Planet Explorer

That's a lot of tiny figures... and a great new facehugger, thought I liked the way it looked unpainted as well – sort of semi-translucent.
The crew are posed very naturally. And I love the giant face-hugger. Maybe it's a chest-hugger... or a face-hugger for bears.

Nice work ! These kind of projects can be consuming...and fun.

I especially like the robots and all the piping / electrical detail in the cargo bay.

Very Cool
Wow... Now that is some progress Katsu-San. Oh Albertese-san !!
The Facehugger is perfect, that must have been hard on the fingers. All this detail.

Keep it up my friend.
I love the figures in there. They add so much life to the model. Once again, great idea on the Facehugger.
That's a lot of tiny figures... and a great new facehugger, thought I liked the way it looked unpainted as well – sort of semi-translucent.
The crew are posed very naturally. And I love the giant face-hugger. Maybe it's a chest-hugger... or a face-hugger for bears.


Thank you very much Jim-san, Randy-san, Mike-san and Alex-san !!!

I have been postponed to touch up those figures and the face hugger.
Because besides the face hugger, I thought and worried about the paint job would be bothering.
Then I found some tubes of acrylic paint in a local one coin shop.
I bought several of them and a expendable pallet.
They were very handy for those painting with multiple coloring. All you need is some water, brush and paper towel.
You can use then just like you are painting a watercolor picture.

Those figures are not so good as compare to the retailing one. But the work on them was very fun and I've learned a lot about tips.
Maybe next time, I will do better.

The face hugger was something I satisfied this time. It looks so real for me. As Mike-san said, I wondered not to paint it because of its semi translucent look.
I could see those skelton armatures inside through the outer tissues. That was really creepy.
Albertese -san, 'Chest hugger' is a good naming! They only attack on the lady with "36 class chest !! (I want to do that)

I'm sorry about the less pics of building process this time.
I forgot to took pictures as I was working on a building/paint job.
Please ask freely if you want to know anything about the build.

Thank you very much, my friends.

I will keep posting the progress.

Nice work ! These kind of projects can be consuming...and fun.

I especially like the robots and all the piping / electrical detail in the cargo bay.

Very Cool

Hello! Pcoz-san

Thank you very much for looking !
Consuming and fun! Exactly!!
I hope you enjoy the pics to the last.

Even in miniature, the face/chest hugger looks creepy.

Everything looks fantastic. The picture looking straight down at the lounge area is my favorite.
Even in miniature, the face/chest hugger looks creepy.

Everything looks fantastic. The picture looking straight down at the lounge area is my favorite.

Thank you Tom-san!

Making that Face Hugger was very fun! I want to make bigger one someday because my daughter saw my little Face Hugger and said "Hey dad! Big house mite is dead in your model "

Great, great update -this build is really coming together.

Thank you very much, Snow Builder-san,
Now I can see the final image of this model.
I want to finish it in a few more month anyway because there are some other project I have to tuckle.

Thank you very much my friends,

I am sorry I haven't taken the time to comment on your work on this project, Katsu-san. I don't have as much time to browse as I used to... I really love it! It is really coming together, and as the layers are placed one on the other it is really becoming a special creation. :love

Thank you for keep taking care of my work.
Thanks to your support, I may complete this model in near future.

Busy days in a hot season, please take care, my friend.

All the best,
Hi! Caretaker10-san

I had a couple of day off from Friday and I fixed the roof top wiring and inner hatch of the both sides.
Then my sheet plastic runs out and I've ordered. The second day, I was shooting my air soft gun in my house:D.

Here are some pics

Maybe you can see the stairs are sticking out from the roof. I am going to fix here a observation tower with some antennas.
It will work when the vehicle across the shallow river or lakes until it submerging just like the bridge of submarine.

And here is the inner hatch.

Thanks for looking.

You have a Barrett .50 airsoft? That's awesome. The others look great as well.

The doors look beautiful (like everything else on the model.) Will there be a ramp to the ground level there as well, or do you have something else in mind?
You have a Barrett .50 airsoft? That's awesome. The others look great as well.

The doors look beautiful (like everything else on the model.) Will there be a ramp to the ground level there as well, or do you have something else in mind?

I loved those replica of the firearms ever since I was born. Maybe just because I loved those TV shows of 'Lone Ranger' or 'Combat'.

Lately, those toy gun makers in Japan or China(Formosa) do a good job on those products and I restarted to collect them.
My kids had been off from my hand and I could get some spare money to spend on these things. I bought them in last six month.:D

I will build outer hatch with bulge on both sides. I'm thinking some boarding ladder or slope lift retractable into the bulge.

Man I wish I could get to Japan and just hang with you for a few hours. You have the greatest taste in stuff.


Thanks Alex-san.

Oh.... That would be a fantastic moment.

I have very few friends to shere these hobbies and collections here in Japan. I have been living in a small local town far away from my old friends.
And most of my co-workers are ladies. So the visiting the guys like you in my house is my dream.
I am living near by the New Tokyo International Airport, If you got the chance to visit Japan, you have a place to stay!

All the best,
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