Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

I have to agree that Finn's line about the smoke and toxins made me wonder if he was paying attention in class the day they went over the functions of the helmet and the armor. He was kidnapped after all, maybe he was already searching for an escape.

I have to agree that Finn's line about the smoke and toxins made me wonder if he was paying attention in class the day they went over the functions of the helmet and the armor. He was kidnapped after all, maybe he was already searching for an escape.


It's the JJverse. That's all you need to say about it.

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I thought the dual mic tips were some kind of air filters - that because of the hoses on TIE Pilots, which are in the same place.

Good point. Considering in Lucas first drafts Vader had a breathing apparatus so he could go from ship to ship, that's probably what they are. maybe they are generally unused unless a stormtrooper needs to do a spacewalk.
Heck, perhaps it means that there is no pressurized atmosphere in a TIE

That's quite possible but I think the Rebels might have disproved that one. If that is the case then the likely reason is in case of an emergency the pilot doesn't have to waste time fumbling for a mask.
I thought the dual mic tips were some kind of air filters - that because of the hoses on TIE Pilots, which are in the same place.

That makes the most sense.
Unfortunately, that isn't what they did in ANH:


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Heck, perhaps it means that there is no pressurized atmosphere in a TIE

Yeah, I think that made the most sense and was the old EU explanation but like Riceball said, Rebels basically screwed that up.

I had also forgotten about the elusive spacetrooper too. I think the breathing apparatus seems to fit under the helmet, although that seems odd to me.
I'm not sure if you're just playing devil's advocate or what. But, since we're still beating this dead horse...

I'm not arguing that smoke isn't a danger at all. I'm just saying I've never heard of a modern battlefield situation where the smoke was that big of a concern. I'm saying that the Stormtrooper helmet should be filtering out anything harmful, not just smoke.
Soo the neck seal does nothing? Isnt it.... a seal? Seems like they'd be airtight, to stop any danger. But as I said, there's so many maybe the Empire doesnt care for each trooper save for elite groups
The Knight Rider reboot from a few years back? With Val Kilmer as the voice of the new Mustang KITT? That was Glen Larson -- the guy who did the original.


Off-topic, but couldn't let this one go. Glen Larson had NOTHING to do with the 2008 TV series. He was in fact trying to get a movie off the ground, and fought NBC tooth-and-nail over their competing project which, once it got the go-ahead, effectively sidelined his movie indefinitely. When the TV show bombed, the powers-that-be were unsure if it was because the concept behind Knight Rider no longer appealed (WRONG), or if the show had been mishandled (YEP!). But that was the nail in the coffin for a movie.

I think you must have misunderstood Glen's contractually required on-screen credit as a producer/executive producer for any future Knight Rider-related project during his lifetime as actual involvement. Again, he had NOTHING to do with the 2008 TV series except to fight its existence.

And now back to Rogue One...
I'm not arguing that smoke isn't a danger at all. I'm just saying I've never heard of a modern battlefield situation where the smoke was that big of a concern. I'm saying that the Stormtrooper helmet should be filtering out anything harmful, not just smoke.
It's been a long thread - I may've confused you for another poster. Apologies.

Soo the neck seal does nothing? Isnt it.... a seal? Seems like they'd be airtight, to stop any danger. But as I said, there's so many maybe the Empire doesnt care for each trooper save for elite groups
Adding to this is the "seal" sound effect they added to the TFA Troopers.
It's cool to see my post getting covered, but, honestly, I'm thinking it could just be a thing made up for the toys. I'd expect there to already be pictures of the 3.75″ figure if they were planning on making one.
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