Nobell Gundam || G-Gundam

Re: Gundam Costume

the project is temporary on hold, seeing as studies are busy.

However, I made a pepakura base on a gundam file. I can't remember where I got it from. However, It's too big. I'll have to scale it down, do it again, get some fiberglass on it, and then we're going to sculpt around it. Or at least. I'll try to.

I'm just quite stuck because I have no base or whatsoever to work on. Makes it hard to do something 'right'
Re: Gundam Costume

So I tried something with pepakura, however, the helmet I used as a base was WAAAY to big. How do I rescale something? Do I need the paid version for that? My head is quite small. (I'm 5"5' / 5"6').. The head is even way to big for my friend, who is 6"4'...

Re: Gundam Costume

for my gundam head. i took the width of my head and added 3 inches.
i just REstarted my gundam costume last week. instead of paper, im doing a foam build.
if you want we can help eachother as we build. i have all my fies already scaled to me, as well as some that i had to do the 3d files, like the chest.
PM me
Re: Gundam Costume

Depending on what you want to do... if you like the long legged look, you could easily build the legs over some painters stilts. They are usually made so yu need little to no practicewalking in them, and can add a good 2 feet to your height. You'd have to think about how to make the arms longer (put the suits shoulders above yours?) To keep proportions from being too weird. But I've seen Optimus Primes built that way that looked cool.

Otherwise, you could build the feet like mecha-platform-heels, and hide your foot in the gundams ankle...
Re: Gundam Costume

for her only being 5'5", she wouldnt need something that big. Kialna only needs an extra 6" to get the legs to look properly. I'm 5'10", i need an extra 7 inches. which means the foot would just be hidden inside the bottom of the shin.

Kialna, if you want to see my progress, by blog is in my signature
Re: Gundam Costume

Well, it's that the head I printed out for pepakura is like ubermegahuge.

I just want it smaller so I can use it as a base. How do I do such things... is it even possible in the free version of pepakura. THAT was the question. I started scratch build at some time, however, that went miserably wrong. I could try again, but still..
Re: Gundam Costume

Well, it's that the head I printed out for pepakura is like ubermegahuge.

I just want it smaller so I can use it as a base. How do I do such things... is it even possible in the free version of pepakura. THAT was the question. I started scratch build at some time, however, that went miserably wrong. I could try again, but still..

No, in the viewer version you don´t have that option. But you can always scale down during printing. Print to a PDF file, then scale the sheets down in your printer driver settings. Or do the scaling at a copy shop the old fashioned way by scaling the copies down ;)

Re: Gundam Costume

since im the gundam guy on here. plus won awards for mine. let me know what you need help with.
Re: Gundam Costume

It's funny you replied(although you're no longer alone ;) seeing a new member on here), I have started with the costume. I'm quite satisfied thusfar, but my big problem is; I can in NO WAY find EVA foam here. So I'm working with cardboard and I'll reinforce it with fiberglass. I'm pretty much on the go and trying stuff out.

Almost all of it is covered in a first layer of primer. I want it visually less disturbing than all the ads on it.


Here I'm test fitting the helmet. Seems okay.


it also fits my sculpting head. Whoohoo!


Her (not finished yet) ribbon on the chest.


The (not yet so smooth) chest.


With the ribbon on it.

Mind you, I've never built a suit of armor ever. This is my first try in something like this. And thusfar, it's less frustrating than a sewing machine that gives up on you all the time....:lol
Re: Gundam Costume

Yeah I've used that and the mecha manual mentioned earlier. I'm mixing methods and a bit of my own. I'll see what works. That tutorial is especially nice when it comes to the helmet. (I just can't find the cheap bowls he talks about here....)
Re: Gundam Costume

Yeah well it would be way easier if we had EVA foam widely available, just like other supplies. But somehow, we have A LOT, but not THAT. I found one supplier, but they only did bulk for gyms and such. I couldn't even find the children's mats.
Re: Gundam Costume

there is another type of foam you can use. plastizote i think its called. its a medical grade eva foam. from what i know, its widely available in europe, im not sure about the netherlands.
but what i was referring to was the process and not using pepakura for templates for your cardboard.
Re: Gundam Costume

Nobell Gundam isn't available for pepakura. And seeing my previous pepakura experience.....*looks at her crooked ODST helmet*.... nah, I'll just do this the way that feels good.

About the foam; I'll take a look around. It makes me sad sometimes to see those great things and I want to do it too..and then: oh yeah. right. foam. *sigh* But yeah. Chin up and go on :)
Re: Gundam Costume

the closest i can find to a female gundam is the nadleeh and the athelon.
but from what i can see. you can use the pep files of a RX for the shoulders, biceps and waist. and the RGM forarms and modify a RX head with the hair.
Re: Gundam Costume

these are the two.
i can get the 3d models. but i dont think i would have time to put them into pep files for you.
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