STAR WARS Rebels new animated series!

I still find it funny how all of the generic Imperials that they show always wear their covers super low on their heads with the brims pulled so far down that you can't see their eyes. How do they see anything with the brims pulled so far down? More importantly, is wearing your cover like that allowed in the 501st since it's clearly canon? Like, if I were to want to join the 501st as a Rebel's era Imperial Officer would I have to pull my cover down like that or is it even allowed? :D

Rumor: Titles and Description for Final Ten Episodes of 'Star Wars Rebels' Season Two


By: Dominic Jones
“The Protector of Concord Dawn”
In need of new hyperspace routes due to Imperial pressure, the rebels find a shortcut but must first gain permission to use it.

“Legacy of Lasaan”
Zeb faces his past as the rebels unwittingly find a group of Lasats while searching for maps of Wild Space.

“The Call”
Ezra is guided by an old Jedi Master in a time of doubt.

Hera has a tumultuous reunion with her father as the rebellion aids a wayward group of Twi’leks.

“The Honorable Ones”
Kanan seeks to complete his Jedi training after discovering a hidden sect of old Jedi guardsman.

“Phantom’s Descent”
Sabine and Hera are stranded on a dangerous world after an Imperial convoy attacks their transport.

“Flight of Nanogorths”
The rebels stage a break-in to an experimental Imperial weapons factory.

“Shadows of the Past”
Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka return to the Jedi Temple on Lothal to seek answers about the growing darkness.

“Fears of the Future”
After being attacked by the Inquisitors on Lothal, Ezra, Kanan, and Ahsoka head to a Sith temple on the planet Malachor.

“Master and Apprentice”
Vader and the Inquisitors face the rebels on Malachor, spawning irreversible consequences.

Keep in mind, these are unconfirmed. But they do sound plausible...and exciting! We know from the trailer that big things are in store for this season. My one big question about this list is which episode features the return of Darth Maul?

For more discussion and speculation about what's to come in the back half of Season Two, check out the latest episode of Live From Lothal!
As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.
Source: The Star Wars Post
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What the hell is Filoni's deal with Darth maul. The dude was just another Boba Fett... and that is coming from someone who loves Boba Fett. Do we have to keep bringing the dude back from the dead?
I still find it funny how all of the generic Imperials that they show always wear their covers super low on their heads with the brims pulled so far down that you can't see their eyes. How do they see anything with the brims pulled so far down? More importantly, is wearing your cover like that allowed in the 501st since it's clearly canon? Like, if I were to want to join the 501st as a Rebel's era Imperial Officer would I have to pull my cover down like that or is it even allowed? :D

I'm pretty sure they do that to keep production costs down. This way they can use the same character over and over. They did the same with the rebel pilots. You will note they are wearing their helmets while in briefings.
I'm pretty sure they do that to keep production costs down. This way they can use the same character over and over. They did the same with the rebel pilots. You will note they are wearing their helmets while in briefings.

I know that, I was just being facetious. What I'm really curious about is what those markings we're seeing on Imperial uniforms are supposed to mean and what they are, by what they are I mean whether they're supposed to be patches, embroidery, or even silk screenings. One of the (many) things on my to do list is an Agent Kallus/Imperial Enforcer costume so I'd really love know what exactly those markings are supposed to be.
I know that, I was just being facetious. What I'm really curious about is what those markings we're seeing on Imperial uniforms are supposed to mean and what they are, by what they are I mean whether they're supposed to be patches, embroidery, or even silk screenings. One of the (many) things on my to do list is an Agent Kallus/Imperial Enforcer costume so I'd really love know what exactly those markings are supposed to be.

Yes and no. Yes, that sort of thing intrigues me and a part of me would like to know the meaning. However another part of me likes it when that stuff is unknown so that some people (you know the people... *cough*cough*) don't bitch about it when it doesn't meet their idea of continuity.
I really like seeing mail again, I wondered what ever happened to him after the comic.

if it goes the way the trailer is hinting in going to like it!

I haven't stopped quoting "you seek knowledge..... just call me ... old master"

I've been saying that since I saw the trailer just finally last night my girlfriend asked me what the hell I was saying and when I mentioned Star Wars she said " go figure " lol

I'll be quoting this until April lol guessing we won't see maul until episode 22-23

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What the hell is Filoni's deal with Darth maul. The dude was just another Boba Fett... and that is coming from someone who loves Boba Fett. Do we have to keep bringing the dude back from the dead?

Fan service. Maul was one of the few good things to come out of the PT and he has zero impact on the OT and ST, so they're milking it. Filoni had a couple Mandalorian arcs in CW as well, another fan service. Luckily I'm one of those fans, so bring them on.
I still find it funny how all of the generic Imperials that they show always wear their covers super low on their heads with the brims pulled so far down that you can't see their eyes. How do they see anything with the brims pulled so far down?

They are also all named Steve. Bonus if you get that reference. :lol

What the hell is Filoni's deal with Darth maul. The dude was just another Boba Fett... and that is coming from someone who loves Boba Fett. Do we have to keep bringing the dude back from the dead?

That's one thing that bugged me. Maul should have stayed dead.
wish I had a Dvr... im working late tonight. hopefully it's on demand when I get home... fingers crossed

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