quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V with pics 06/10/10 (WIP portion is done.. well kinda)

Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

HOLY ARC REACTOR! THATS BEASTLY! Seriously, thats awesome. I have to ask about comfort though. I use the Cardstock/Fiberglass Resin technique for armor building and it's not always comfortable but it looks like the rivets underneath, particularly in the arms and groin area:wacko, would make it rather uncomfortable to wear for extended periods unless you put padding there.
Just wondering, Great suit BTW! I've said that about 3 times now... sad....
i had been thinking about that. test fitting it was a literal pain in the back(rivets). so i went and got some closed cell foam tape. its a little thicker than what i would ideally want. im going to see how it holds up. i might have to cut slits in the foam to give it more play so the adhesive doesnt pop off.

Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Wow i missed this... What a quick build, great refference and photos. Gives good insight in the process of the making. Hope to se you on our Ironman builders board.
thanks TMP and your builds are awesome! i will be there. i tried to join once but my computer went rogue on me. will do today.:thumbsup
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

got some pics with the arc in and i started painting the arms.

Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

I just got my kids the Iron Man Mark V poster they're selling at WalMart. As I was in their room I kept checking it out...and now I want to build one! So many projects...this looks great--now that it's painted it're really coming to life.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

I just got my kids the Iron Man Mark V poster they're selling at WalMart. As I was in their room I kept checking it out...and now I want to build one! So many projects...this looks great--now that it's painted it're really coming to life.
Thats awesome! My kids are loving this build. They are soo excited about this Halloween. and thanks!! im so glad the torso is pretty much done and i can move on to the other parts i need to make.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

your suit looks amazing, please tell me are the templates all done ?
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

I am jealous.......

What will you wear under it, an all red suit? Might you include a voice modulator in the helmet? This is too cool!!!!!
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

your suit looks amazing, please tell me are the templates all done ?
Thanks and no not yet, ive been a lil busy with kids and what not so its been hard to get around to it. every template i make and use im keeping in a pile. after the suits done ill start organizing everything. after i get the helmet going im going to finish the boots legs and gloves. you can use Fett's templates to get you going. the chest, arc, track, back wing and plates on mine are from fett's templates. :)
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

I am jealous.......

What will you wear under it, an all red suit? Might you include a voice modulator in the helmet? This is too cool!!!!!
im thinking a silver longsleeve underarmor suit. i think the silver will fill in any gaps in the suit. im not sure about the modulator. just cause of cost and whatnot. Thanks for checkin it out, i should start on the boots here soon. i have an pair of DCs im going to be riveting plates into.:love
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

im thinking a silver longsleeve underarmor suit. i think the silver will fill in any gaps in the suit. im not sure about the modulator. just cause of cost and whatnot. Thanks for checkin it out, i should start on the boots here soon. i have an pair of DCs im going to be riveting plates into.:love

Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

hows the size on the helmet so far? Mine is almost dine, I ran into a little problem with fiberglass resin warpage though my chin is off less than a cm :-/ Ive never used this stuff before and wish I could start over its easier to just fill the inside and get it thick, then just sand the paper off. no need for bondo then. ol hind-sight lol make sure you glue everything together resin it up then seperate the faceplate and back.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Hey quakevirus, have you seen Dubean33's Mark v helmet screen shots yet? He said he was going to release it tonight but its not out yet. That would go great with your already amazing suit! Im glad to see that You-Know-Who isn't the only one who can get great results from this construction method.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Hey quakevirus, have you seen Dubean33's Mark v helmet screen shots yet? He said he was going to release it tonight but its not out yet. That would go great with your already amazing suit! Im glad to see that You-Know-Who isn't the only one who can get great results from this construction method.
do you have a link to the helmet pic?
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Buy a silver zentai suit off ebay. Armor is looking great!!

Paul D.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

hows the size on the helmet so far? Mine is almost dine, I ran into a little problem with fiberglass resin warpage though my chin is off less than a cm :-/ Ive never used this stuff before and wish I could start over its easier to just fill the inside and get it thick, then just sand the paper off. no need for bondo then. ol hind-sight lol make sure you glue everything together resin it up then seperate the faceplate and back.
sucks its off dude! id finish it. im sure you could get rid of it in the junkyard eeasy. all your info is great info here cause this is my first pep.
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Hey quakevirus, have you seen Dubean33's Mark v helmet screen shots yet? He said he was going to release it tonight but its not out yet. That would go great with your already amazing suit! Im glad to see that You-Know-Who isn't the only one who can get great results from this construction method.

i thought he was going to do a war machine first. :insert cursing here: this makes me happy and mad all at the same time. will definitaly be doing the Mark V helm instead of the Mark III. gonna have to check the 405th and get the pdo so i can make a pdf.

And thanks for the amazing compliment! i will definitely be making another suit here in the near future. just gotta finish this one first. :wacko
Re: quakevirus's Iron Man Mark V WIP with pics

Buy a silver zentai suit off ebay. Armor is looking great!!

Paul D.

Thanks Paul! and i checked out the suit and i have to say.. by themselves they are really kinda creepy, but for this suit..PERFECT! thanks for the point in the right direction.:thumbsup
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