Gears of War costumes


Whats up guys i thought sense the site was back i would post a few pics of what i have been working on over the past few months. im going to post the newest of first and if people wanna see the progress pics ill post them, well here is what they are i am building a locust Flamethrower elite. its not done but im guessing about 90% so far. well here are a couple of pics


Sorry about the image sizes i dont know why they are looking like they are. anyway here is what im building for my wife its Sam from gears 3. So far we have the chest, and shoulders in just foam the forearms painted and the belt painted. here are the pics i have. if someone can resize the pics that would be awesome they are giant bringing them over from facebook


like i said sorry about the pic size i dont know why its this large. i hope you guys like the work im doing
thanks for the comments. Madmax: none of our stuff was done using any files we just free handed it all. when you stare at things as long as we did you begin to see the basic shapes in it
Locust costume is, quite simply amazing man, seriously, do you have any build details on this you could share, would love to know more!

and if going by that one, the Sam armor is going to be mind-blowing!
Whats up guys got an update on my wifes armor. here are a couple of pics as it is now. we still have to finish the boots, add the lights and sew the ab armor after that itll be ready for Dragoncon



Wow man...your details on those are great. I especially like the foam straps on the last pic for your wife's armor. The paint is also amazing. Jealous that I don't have a set!
JEEZ!!! her utility pack is freakin amazing. What did you use for the base of the pouches? is it foam? If so it looks totally transformed with all the texture work and hardware.
Additionally, love the texture work on your locust flamethrower, the texturing on your muscle suit looks awesome and so's the color? I'd love to see more of the progress pics of the build.
I'd definately would like ta some more WIP pics lovin' all th' details, th' time an attention paid ta them is amazing keep up th' good job brah.:cool:cool
thanks for the great comments guys. ill try and upload some WIP shots of everything later today. To answer some of your questions. We actually dont use anything to seal the foam everything is hard painted with acrylic paints. When it comes to the clean seam lines i always glue a very small amount at a time at the line then with that dry i do the fold, For most of the details i use a few different bits as well as wood burning tools. All the pouches were all done from scratch my wife came up with the method for those we had tried a couple different methods before we were able to get thim the way she liked it, as of right now im finishing up building her secound boot and about to start detailing them. She is working on the ab muscles as i type this. After that im going to install the lights. More pics to come
sorry about no update pix yet but they will be here by sunday as well as a couple new shots of my wifes amazing looking boots
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