Hard T grips?


Sr Member
Is anyone making hard plastic or metal grips for a Graflex?
I'm wanting to re do mine.
I have rubber grips on mine and they arnt exactly straight

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Wannawanga offers them in plastic. Otherwise, I don't know if Gino is still offering them or not. Marv used to offer some budget priced ones too; his were a little narrower than the "correct" ones but were a real found item.
The accurate T-track - as well as Gino's and Wannawanga's - has a channel on the underside in a small radius, much smaller than the 1.5" diameter of a Graflex or MPP flashgun.

I have not tried it, but I think that thin strips of double-sided gel tape inside the channel could work.

On the MPP, some people want the tracks to be straight over the endcap even though that is not accurate. One trick to achieve that is to use double-sided foam tape over the tube section and no tape over the endcap section... But do blacken the edges of the tape strips with a marker before applying them.
Epoxy works really great. Clean the surface of the flash, rough the bottom of the t-track for extra surface area and the glue will do it's job quite well. If you ever want to pop them off, just toss it in your freezer for a bit and then they'll be easy to remove (probably why they added the screws in ESB during all the cold-weather filming).

What's the best way to attach ?
2 sided tape?
Wannawanga says epoxy hmmm

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I have a set of Gino's grips available (7). I'll send you a pm.

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I picked up multiple sets from Todd's Costumes a few weeks ago, and they're very nice. You can see them on my Canon Model Y saber build here. At almost half the price of Roy's, they're a good budget option, IMO.

I picked up a set myself not too long ago and I agree on how nice they are (especially at the price) for some custom sabers I made recently. However, I kinda lean towards Roy's set as his may not be as accurate as Todd's (from what I've read anyway) but his are just a shade darker black and feel a lot more robust and sturdy to handle. Give and take and personal preference, I suppose.
I have a set of Roy's and they are perfect, I'm going to pick up a few more sets from him to replace the grips on a few of my other sabers.

I was planning on making a saber or two to give away as gifts however and I could definitely save a few $$ using the TC ones on those.
I redid all my grips with Gino's and Roy's using the strongest 'permanent' double sided tape. Unfortunately some grips (of the ones without screws) have moved slightly over time just from the prop's own weight sitting on the display stands. If i was ever to re-do them I would also use a couple of small drops of glue.
Saberfreak - The only real tracks found that I know of that are remotely accurate. Main problem is they lack the channel on the underside (I added it myself). I still have them on my Sterling E11 as some of those were known to have brown ones painted black.

I got some years ago from someone here but I forget the username. The package came from Malaysia.
Ah, yes! I also got them for an E-11 originally...an MR mod. Then I discovered the MR does not have holes under their track, but slots, and I wasn't about to get into filling and redrilling. The MR tracks stayed.

Finally used them last week during a rehab of my ESB saber (and temporary reconfiguration to TFA):


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I was looking through my old saber parts box and found a set of metal ones! Unfortunately I only have 6.
I forgot who made them. Wish I could find more

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I've got 2 sets of black anodized metal T-tracks from 'King of Parts' on ebay at the time, Seattle if I'm not mistaken, ... though I noticed recently Parks used to make them too ... you could use 6 for ESB either for the As First Build ESB by Luke without screws or with the 6 screws when having the proper tools to work metal and some black paint for the slots :)

If you are building on a budget, Todd's tracks seem best option in that price range. But as you can see, most of us recommend Roy's for that next level up if you can work it.
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