Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Hope things are going well and you aren't too burnt out on the build, thought I'd share this since it’s in the same vein of bringing a creature to life with animatronic puppetry and it's unbelievably cool...

As for eyes you could go the resin route, just need the right size mould:

For the skin and ability to see out you could look into transparent spandex lycra, like this dad here has done for the costume he's made for his kids:

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re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Was able to finish the mini scale mock up of the proposed head mechanism. Very crude to look at as it is made with popsicle sticks, tacks, nylon string and old straws for tube but this is just to give everyone an idea of my proposed mechanism for the dino head. Basically the mechanism will be mounted on the body support of the costume. Just my basic idea. Comments and suggestions are welcome. This shows the head and head can turn right and left, up and down and open the mouth. The small details will be coming later when I start a thread for this (and my robocop costume build). This dinosaur costume is for our upcoming math and science month this September (theme is dinosaurs and robots -- hence the dino and robocop costume). Hoping to learn more from this thread for my proposed build. Thank you.

pinoy dino costume head mechanism - YouTube

Thats really cool!, perhaps this will be of interest to yourself or anyone else here:

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re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Hey there! (Brand new to the forums myself)
Love your project so far and I wish you luck with the due date--I've been working on my own velociraptor (feathered) costume since April of this year. Hoping to finish it by Halloween however I'll be extremely lucky if I'm done with foaming by that point. Mine will be similar to Monoyasha's raptor in build and hopefully realism. I'm fairly younger than most on the forum (only fourteen hehe) but I'm doing really well so far, I think. I've been updating my progress here, if you care to see some of my plans. My Velociraptor Costume Tutorials
I've got this bookmarked now and I can't wait to see more progress...looks amazing so far!

Thanks for the link! I see you've decided to go with a fabric overlay for a skin. I'm leaning towards going that way as well. I look forward to seeing your work on that!

-= Dave =-
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Wait! I noticed you haven't even mentioned Monoyasha's works.
She builds realistic fursuits however she was commissioned a few years back to make a Jurassic Park raptor costume and the owner, Elizabeth will be retiring it after this upcoming DragonCon (Labor Day weekend) as she's making a larger, utahraptor costume.
Her YouTube videos of the raptor: Putting on the Raptor - YouTube
Velociraptor Progress - YouTube
Velociraptor Fullsuit - YouTube

She also sells raptor claws in her webstore.
Resin Claws - DreamVision Creations

And her deviantart has some older pictures.
Velociraptor Fullsuit 1 by ~Monoyasha on deviantART

Apologies if you've seen these before...you probably have. I love her costume so much I have an entire file of bookmarks just of pictures/videos I've found on the suit.

Yes, I did encounter her work a few months ago when I was in more of a research-phase. It is VERY good.

I have a LOT of pages bookmarked and photos printed from that research-phase. Can't list everything!

-= Dave =-
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Whoops, just noticed your earlier post.....

4) Walking With Dinosaurs show used fabric, Monoyasha used fabric, DartTheDenseBoy used fabric...most people tend to use fabric, as will I. Some bigger places though have used latex and if you can afford it I'd say go for it. Silicone holds up better over time usually except it weighs a frick ton so that's not so good. Airbrushing does a lot to fabric though for realism, I know that much! Good luck with this...maybe you'll come up with something new. I had the idea to use Crayola Model Magic (as it's lightweight, foam like) to create scales under the fabric and glue it down really tight for the hands/head/feet or other detailed places. If all goes to plan, it'll make it somewhat textured.

All of this is my own research and planning--obviously tentative. The fiberglass luckily isn't a big deal since my dad has worked with it many times before in boats, so he's quite experienced. I'm getting very excited!

Wow, that idea of creating scales underneath the fabric sounds like a great idea! I'd be interested in seeing how that turns out!

-= Dave =-

P.S. To everyone: My main PC is having issues today, so I'm using my Nexus 7 to respond at the moment. And, frankly, texting here sucks, compared to TYPING here.

