Good Imperial Star Destroyer Model?

Scroll down a bit and you see a sign for F-toys showing the SD and a TIE Bomber.

Better yet, I'll hot link.

At 10cm (just under 4 inches) it will be the biggest little SD out there. I wonder how hard it would be to disassemble it? Drill some windows and stick an LED up inside?
That's pretty cool! is there a release date in there - my Japanese isn't so good ;) With Fine molds doing these F-toys it opens up the possibility that they will do the subjects larger at a later date as you know they have trhe reference and computer models for them... How great would a fine molds SD in decent scale be??? Oh the drooling is starting already...

Definitely warming up the credit card for the F-toys series 4 though... Like I said I picked up 1-3 and am very happy with them. I'm betting 3-4 of these F-toys SD's would look totaly AWESOME next to a Korbanth SSD... too bad I don't have one...

as for the size - at 4 inches thats darn close to the same as the WOTC starship battles game mini size... which were actually prety nice, but being some kind of rubber vinyl tended to warp...

Jedi Dade
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