Redlettermedia appreciation thread!

Try to explain to your 70 year old father how or why these 4 schlubs do this for work... and I pay for it monthly (patreon)

I have read multiple times that Mike and this company are worth between 13 and 17 million.

The fact I can say

Sorry for taking so long... had a case of the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIDS!!!

in an animation boardroom meeting and half the people know the reference says a lot.
Just because.
dick the birthday boy.jpg
This has to be the greatest tribute so far to the genius of Nerd Crew. Both sides cannot make a coherent point to save their lives and there's so many lines that sound like a parody but it's completely serious. It's like no one ever taught these people the word "contradiction". This video is gold from start to finish. Enjoy:)

The highlight for me was red shirt guy at about the 8:20 mark. Watch it again and then watch this Nerd Crew video I time stamped. Just glorious.

God bless you Collider Videos. You've given me so much joy today.
I got 7 minutes in and had to stop watching. Not a single one of them has had a coherent thought. Perhaps they need medical attention? A stroke for each of them? I have no idea what any of them were saying.

Red Letter Media are gods among men!
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They were in the Buny Ears podcast again with Mr MackCulkin, some good discussion and plenty of Star Trek talk (which I didn’t really understand cuz I’m still not a Trekkie ).
Got a little akward there when Mike brought up the Landis thing in the last episode, lol... considering theirs and Mack's tie to Max Landis and all the crap that went down with him.
Yeah I havent had a chance to watch all of the last ep. Always wondered about that tho... Thy know Mac through Max, but they also have been very vocal about hollywood dirtbags, and Max, well.... pretty dirt-bagish.
Got a little akward there when Mike brought up the Landis thing in the last episode, lol... considering theirs and Mack's tie to Max Landis and all the crap that went down with him.
That went over my head, was that in the last BOTW?
Look up what happened during John landis' filming the Twilight Zone movie and it will give you some context to Mike's remarks.
Mike was talking about the tragedy that happened during filming of Blues Brothers... playing dumb, nothing happened during Blues Brothers... he was actually referring to Twilight Zone in a sly way. Hard to explain the joke lol.
Mike was talking about the tragedy that happened during filming of Blues Brothers... playing dumb, nothing happened during Blues Brothers... he was actually referring to Twilight Zone in a sly way. Hard to explain the joke lol.
Aaaah got it now, I remember the Blues Brother thing but didn’t make the connection to Twilight Zone even though I knew of the heli accident. Brain WTF... :lol:
I wonder if Max Landis and Jason Reitman have every glared at each other across a room....

Especially since Max was once talked to about Ghostbusters.... I think.
For any Star Trek fan, this was an excellent episode.

Respect to Macaulay, who REALLY knows his Star Trek lore.

Yeah great podcast. It actually warms my heart that they are such buds with Mac!

Also watched their Rise review... 100% with them... I can just redirect people to that review. Cuz it would just sound like regurgitating.