So, I'll get to reading, viewing, and responding to the remaining posts here hopefully by tomorrow. I should be able to give you an update with a few photos too. Thanks!
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Wow, that idea of creating scales underneath the fabric sounds like a great idea! I'd be interested in seeing how that turns out!

-= Dave =-

P.S. To everyone: My main PC is having issues today, so I'm using my Nexus 7 to respond at the moment. And, frankly, texting here sucks, compared to TYPING here.

So, I'll get to reading, viewing, and responding to the remaining posts here hopefully by tomorrow. I should be able to give you an update with a few photos too. Thanks!

I'm quite excited to get to the scaling, but that's still a good far way off from here, lol. I can't wait to see your updates though, and I noticed you mentioned fans!
I plan to order mine from Monoyasha, I don't know how loud they are but they're used in all her costumes so I trust her with it. I know making them isn't too hard, Matrices has a tutorial up.
Web Store - DreamVision Creations
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Progress Update:

Sorry I hadn't posted anything in a week or so! Real life / day job has been beating me around a bit. Plus, I've been fighting off a minor illness lately... an illness which has, as one of its symptoms, "mental fog". (That's like, the WORST thing I could have with regards to building this costume!) And next week, I'll lose some time on this due to a class I'm taking.

But the good news is: I have the vast majority of the month of October off from work to work on this. But I still would like to have this finished by October 19th... as there's a local Halloween Festival for kids that day! (Let's just say I'm doing a lot of praying for time, ingenuity, resources, and mental clarity right now!)

Feet: They're still a bit on the rough side. I especially have to work on the actual claws... rounding them and all. I hollowed out a hole in each one, so that I could slip my foot down through the ankle. However, doing this a couple of times caused the contact cement holding the ankle to the foot to separate. Makes me wonder if I need better glue. But for these photos, I just layed the ankles back on top of the feet:



Note that yes, I'm hollowing out the bottom rear of each foot so that I can glue a boot to it. I have not gotten around to gluing the boots into place yet. So, I need to finish that. (Also, keep in mind that they will NOT be sitting FLAT like they are sitting flat on the floor in those photos. Only the first 30-40% of the foot sits flat on the ground. After that, they slope upwards at about 30 degrees.)

Tail: The basic "pool noodle" tail:


I intend to put a PVC pipe through at least the first few feet of it. And then I have to figure out how to attach that pipe firmly (yet comfortably) to a belt. I do intent to surround this noodle with a layer of foam. Hopefully, I'll get to that within the next two days.

Lower Legs: Not started yet. I have a pair of pajama bottoms to build on. I intend to put in "lumps" of foam to help with the illusion of digitigrade legs, and perhaps some more for muscles, and then wrap a layer of foam around them. I was HOPING to be able to attach the lower legs directly to the ankles and then to the feet, all as one unit. (Heck, add the tail in too while we're at it.) But slipping my big feet through the foam ankles and feet and into the boots below isn't exactly easy and smooth, at this point.

Body: As I said last week, I have started bending some PVC in my garage to build a frame. Today, I got around to taking a 6 foot PVC pipe that was about 4 or 5 inches in diameter, splitting that, and then flattening it into two "boards" using a heat gun. I will probably get around to sawing that into 4 long strips tomorrow. And hopefully, I'll bend some more PVC and actually get started on building the body "cage".

Interesting side-note on this: While at work last Friday, I thought I'd do something I've seen recommended a couple of times on the RPF forums: If you want to buy some PVC board, call a local sign company and get a quote! Supposedly, they're cheaper than if you'd buy online and had it shipped! Right, so I went to my local FastSigns website and filled out their quote form. Since the PVC board / Sintra was supposedly cheaper, I thought I'd ask for a bigger piece: I knew I wanted the strips that I'd cut this PVC into to be about 5 feet long, so I asked for a quote on a piece 5 foot by 4 foot... 1/8th inch thick.

Well, the quote from Fastsigns came back: $100 !! OK, so 20 square feet for $100. Yet I can buy 8 square feet (2 foot by 4 foot) on Ebay for $17 plus $12 shipping. So much for saving by buying local !!

