Han Solo ANH Hero DL-44 Heavy Blaster ***COMPLETED PICS ON PG. 4***

Re: Han Solo ANH Hero DL-44 Heavy Blaster from a Denix Mauser

Oh, of course...they're someone else's awesome antennas :rolleyes

They´re indeed!

They are from a run done for only a few RPF members, managed by lonepigeon many years ago.
I just included a set for free from the ones I had in my parts boxes since I appreciate a good scratchbuild :thumbsup

Re: Han Solo ANH Hero DL-44 Heavy Blaster from a Denix Mauser

They´re indeed!

They are from a run done for only a few RPF members, managed by lonepigeon many years ago.
I just included a set for free from the ones I had in my parts boxes since I appreciate a good scratchbuild :thumbsup


Aye, and it was much easier and faster just to put some of yours in his parcel than to wait until i have a set for him transfered to you.

And you know where to get more if you´re running out of spare parts. :lol
Re: Han Solo ANH Hero DL-44 Heavy Blaster from a Denix Mauser

And you know where to get more if you´re running out of spare parts. :lol

Well, wherever they're from, they're perfect and very much appreciated...however, I may have to remount them onto the plastic T-track that I own because they're simply not sticking to the rubber T-track. Does anyone have a solution?
Han Solo ANH Hero DL-44 Heavy Blaster from a Denix Mauser

And here's it is. I've yet to weather it, but I felt I had to show it off in all it's untouched glory first. I'm REALLY happy with the results. I just wanted to give a special shout out to Michael/Lichtbringer, Markus/OdiWan, Deadbolt/Carson, and kpax/Pat for all their help. I couldn't have done it without you guys.










Thanks for following, everyone!

Wow, that looks excellent!

Nice work, Jonaas! It's always nice to see a Blaster build from start to finish. :thumbsup

Now go build some more blasters! :D

@Carson: Thanks, friend! And OF COURSE I'm building another blaster...I just gotta wait until a certain Interest List pops up in The Junkyard ;)

@Markus: As far as parts goes, you were the MVP on this build. Thank you again.

@Michael: "Next to nothing"? No way! If it wasn't for YOUR build, I wouldn't have even attempted this blaster! A thousand thank you's to you, sir!
Just finished reading this thread and have to say awesome job! Looks like I started doing the same build project shortly after you did. I was planning to document my build too, but yours covers all the bases and you certainly put more work in scratch-building than I'm planning to. So, I may just hold off on posting build progress and just post a finished pic at some point. I have a couple specific "how to" questions that I'd like to PM you if that's OK?
An absolutely amazing build. The DL-44 will always be my favorite blaster. Beautiful job!
Hey Jonaas

Did you ever manage to put the final touches on the DL44?
I´m curious how it looks :thumbsup

Though this may be one of the older blaster builds, this is undoubtedly one of my all time favorites. To see someone who will sit down, armed only with hand tools, simple power tools, more than likely a few choice swear words for when things go wrong, and pure determination will spend the time and effort to create their dream blaster. That's why people like Jonaas here should be, in my opinion, the most respected people when it comes to creating replica props. This blaster is absolutely awesome, and the fact that you made it from scratch must make it feel all the more satisfying.

P.S. May I ask exactly where you got the knurled check nuts from, and where one might get some today?
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