Megaman build


Well-Known Member
Howdy all! It seems so long since I posted anything so here we are.

I've been working on this commission job for about a week or two now and I figure what better way to share than with something truly epic.

wolfboy1 contacted me not too long ago about building a Megaman costume for cons and such. I'm about to finish up the gauntlet, but here are some pics in progress.

I will be building this from scratch using cardboard scraps and such, building it up with paper mache, then using dry wall compound to smooth it all out. I plan on then cutting each part in two and then vacuforming them for sturdy peices.
Thanks guys! The Windex bottle was for scaling. As it stands right now the guantlet is about 5-6 lbs so its pretty heavy. I'm about to finish it and get ready to start on the next part which is the helm.

I am planning something special for the blaster so keep an eye out!
Sorry I havent posted in a few days. I wont be getting back to work on this until Monday morning when I get home from work. But I just finished cutting the arm in two to get ready for the vacuforming table I plan to build toward the end of the week. I do plan on posting that build in this thread since it will be part of the build.

Yes, those are Monster Ceral boxes you see in the meshing.

I ordered 2 or three sets of this: Evergreen Black Styrene Sheets, .06x8x21" (2) EVG9116 | eBay

I'm hoping that these sheets will be fine for armor forming. Im guessing some peeps with Trooper experience can tell me if I wasted my coin.

Monday will see the start of the Helmet build. Something very special is planned for this build by request that you will go nuts for. Well, 2 things really. But stay tuned!

On a side note, any one know what microcontroller I'd need for a servo controller with sound/lights?
I am planning on cutting them in half-ish. But Im planning on guilding a table thats only about a foot by about 9or 10" wide. The guantlet is about 7 inches wide.
Update time! Just got a set of templates printed up to scratch build the helmet which will be taking place tonight and tomorrow. I wanted to get it started yesterday but there were things I had to take care of and I couldn't get started on it.

Stupid distractions...
Here's something excited about, MORE PICTURES!

Just finished the skeleton and meshing and will be starting the next step - paper mache - in the next hour or so. It took about 3 hours to cut out and shape the cardboard so I'm confident I can get this finished by tomorrow night. I may even have time to get the Boot buck started before the plastic and other supplies arrive :D

I am considering re-doing the buck for the guantlets, but we'll see how far I can get just this week alone.

Any one know where I can find Dragon Skin or some other type of silicone online?
Updating again?!? I've just finished the paper mache and I think its looking pretty b*tchin' to be honest. I still have to make the 'ear' parts but thats going to be seperate simply because I want to try and hide some electronics in there.
Looking good, I always liked mega man games. I even wanted to build a suit for Halloween once as a kid, now I just might have too =)
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