Hands: I did carve both hands this past weekend. No photos just yet. Maybe tomorrow. I am holding off on doing the lower and upper arms, as I'm thinking those may just end up being fabric sleeves. Each hand was carved from a 5 inch thick piece of foam. Some friends who saw them suggested I somehow incorporate a glove inside the foam. I'm thinking I may be able to just slice a thin cavity in each one and slide my hands inside. Guess I'll gather more opinions when I post those pics here!

Head: I separated the lower jaw, which I'm starting to think was a minor mistake. On the one hand, I was then able to start marking and cutting where the gums would be. And it will make "installing" teeth much easier. On the other hand, I may have just made building a jaw hinge much harder. It seems to me that if I'd had just made the single cut from the front of the mouth to the back, without separating the jaw, I could have taken advantage of the natural strength of this foam: I could have relied more on just bending the mouth downward without slicing a cut behind it. But, oh well. What's done is done.

I also decided to shave a bit more off the front of the snout, narrowing it a bit. (It had occurred to me that the front of it looked a bit too "snake-like".)

Neck: As far as seeing through the neck, somebody over on the Fursuit forums pointed me to "buckram"... which one apparently can get at Fursuit supply sites. I quickly ordered two different varieties of this: a narrow mesh and a wider mesh. Will have to test each one and decide.

Somebody on the Fursuit forums suggested I use Clear glass Cabochons Clear Glass Cabochon Round Dome Crystal Magnify 50mm 1 | eBay to make the eyes. And I did quickly buy these. But 50mm seems to be the largest size I could find online. And in my opinion, they're a bit too small. Plus, I didn't realize I could have purchased "high dome" ones. Should have done that.

While I was at Hobby Lobby today, I did look at resins... thinking about making the eyes out of resin, as some have suggested here. But I wasn't ready to buy any resin just yet. I was worried that I hadn't read enough about that technique. Plus, most of the resins talked about having a silicon mold. Well, I didn't see any half-dome silicon molds there. So, I bought a few other things and made a mental note to read more about the technique and perhaps hunt down a mold online at another time. I bought some Sculpey for making the teeth.

Skin: I started hunting more seriously for a fabric to use as the skin. I've seen some interesting stuff (including... get this... "gold foil snake denim")... but nothing that's really captured my imagination much. Saw something I really liked last week at JoAnn's, but it was very much brown. If only they'd have had it in green!

Sound Effects:
Still waiting on a particular amplifier over at Adafruit.com to come back into stock. I suspect that by next week, I'll be looking at alternative replacement parts.

I THINK that's everything for now.

I should be able to put in a fair amount of work on this tomorrow and Thursday. But for the next 7 days after that, I'll be trying to fit in an hour here, an hour there. And I'll try to fit in posting some photos of those hands here tomorrow.


-= Dave =-
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Keep up the great work. I'd love to maybe follow in your progress in the distant future. Best of luck!
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Greetings All !

Here's an update with some pics:

Hands -- First off, here are the hand photos I promised. I've got one of them tilted so that you could get a side-view. I'm thinking that the wrist area on each one probably will end up being chopped off. I've been figuring out how to fit my own hand inside them / what fingers would go where... and would I use a glove. I'm not even sure, if I get my hands in there, if I'll be able to curl the fingers.



(Boy, these photos don't do a good job of showing this oh-so-green foam. It's hard to see any depth /carving in those fingers!)

Eyes -- So, when I was at Hobby Lobby the other day, I looked for anything I could potentially use as eyeballs or as MOLDS for eyeballs. And I found these:


They were cheap enough, so I bought both sizes. And this morning, I compared them to the head. The smaller size is going to be more appropriate. So, back to Hobby Lobby again and I picked up some EasyCast and some mold release spray. I just have to read up a bit more on technique... and figure out what's printed photo is going to go behind each half-dome.

I thought it might be cool to have a smaller dome inside a larger one... and then paint the eye-slit pupil on the surface of the inner one. But I'm not quite sure how I'd pull that off using EasyCast (as the outer dome would have to be sort of "hollow" compared to the interior one.

