Nerf Gun Props? YES!

I love this thread!
Keep the pics coming.

I'm in Toronto, so I'm limited to whatever selection Wal-Mart and Toysrus have of Nerf.

Once the weather gets warmer I can start painting again in the garage.
Unfortunately, winter is lost time for me because I don't have the setup to paint in doors.
Some of my creations from Nerfs



Great stuff! Nice customizing too!
Taking into account the advice people have given about achieving the effect; I went to Asda, they had Mavericks at a good deal, so I bought it and thought I would give painting a second go. My first attempt on a toy shotgun made it look like a steampunk basset hound.


Though I feel I should have gone to more effort of customising and adding pieces on instead of just painting. I think I've got the weathering technique better? I don't know why no-one sands off the annoying bumps on the handle.
More finished stuff and maybe a few repeats, but they're MORE FINISHED and in different poses! :)


This is amazing its inspired me to get an Element and crack on with a paint job like this. I love all your work but this stood out so much just looks kick ass.

I have a golden lancer from gears of war, in the UK they were gold for the replica gun laws over here, been itching to paint it but didn't want to mess it up. think the element could be a great little practice. Could you please share any paint tips?
More finished stuff and maybe a few repeats, but they're MORE FINISHED and in different poses! :)


This is amazing its inspired me to get an Element and crack on with a paint job like this. I love all your work but this stood out so much just looks kick ass.

I have a golden Lancer from gears of war, in the UK they were gold for the replica gun laws over here, been itching to paint it but didn't want to mess it up. Think the element could be a great little practice. Could you please share any paint tips?
This is amazing its inspired me to get an Element and crack on with a paint job like this. I love all your work but this stood out so much just looks kick ass.

I have a golden Lancer from gears of war, in the UK they were gold for the replica gun laws over here, been itching to paint it but didn't want to mess it up. Think the element could be a great little practice. Could you please share any paint tips?

That's fantastic! I'm always glad to hear when something I painted moves someone to do their own (just behind "moves them to buy one of mine!") hehe.

Use flat or satin paint, not glossy. Sand the entire surface and make sure you wash it down with something like a little dishwashing liquid to remove any oils from your hands. Then let it dry completely before doing any painting :)

Use about 3 coats of flat black (or whatever color you want..white if it's a bright color you're painting. It will be a lot brighter than if it's painted over a black base)

Good luck and post the results!

Taking into account the advice people have given about achieving the effect; I went to Asda, they had Mavericks at a good deal, so I bought it and thought I would give painting a second go. My first attempt on a toy shotgun made it look like a steampunk basset hound.


Though I feel I should have gone to more effort of customising and adding pieces on instead of just painting. I think I've got the weathering technique better? I don't know why no-one sands off the annoying bumps on the handle.

Nicely done! I cut pieces of leather to fit in the handle and it makes the bumps very subtle. I know what you mean though.
...My first attempt on a toy shotgun made it look like a steampunk basset hound.
I have no idea what a steampunk basset hound looks like, but this may be the best self-criticism I've ever read. :lol (y)thumbsup

Though I feel I should have gone to more effort of customising and adding pieces on instead of just painting. I think I've got the weathering technique better?
Looks good to me! All the scrapes and scratches look natural and are located on parts of the gun where you'd expect to see wear and tear.
I have no idea what a steampunk basset hound looks like, but this may be the best self-criticism I've ever read. :lol (y)thumbsup.

This is what a steampunk basset hound looks like:


A truly terrible attempt at painting and weathering and steampunk styling in general.
Little Water Gun I thought looked like a cool design. Started life lime-green! ;)


I was looking at weapons from the FallOut Tactics game on the FallOut wiki earlier today. When I saw this gun just now it looks a lot like the laser pistol from FallOut Tactics. What store did you get these from?
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Here are a few shots of my killzone inspired TornadoStrike.




Still needs a red dot scope, and to be weathered and aged. This has been a really fun build/mod so far. I used a lot of spare airsoft parts I've had laying around forever. The trigger is from a 1911, and it has barrels from an M16, a spas, and a G36. Not unlike the killzone guns in the game. :)
Here are a few shots of my killzone inspired TornadoStrike.


Still needs a red dot scope, and to be weathered and aged. This has been a really fun build/mod so far. I used a lot of spare airsoft parts I've had laying around forever. The trigger is from a 1911, and it has barrels from an M16, a spas, and a G36. Not unlike the killzone guns in the game. :)

Looks great, Noeland! Great use of the spare parts! :)