Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

i like the look of this armour

Was so hoping the grand admiral would be thrawn..but no such luck. best EU character relegated to legend now. sigh.

Well, remember, in the EU there were twelve Grand Admirals. Thrawn was just one of them (and promoted to that rank after Star Wars, as was pointed out elsewhere). So there's every chance he's still out there. But from looking at his uniform... He has black pants and a black cap tucked into his belt. That's more in line with the "Imperial Security Bureau" guys in Star Wars. But the cut of his jacket is wrong for that. I just don't know...

Kinda neat to see they brought back the Rebel Fleet troopers.

I still get rage-y at those being called Rebel Fleet Troopers. :p I'm curious to see what role they play in here, because "uniformed Rebel troops" it shouldn't be. Remember, the first time we saw them was on Leia's ship, when they were passing themselves off as an ambassadorial vessel. Hard to do that if you've got uniformed enemy troops aboard. Given the similarity of the helmets to the dudes in the clearly-Imperial ranks, I prefer to think of them as that era's version of Senate Guards in garrison uniform. Maybe some from Mon Mothma's contingent...

Since I also see several guys in non-snow versions of the Hoth uniforms, I'm pegging that as the Alliance uniform.

I'm a little grumpy those are Prequel-style Royal Guards, with the smaller helmet avontail and the double-slit capes. I want to see the ROTJ style again, darnit!

Those "Imperial Commandos" (calling 'em such until I have reason not to) in front of the burnign vaporator aren't on Tatooine, so calm down about seeing 'em kill the Larses.:p This is apparently a semiarid planet, but not as nasty a desert as that. There's grass on the outdropping that vaporator is on, palm trees elsewhere (presuming same planet)...

Oh, and we see Stormtroopers with pauldrons and (new) backpacks that aren't Sandtroopers. Not sure what to make of that, either.

More than just seeing OT pilots and droids again, they've recreated specific helmet designs and droid markings. I'm loving that attention to detail, at least.

All in all, my take is mixed. There's such faithful attention to detail in some areas, and some potentially sloppy errors in others. I'm somehow both optimistic and concerned simultaneously.

Not that I have problems with female leads, but two movies in a row, disney? ;o)

I don't mind the lead being a female for a second straight film. But I will mind if she is a Mary Sue for the second straight film. Let's hope this heroine exhibits vulnerabilities and human frailty.

I was not a fan of the Samurai at all, nor the palm trees--both of which are far too earthly to be seen in a Star Wars film.

Overall, the film looks like it has potential. But then again, the trailers for The Phantom Menace and The Force Awakens looked amazing (way better than this one), and neither lived up to that promise.

I loved seeing OT-design TKs again, and Mon Mothma looked fantastic. It was cool, also, to see what MAY have been Vader, in the shot with the Imperial Guards.

I've been let down before. But I'm hopeful, and as always, will be there opening night.

The Wook
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Don't want to blame you, but I'm so sick of all these family theories once we see a new character...

Oh, me too. But I'd be really surprised if it was a coincidence that Daisy Ridley and Felicity Jones were cast as leads in these films. It's more than a passing resemblance.
Just can't tell a ton from that trailer, pretty much what I expected.
Good to see famiilar hardware, my biggest concern is that it meshes with SW77, that I can think yes this IS what happened as the opening crawl said.
Other concerns as well, that they stick to a film style that meshes too. Crazy zooming camera angles won't work. So far it looks ok.

And yes, please god, devil, sun.... no Mary Sue again. It will kill it for me but given the different creative team I think that won't be a factor.
That look you get when you're told Luke Skywalker isn't really in this movie either....
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I, for one have been really looking forward to this film as I've always been a fan of Solo and the other non-Jedi members of the Star Wars universe (although I would not mind AT ALL if Ewan McGregor had a solo Obi Wan film). Was really hoping to see a shot of Grand Moff Tarkin or Vader (maybe we did see him in the dark robe scene?). Want to know more about the white cape character as well. REALLY loved the slow piano version of the theme but it would have been even more powerful if it ended simply with the sound of Darth Vader breathing.

Yeah the samurai was a bit cheesy but generally I thought it all looked pretty awesome! A geeky detail but I love that the ISD is a Mk.I (using EU nomenclature) as seen in ANH and not the Mk.IIs seen in TESB and ROTJ.

The stormtroopers appear to be more of a later style maybe?

Well the model from ANH and the "new" model from ESB were used interchangeably throughout ESB and ROTJ... these "New New" ones seem to be a blend of the two previous ones. That being said I'm digging the blend :) Maybe this is what the Bandai SD will look like :D.

Jedi Dade
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