Feet -- I thought I'd post a few more photos of the feet in order to relate what I had planned regarding the digitigrade illusion. At this point, I'll be the first to say I'm not entirely sure this is going to work. I need to work on building the legs and making them a part of the illusion too... and then merging that work with this work.

But here's a photo of one of the feet with the boot inside of it.:


Note that I'm going to try to carve the underside of the boot a bit more in order to lower the foam foot just a bit more. I really need to make it look like that front third is touching the floor (even though the toe of the boot it will be glued to curves upward).

Here's an underside shot, showing how I basically "hollowed out a shoe-sized-hole":


Tail -- OK, so I was looking at my main model....(which I THOUGHT I'd posted here earlier at some point, but I'm not seeing it, so here's a link to somebody else's photo of it:)


....And his tail starts off quite fat at his rear end and then sharply tapers. Now, as I'm building the PVC body "cage", I've been planning on having the cage end at that tail base. And my calculations showed that the circumference at the rear end / base of the tail should be 41 inches, which is pretty big.

And here I am with a pool noodle that has maybe a 6 inch circumference. So, I thought maybe I could take some foam sheet, attach it to the TOP of the pool noodle... and curve it / hang it down from there to form the tail so that it goes from this wide 41 inch base down to eventually just a few inches at the tip.

I tried taping a mock-up together of that this afternoon. Had to take two photos in order to show you this, as I was trying to hold some uncooperative tape in place:



I'm not sure if I should go ahead with this. It seems I'd have to hot glue the foam not only at the top / "spine" of the noodle-tail, but also somewhat at the sides. (And I'm thinking I may have to put a bit of stuffing in there, as the foam sheet loop tended to "wobble" a lot.) And I'm a bit worried at how the sheet foam will bend or kink (will it do it in a way that looks good?) as the tail bends.

You all have any thoughts on that ??

Skin -- I'm excited! I think I found the material I want to use as skin! OK, so it's not as GREEN as I'd like it to be. (I've visited JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock Fabrics, as well as browsed some fabric sites online. When it comes to reptile-ish looking patterns, it seems like it's incredibly hard to find green ones. I was finding a LOT of browns, most of them way too dark.)

So here's my choice:



This stuff is like 98% polyester, 2% spandex. It stretches nicely and when it relaxes, it seems to crumple a bit in a manner that suggests scales. And while there's a lot of the color tan in there, there's also a fair amount of green. (Yet it does NOT look like somebody's version of "camoflage".)

The stuff is called "Wavy Knit Animal Brown Poly Spandex". $14.99 per yard, on sale this week for 40% off at JoAnn's Fabrics. So I bought all they had (3.5 yards) and had them check on the availabilty of more. They told me of three other stores here in the Kansas City Metro that have it. So, since I'm not sure how much I'll need (7-8 yards ???), it's good to know that this stuff is readily available. And when they're NOT running a sale on it, I can use the 40% off coupon that comes out in our newspaper each week to get it at a discount!

OK, back to work, tons to do. I think one of the most important things I need to do is to locate some better foam glue. I read some fursuit-er's recommendation the other day on that but neglected to print or bookmark it. <sigh>


-= Dave =-
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Looking good. i like the Skin, you could try a thin wash of green acrylic on a small patch.
Water down the acrylic with car screen wash.

good luck

re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Looking good. i like the Skin, you could try a thin wash of green acrylic on a small patch.
Water down the acrylic with car screen wash.

good luck


"car screen wash" ?? Hmmm.... quick googling on my part suggests that may be what it's called in the UK, but not in the USA ? I've never heard of this stuff before.

I wonder if there's something else I could substitute?

Thanks for the tip! I'll certainly make a note to give this a try on my next day off.

