Nobell Gundam || G-Gundam

Great job well done look ace im wanting to build one of these :) just gathering ideas at the moment im still considering using foam to build mind but im a bit conserned about weather foam could take the weight of some of the parts :S
FINALLY I have legs I am happy with. Yes, they are worn weirdly here because I am on my own, can't tighten my shoes, I have no one to take my pics and it is a bit....wrestling. But I AM SO CLOSE NOW! Just minor details are left now.





These photo's are quite hunched forwards.... I hope, next time I post pics, it will be finished.

I entered a Cosplay Fashion Show which will be held on Sunday june 2nd, and today I got this interesting E-mail...

Dear Cosplay Fashion Show people!

As some of you have noticed, a timetable for rehearsals has been sent
to all the other contestants. But not to you. Well... that's because you
are special!

This year is the first year we have a competition such as this. Age
doesn't matter, prizes don't matter, you just want to show of that which
you can do, for fun (and thrill, it -is- a big stage)! Because most of
you have posing as 'act', which is more than appropriate, we have
devised a different version of the normal rehearsal-system.

‎14‎:‎36 Saturday 1st at 11:45 you will all have the opportunity to go on stage
and get a feeling of how it will be sunday during the show. There are no
set times, so if you are interested, you can present yourself at the
cosplaylounge (more info later)so my gophers can guide you to the stage.
If you are NOT interested, please let me know, so I can take that into
account :)

If you have any questions you can, as always, ask me.

So apparently I have already been pre-selected from a group cosplayers to enter this contest.....very curious.

Awesome kialna, you've put alot of hard work into it enjoy th' fruits of your labor let us know how it goes good luck!!! :cool
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Bursting with glee now.

I finished the costume today, kind of doubting if I should fix the shoes, but it could also ruin them. Anyway, I love how it turned out! And to my utter surprise, it seems the scaling is almost perfect! Manouverability is of course limited, but not as much as I thought it would. So I made a little video! :D

Here are some stills





"I dunno LOL"



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Great job girl all that persistence and hard work really paid off a great Gundam Nobell one of a few that I haven't seen on th' net. :cool::thumbup:

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Re: Gundam Costume

Guess who has been building again?

It's not as clean as I wanted it to be, but yeah. First robot-suit ever. To be honest, this is the first costume I do COMPLETELY myself. The others are done with help or putting it together with parts. This is my first complete costume.... Even though it's not finished and not clean at all, I'm still very proud of it. Especially the electronics now.
Half way in the noon..
testing with visibility and lights
Might need to shift the eyes a bit, but at least they work.
My sneaky sneaky eyes... :lol
Pretty much how it stands at the end of the day. The legs are not even near finished AT ALL. The feet are almost done.

And I found a way to attach the shoulders. Although I need waaay more foil than I thought I would. So I have to order that again.


Hi, just wondering how did you do the eyes?
Re: Gundam Costume

Well, I followed the gundam/mecha tutorial which is linked on one of the earlier pages. I made little bowls and covered them with plastic and green paper-like-stuff. Inside are LED's and the wiring goes through the back of the helmet. There's a switch in the 'air vents' on the side.
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