious they didn't destroy it, and I thought they were going to cut back to it right at the end of the episode, but it just kind of ended abruptly.

I dont think there there was anything cut. However at first like you, I wondered if they didn't destroy the TIE because of they suspicious looks. But after re-watching it, I determined that they did crash it but it was not on purpose like they said they did. I think they kept fooling around with it and accidentally crashed it. Upon being questioned by Kanan, they came up with the cover story that they crashed it because they wanted to keep its from the Empire rather than looking foolish in crashing it by accident.
I sort of take it that Ezra has been living off the streets for many years and likely has been using various aspects of the Force unwittingly just to survive. Luke was living a boring, comfortable life on the farm and beyond being able to bulls eye a womb rat, likely never really brushed up against his latent force talent.


I think his piloting skills was also as strong as they were because of his unconscious tapping into the Force. Ben mentioned Luke's piloting abilities. I believe it was in reference to his racing his T-16 in Begger's Canyon. This is the same sort of abilities that Anakin demonstrated in Podracing. I think it was also the reason he was able to pilot an X-Wing in battle as well as he did the first time he climbed into one.

I think his piloting skills was also as strong as they were because of his unconscious tapping into the Force. Ben mentioned Luke's piloting abilities. I believe it was in reference to his racing his T-16 in Begger's Canyon. This is the same sort of abilities that Anakin demonstrated in Podracing. I think it was also the reason he was able to pilot an X-Wing in battle as well as he did the first time he climbed into one.

Right, and Anakin was "discovered" far younger then Luke, so he actually had Jedi training. Ezra is 14, older then Anakin but younger then Luke.

- - - Updated - - -

I dont think there there was anything cut. However at first like you, I wondered if they didn't destroy the TIE because of they suspicious looks. But after re-watching it, I determined that they did crash it but it was not on purpose like they said they did. I think they kept fooling around with it and accidentally crashed it. Upon being questioned by Kanan, they came up with the cover story that they crashed it because they wanted to keep its from the Empire rather than looking foolish in crashing it by accident.

I have a funny feeling they hid it and it will come back in a later episode.