-= Dave =-
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Its the liquid for windscreen of your car.
Normally comes premixed in litres or five litre containers


hope that helps



  • screen-wash.jpg
    44.4 KB · Views: 160
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

good luck boss.
being a BIG Jurassic Park fan, I'm excited to see where this goes. i am carefully watching your proportions and techniques, and instead of a big flat piece of foam for the base of the tail, maybe try to cut small slivers out so it has kind of a ribbed look before putting cloth over it. the slivers will give it some flex. also try to run some metal wire, about as thick as a pants hanger (PANTS not coat hanger) through the tail, its will give a more rigid structure and add a bit of weight to it, which will off set the weight of the body. remember to look at nature for help, Dinosaurs used their tails to balance, so make sure to put that bit of weight in the tail, because it will help in the end.
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

For the tail I really don't recommend wrapping it like that...when I did that it did not stay NO MATTER what glue I used and it didn't "wiggle" at all, it was very stiff and ugly. I suppose if you could get it to stick and you don't want it to move much at all but it wasn't for me.
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Just stumbled on this thread, (curiously looking for Joker related stuff) and I must say this is a great build! Found this site that makes walking dinosaurs and they have some pics of the skeleton and what not that maybe you or someone else doing a similiar build could use. Can't wait to see more updates. Cheers!
re: Jurassic Park Velociraptor Build Thread; Target Date --> Halloween 2013

Greetings All !

My apologies for not posting an update sooner! My work schedule was totally changed there for a couple of weeks, due to a training class. And as a result I had very little spare time.

Here's where I'm at right now on this project:

I have made good progress on building a PVC body "cage". I started by measuring neck circumference and base-of-tail circumference on my model and scaling those measurements up. I then cut out PVC strips of those two lengths and taped those together to be loops.

Next, I cut and bent some one-inch PVC to form a backbone, plus three other "lines" that travelled along the length of my raptor. I attached everything together with duct tape, at first, and then used bolts and nuts. Then, I heated and curved PVC into loops and inserted the first one inside the neck-looped-PVC strip. I then bolted the PVC tube-loop into place and removed the PVC strip.

At the moment, I'm in the middle of doing the same thing for the base-of-tail area. Oh, and I'm cementing all of the PVC connections. By the end of the day, I ought to be attaching supportive strips of PVC to this skeleton.

After that, I intend to attach a layer of foam, but I'll admit, I'm wondering how in the heck I'm going to attach foam to PVC ??

Note that I had to shorten this PVC cage to fit my own frame. Had I gone with my model's proportions, the base of the tail would have been at about the floor if I was standing up straight.


I'm a bit concerned that the 3M Super 77 spray didn't seem to hold up on my tail. I noticed the other day that areas that I thought were firmly together had separated. Now, this COULD have been due to the fact that the tail has been out in my garage... and overnight temperatures there last week got down into the high 40's ?? Perhaps the glue didn't hold up in the cold? Fortunately, hot glue seems to be holding.

I still have to cut the tail's surface foam into strips, stuff everything with poly-fill, and then start sewing my "skin" over it all.

I plan on running a foot or two of PVC down the center of the pool-noodle-tail and then attaching it to my PVC body skeleton... BUT, I need to figure out how to make it so that I can detach the tail at will (otherwise, I'll never be able to get into the bar I want to go to on Halloween night)...and yet rely on that attachment to remain firm while I "perform" in the costume.

Oh, and I MIGHT angle the tail UPWARDS a bit to help prevent it from contacting the floor so much.

Eyes: What time I did spend on the costume lately has been mostly spent on eye development. I had tried using EasyCast in those Hobby Lobby plastic ornament domes, but found that I couldn't get the resin eyes out of the molds, even with a mold release spray.

And that EasyCast isn't cheap. So, I usually had to wait a week to buy more in order to continue experimenting.

I tried using a mold putty. But eyes that popped out of that had dull surfaces. I did find out that drizzling a small amount of fresh Easycast over the completed resin dome WOULD eventually dry to form a shiny surface. However, getting that surface to be even and without blemish was very difficult.

Then the other day I suddenly realized that using a DOME would actually distort badly any image I painted or glued behind the dome. What I really needed was a thinner DISK-shape. Two of those, glued back-to-back, supposedly will get me "follow-me" style resin eyes.

