Oz The Great and Powerful (Post-release)

Remake? Did you even watch the trailer?

Yeah. It looks like a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Someone from a black and white world of Kansas gets whisked away by a Tornado into the colorful world of Oz that's being besieged by a wicked witch who uses flying monkeys. Also, there's a yellow brick road.
Just watched the trailer and................. I'll pass.

To me, it LOOKS LIKE Burton made this too. (I know he didn't but still).

All the weird images and locations. I was waitng for Johny Depp to come
flailing out in some gay looking costume with horrible make up. :facepalm

Thanks, but NO thanks. :thumbsdown

That's sort of what I was thinking too, for some reason I kept thinking that this was being made by Burton and Depp was playing Oz.
Yeah. It looks like a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Someone from a black and white world of Kansas gets whisked away by a Tornado into the colorful world of Oz that's being besieged by a wicked witch who uses flying monkeys. Also, there's a yellow brick road.

Ok, I'll admit the whole black and white to color thing was definitely a WoO thing but the witch with the flying monkeys and the yellow brick road would be things that would have existed before Dorothy arrive. Going by your criteria just about every prequel that used familiar elements from its sequel is a remake; do you consider the Star Wars prequel movies remakes of the original because, you know, there's Jedi, lightsabers, the Force, Yoda, Obi Wan, Anakin, and Palpatine all of which or whom were in the original trilogy.
Yeah. It looks like a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Someone from a black and white world of Kansas gets whisked away by a Tornado into the colorful world of Oz that's being besieged by a wicked witch who uses flying monkeys. Also, there's a yellow brick road.
You must not watch very many movies. :facepalm

You also ignored the latter half of my response.
I understand the references to Tim Burton. I just don't think this goes as far into Burton territory as Burton's been dwelling in lately... frankly, Burton's gotten waaaaaaaaaaaay out there lately... and this just seems a bit more grounded to me (I'll give you that it's still a trippy looking movie). This just doesn't seem (from the previews at least) to be the full-on Burton type of thing that so many are leading it up to be - it doesn't quite get to Alice In Wonderland levels...

I believe they have to keep a bit away from the iconic imagery of the Garland led classic, so they just can't completely use those designs. I do think they've managed to retain the look the classic without totally 'raping everyone's childhood' (cough!).

I am looking forward to this quite a bit. Maybe it's because it was filmed right in my own proverbial backyard and Raimi's a Detroit boy. I tend to like James DeFranco, too...
Yeah. It looks like a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Someone from a black and white world of Kansas gets whisked away by a Tornado into the colorful world of Oz that's being besieged by a wicked witch who uses flying monkeys. Also, there's a yellow brick road.

It's a prequel with a parallel structure.
Is it really that difficult to accept?
This is still the movie I am looking forward to the most next year.

Sam Raimi has never directed a movie I didn't like.
It's a prequel with a parallel structure.
Is it really that difficult to accept?
For most, yeah... especially on here, Nick.
Odd, considering it's common knowledge, even for those who never read the books, that the Wizard was not from there.. he came there, just like Dorothy did.

Having never read the books myself, I have no preconceptions about his arrival or his rise to power. So this looks pretty damned cool to me. Regardless of story, I'm looking forward to seeing Oz realized with today's visual effects technology. And honestly, I'd rather them do something different than simply remake the original film outright. There's too much love for the original to just do a standard remake.

As for the bright and colorful Tim Burton vibe, remember this is Oz we're talking about.. it's going to look like that no matter who directs it. And I'm fairly certain the look of the place predates Tim Burton by what.. fifty years? Even longer if you consider the books.
I personally, think it looks really good. You all are just being kinda whiny, in my opinion.

But then again, those are your opinions, and I can't do anything about that. I still think it looks good though.
How are they remaking anything? Of course there are going to be similarities, but they aren't remaking anything. This is clearly a different story with some of the same aspects of the original.
I saw the trailer in the theater while seeing Wreck it Ralph with my grilfriend.
I froze in my seat not knowing whether to swell with anticipation, or fill with anger that they may be messing with cinema history.
Though I know there aren't going to be any ruby slippers because that's owned by MGM XD
I hope it's at least view-able. James Franco is honestly a very watchable actor. I'm not saying he's a fantastic actor, just that he's fun to watch. (If that makes sense.)

And we all know the first Spider-Man movie is one of the best comic/superhero movie since the original Donner Superman. I trust Sam Raim.
How are they remaking anything? Of course there are going to be similarities, but they aren't remaking anything. This is clearly a different story with some of the same aspects of the original.

Because, going by what Jeyl has said, pretty much any movie made that bears a similarity like common characters and/or setting is a remake. He seems to feel that just because the prequel also has a wicked witch with flying monkeys, Oz, and a yellow brick road it's a remake of the original Wizard of Oz even if it's set before the events of WoO and there's no Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, or Tin Man.
Because, going by what Jeyl has said, pretty much any movie made that bears a similarity like common characters and/or setting is a remake. He seems to feel that just because the prequel also has a wicked witch with flying monkeys, Oz, and a yellow brick road it's a remake of the original Wizard of Oz even if it's set before the events of WoO and there's no Dorothy, Toto, Scarecrow, Cowardly Lion, or Tin Man.
To be honest, we don't know what it has yet... someone's made assumptions based on 2 minutes and 45 seconds of footage that were most likey cut and put together in a way to invoke the feelings of the classic.
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