Megaman build

Wow... I've been a way a while haven't I? Sorry bout that guys, I wound up getting sick and was bed ridden for a while but here are some further progress pics.

The final layer of filler has been added and I started work on resin coating to protect the armor from dings and such. Here are images of the helmet after the protective layers have been added and the blaster, guantlet, and one of the boot parts. The other boot part needs a quick sand and a bit of filler. The client has requested a hardened cod piece but I think I"m going to do one in silicone if I can get a good sculpt going.

But at any rate, the helmet is why you want to becareful of how much dry wall compound you use as it will crack. The cracks are easy enough to fill but take a while to do so.

Paint scheme will be blue and gold and if any one has an Arduino Sketch for a simple sound/light on trigger event, please feel free to share. I have the speakers and the switches, and the SD sheild so thats not an issue, just having a hard time wrapping my head around the programming lol.
Got a new update for ya guys. I started cutting away the cardboard and left just the shells!

At this point I'm ready to paint the parts shown after just a bit of filler in a few small spots, sand the edges down flush and then add a bit of foam to each part to prevent flapping around and such. That is the only way I can see the parts sitting still. I think I should be able to get this done by months end as I'm already 2 weeks over project deadline, but my client seems to be fine with it as long as it comes out looking decent.

By the way, that is not a shine coming off of the leg part. I kind of missed a spot with the primer.
Time for some news! Sanded down about a quater of my Robocop Helmet, and got some primer down on the Megaman arm cannon. Next: Add a dome at the end of the cannon and paint it blue. Helmet is partially painted and in place of the boring yellow, I've opted for gold to give it a bit more realism. Still need to:

*Re-do the door for the back of the helmet
*Finish shingaurd #2
*Build waist part
*Add padding to all parts
*Add "detail grooves" to the top part of the helmet to make the solar collectors seem like a different piece
*Add magnets and hinge for back of helmet to swing shut and stay that way.

Hotdamn its a beautiful day out today!
Time for a bit of visual stimulation. I had a chance to hammer out paint on the top most part of the helmet. I know I kinda made the seam a bit uneven but that is pretty much for the sake of functionality - i.e. the helmet is 3 parts: The one top piece and then the bottom part will be split in the center, hinge upward to wear, then swing close to rest atop the wearer's head. Plus the seams give it a true-to-life "Hmm... This is where his brain goes" look.

Not Pictured: Opposite leg part, bottom parts of the helmet.
D`Oh! I forgot to post this! my next project that I might be doing a VERY limited run of in the Junkyard - Once finished it will have the laser etching in it from Robocop 2 - Ya' know, the big fight between him and RoboCain.
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