Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Pre-release)

My wild guess is it might be Vader looking out of a window at Mustafar with the lava reflecting on the shiny floor? Didn't Rebels establish that's basically his home (where Jedi go to die and all that)? Perhaps a canon replacement for Vjun and Bast Castle?
I would LOVE to see more of mustafar. It is such a symbolic place and the idea that vader has a castle somewhere would be great

Not only that but i would love to see kylo ren reappropriate it for the Knights of ren.

How cool would it be to see it in rogue 1 AND epi 8?

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well i got to watch the 30 minute chopped up version of the Rogue One Panel. all i can say is, if you dont want to be spoiled about a HUGE story reveal DO NOT WATCH the Rogue One panel videos. Jiang Wen's limited ability to speak and understand english leaves him a little confused and revealed a SHOCKING moment in the film. I highly advise anyone avoiding spoilers DO NOT WATCH

for those who did watch, MAN!! did you see Alan Tudyk's face when Wen slipped!! even the crowd went silent!
We were watching the stream on the screen out in the main hall and the audio was bad so luckily havent been spoiled. There was some guys streaming it on their phones to listen to it. Only thing i heard was Gwen wooing every 2 minutes.
Never mind... I found it :lol

sorry i had to go out and didnt bring my phone

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We were watching the stream on the screen out in the main hall and the audio was bad so luckily havent been spoiled. There was some guys streaming it on their phones to listen to it. Only thing i heard was Gwen wooing every 2 minutes.

wasn't the wooing annoying as all hell...
I'm torn on the whole crawl thing. Part of me wants it for that nostalgia kick but part of me wants the movie to start something new. I really dug how Clone Wars handled it so I know something really different can work. I'm looking forward to what they do. :)

It's quite interesting to see John Knoll panel as he is both VFX supervisor and writer on Rogue One. I do really hope that we will see the same familiar hangar from ANH in upcoming film.
I don't think that's a huge deal. I think a lot of these characters are going to have a similar end.

you see alan's face he Wen slips. i think it was a huge deal. even Gareth Edwards looked uncomfortable after they changed the subject..he looked lost
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