Everyone had recommended I go get a plastic "painters pallete" to act as a mold. But I had only encountered palletes like that that had very small dome-depressions in them. I needed something on the order of two-and-a-half inches.

Well, yesterday, I ran into this:


And this time, I tried using Pam cooking spray as a mold release, to help things out. I used Pam on two of the depressions, but left two others alone. And I only had enough resin mixed to fill three of them.

This morning, two of those disks popped out nicely !! I'll admit, they're a bit wider than two-and-a-half inches, but I figure I can tuck the excess underneath foam surrounding the eye sockets.

So now, all I need to do regarding the eyes is:
a) Make two more disks.
b) Super glue each pair back-to-back.
c) Paint the pupil-and-eye pattern onto one disk/ dome surface in each pair.

I hope to do that during my lunch hours starting tomorrow.

Teeth: I made 32 teeth out of Sculpey last night while watching TV. I need to make 32 more. I then intend to paint them. I can't glue them into the mouth yet because first I need to figure out EXACTLY how I'm going to make the jaw open and close. This is quickly becoming a priority.

In other news: My wife bought two used bicycle helmets at a thrift store the other day for me. So now I need to start looking at reducing the length of the neck, carving in a depression for a helmet, and then gluing that helmet into place.

I am concerned though that, based on my model and in looking at my PVC body cage, the head may need to be angled somewhat backward on my own head in order to get the proper angle. Either that or my own neck would have to be tilted backwards 90 degrees almost all the time.

Also, since I had to reduce the proportional length of that body cage, I'm wondering... will the head now look too big, proportionally?

Here's a quick photo where I layed the major parts out the other day on my garage floor in order to look at the proportions:


Sound: I stumbled upon some el-cheapo tin-can, unpowered computer speakers I had lying around. I then tried plugging them into a Boostaroo amplifier that I have from previous years of costuming. And yes, as with previous years of costuming, the volume didn't seem to be quite loud enough, when I plugged that all into my Arduino (Wave Shield). But then I remembered I have a SECOND Boostaroo lying around, so I daisy-chained them. This IS fairly loud, but I know that even in a small crowd or outdoors... that won't be enough. I have no idea how many ohms these cheesy speakers are. But I'm planning on ordering some 4 ohm ones in order to test them with this setup. If the cheesy ones are 8 ohms, I ought to see a volume increase.

Oh, and I did order and receive from Sparkfun a sort of "cloth controller"... 5 buttons embedded in cloth that I can rig up to the Arduino. I was surprised, though, by how much I can NOT feel the buttons within the cloth strip. So that concerns me a bit, as does the question of how I'm going to put this into one of the hands and manipulate it comfortably.

Props: My wife has shopped at thrift stores in order to come up with a hat (pith helmet) and a sort of khaki-dress. I bought her a 6 foot bullwhip off of eBay. She already has two Jurassic Park patches that I bought for her a few months back. And then we were at Michael's and she spotted this chain, which seems to be about the perfect size: big-looking, but not overly big.:


So, we bought two of these and intend to chain them together. It looks like we'll have to superglue each link at the point where it attaches to itself, as those spots appear to be prone to separation. We'll also need to paint these a bit "better", though I haven't had time to think about how exactly I want to repaint them.

Also, we will need to figure out how to attach this to the costume so that it LOOKS like it's attached to the spiked collar, but we need to be able to DETACH it when we want to. (It sounds like, during the key children's Halloween event I will be attending on October 19th, there may be periods of time where my wife / handler will be committed elsewhere and I'll have to "go solo".)

As you can see, I'm still way "behind", if I'm going to be ready by October 19th. But I'm encouraged in that: I have the entire month of October off AFTER the 9th. Plus, my wife has agreed to be involved in a little "Halloween Play", so she's going to have to run off for multiple-hours-at-a-time to multiple rehearsals... so that removes some distraction and gives me nice "slots" to work uninterrupted in.

Thanks for everyone's advice! I sure do welcome it!

-= Dave =-
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