Roland's BTTF II "Blast from the Past" bag - a tutorial!!!

Re: Roland's BTTF II "Blast from the Past" bag - a tutorial!!!

Your english was terrible ? Where are you born?
Cause if you have asked me I would have swear you're from an english speaking country.

Je suis française Tomjoad ^^ Originellement d'Avignon ;)
Re: Roland's BTTF II "Blast from the Past" bag - a possible tutorial

I am confused, why do you put the dish water. If you do that wont it lose its stickiness?
Re: Roland's BTTF II "Blast from the Past" bag - a possible tutorial

I am confused, why do you put the dish water. If you do that wont it lose its stickiness?

Yes, it does. But just as long as it's wet, so you have time to remove the bubbles. After drying it's as sticky as before. :)

I realized the bag with the instructions of roland , there is a bit of preparation but the result is just beautiful

roland thank you for your tutorial


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Re: Roland's BTTF II "Blast from the Past" bag - a possible tutorial

I can't speak for Australia, but in Germany I found all materials in my local stores. Except for the waterslide decals on which I printed the logos. Those decals are from eBay. It's not cheap. You need the following materials (in brackets the total costs and the costs per bag):

- the lowest layer is a self-adhesive matte silver film
(Euro 12.99 total, sufficient for 3 bags, Euro 4.33 per bag)

- the second layer is a very(!) thin but strong transparent and iridescent/opalescent film
(Euro 3.10 total, sufficient for 4 bags, Euro 0.78 per bag)

- the third layer is a printed and trimmed waterslide decal for the logo
(Euro 13.27 for 5 decal sheets in US-Letter size, sufficient for 5 bags, Euro 2.65 per bag)

- the top layer is a thin self-adhesive transparent film, that kind of films you use to cover school books
(Euro 1.00 total, sufficient for 1 bag, Euro 1.00 per bag)

That's Euro 30.36 (about $40) total and Euro 8.76 (about $11.50) per bag. I messed up a lot of materials when I made my first tests, so better buy more materials than you actually need. ;)

That's what I paid. Maybe you are able to find all materials much cheaper.

Additionally you need a laser printer, a laminator and one sheet of self-adhesive laminating film (that's for that black strip inside - of course you can take a simple black cardboard as well)

A run? Hooh, I don't know. I don't want to ruin Daniel's sales. And those bags need a lot of time. A few hours for each bag. So it wouldn't be cheap - not under $50 plus shipping and it's still not 100 % screen accurate.

Please, you have a link for buy film? Tnx Flavio
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