He man's Power Sword 80s style

That's truly maginficient!!!...
....BUT....in my head i can hear Prince Adam doing one of his epilogue safety talks on tools and stuff!

Ok guys I need advice on two things, first is the color of skeletor's sword I know its purple but depending on the artist the shades of purple were diffrent some even look blue. Socond I'm planing on setting up a website with 80's and 90's cartoon props and I need a tag line. Something like "Real props from childhood dreams" or "Real props from childhood dreams". Just a site to put up some of the cool things I wanted when I was young and could not have.
I hate to be cheesy about the color but why not do both blue and purple. Using Color-shift paint. You see it sometimes on High end sports cars. I think Krylon makes a smaller kit called (Krylon Mirage) and I think I have seen it sold at Lowes Home improvement stores. After a bit of research however I have found it only comes in Purple/Green, Gold/Magenta, Red/Blue, and Sliver/Green. None of which I think would work well for this project so In the end I have nothing good for you in terms of What color to use. Sorry.

As for your web site
Try: "Reel Props from your Childhood Cartoon Dreams Fresh from the Screen"

Or: "Reel Cartoon Props from your Childhood Dreams Fresh from the Screen"

Yes I meant to spell Real like Reel. Cheesy but... you I am sure can figure out if it is right for you. But I feel like this this post should just be drug out in the street and shot. Oh well Have fun and keep up the great work.
If you look closly at She-Ra's sword, you will see the gem wasn't just set directly into the sword, there was what looked like an additional metal ring around the outside of the gem. By the way, that is looking fantastic!!!!!!
I will not be working on the sword untill after MegaCon, all it really needs is sanding but a slapped some paint to see how it would look like so here it is.
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