Gundam Astray Red Frame


New Member
I want to replicate a High Res model of Gundam Astray Red Frame. I'm not sure what scale yet so that will come after I rapid prototype some parts.
For now I am working on the gun.
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Right now I am not sure but given how badly I want to hold it in my hands I would say about the size of a real M4 assault rifle.
The full Gundam model I would like to be about 4-5 feet tall...need to figure out what scale that will be though.
So I will probably make 2 guns one for the full model and one for me to play with.
After looking over parts of the model this morning I realized I'm not happy with the level of detail at this point and want to push it farther.
So I am working on some updates now.
Do you need pdo files for this? i got the MBF-P02 G-Astray red but its a bust file and also i got MBF-P03 g-astray blue head to toe with weaps..
Good luck to your build. :)
Thanks iforelskelseyou I would love to have those files.
This is going to be a custom build as I just don't think the stuff that's out there right now is detailed enough for my tastes.
I did a bunch of detail work and added some basic color to the model so I can see the direction I want to go with this.
More pics coming soon.

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Hah! i love this! How intricate are you planning to make this? pose-able or just a rigid figure? Also If you say it's going to be 5ft tall that would make it 1/12 scale. What are those pieces that you've prototyped so far if i may ask? they don't look familiar

I'm currently working on another figure but on my list of planned projects i have a 1/60 scale figure planned of the NZ-666 Kshatriya from Gundam Unicorn to go along with the recently released perfect grade unicorn :) though i'm still quite a ways out from starting that figure :) lots of planning to do for that.
The 3d Model is 1/144 scale the rapid prototype should be 1/14 but I do plan to change it to 1/12th. As far as how intricate...I plan to make the model look exactly like the 3d models in the pictures...short answer as intricate as I possibly can. The model will be completely pose-able, more so then any gundam model I have seen to date.
Here is the rapid prototype pieces circled in green.
When you get around to your project I'd love to see how they go.
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Printed out a test piece in 1/12 scale and its larger then I was expecting it to be so 1/14 will be the scale I am going to work with. I hope to have more updates in the next few days.
I chose to wait and do a larger update rather then a bunch of small ones.
Here are the parts that are currently printed at 1/14th scale.
I wasn't happy with the tube connectors I printed out so I redesigned them and reprinted.
The one on the left is the old one and the one on the right is the new one.
I also printed out the guide pins to put the barrel halves together.
81 Total printed parts right now.
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Looking good and you're making me want a printer really bad now lol. I'd love to have a Real Grade gundam with the interior skeleton to display in 4' tall model and printing would be great for it.
Be very careful of which printer you buy Wes.... almost all 3d printers are capable of nice looking prints but the question is how much upkeep will you have to me that matters.
I plan to surpass the detail levels of a real grade Gundam model with this project. Now I don't know if I can pull it off but that's my plan. We shall see......
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